Melting 50 Million Tons of Iron Ore! Process of Making High Quality Wire Rods in Korea

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Melting 50 Million Tons of Iron Ore! Process of Making High Quality Wire Rods in Korea

*This video does not contain any paid promotion*

📌Copyrightⓒ 2021. Factory Monster. All Rights Reserved
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※This video does NOT include any paid promotion※
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-I film for the company who are proud of showing how their products are made.
-팩토리몬은 제품에 자신있는 소상공인 분들과 중소기업을 대상으로 무료촬영을 진행합니다.

Copyrightⓒ 2021. Factory Monster. All Rights Reserved.


the no talking or music, just factory noises, is perfect. These videos are almost hypnotizing


I've seen this process several times, but this is hands down the best quality footage I've witnessed to date. The sound effect clarity is like being there in person. Outstanding work!


The content of this channel is truly top tier: no music in the background, just it's real ambient noise, the filming is precise and clear, no one speaking, the subtitles are available...
So much better than documentaries you see on TV (for me at least, there are those who prefer them differently).

Just impeccable. Bravissimi!! 😮


This brings back a lot of memories from my days at US Steel Gary Works which was once the biggest steel producer world wide. A lot of the process has been mechanised and computerized beyound what was available in the mid 70s before the crash. Some of the labor jobs must still be necessary like the scales-man, who work in a pit under the roll tables clearing the scale as it falls of the hot steel. This was backbreaking work shoveling these glowing red steel fragments into giant buckets which were lifted out by cranes to be emptied.
Relining these furnaces was another dreaded job. It usually took 3 shifts to finish one furnace but we had to wait a week for it to cool off first. Ah...the good old days.


Wow, after watching the steel production process from iron ore, I feel like I’ve just witnessed a journey from a humble rock to a mighty steel beam! There’s heating, melting, and impurity extraction—it's practically an action movie for iron atoms! And honestly, this process is like a reality show: the temperatures are dramatic, the furnace is throwing a giant BBQ party, and the metals are busy 'transforming' into high-strength steel! It’s the industrial revolution, live in action. Thanks


“You may order these rods for your loved ones” I can’t wait to send my grandma 4000 pounds of metal!! She’s going to be so happy!


Im a machinist and I actually buy a lot of stock from Posco and even my grandfather before me bought steel from Posco when it was called Pohang Iron & steel co.
Im huge on safety and cleanliness, I got invited to tour the factory and I was amazed. Everyone there had proper PPE including gloves, respirators, heat shielding ect., everything was totally immaculate, machines are inspected in the factory sometimes up to twice a day and not only do they test their own product but they send a sample off for secondary testing which is something extremely unique.


I LOVE that you can listen to just the sound of what is happening. No annoying music. Nobody talking. Quite relaxing.


Very satisfying with the whole process and natural sounds no part speed up no music no voice over, just everything is natural!
Thank you 😍


Just found your channel and I love it, I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering and you have so many videos relevant to what I am studying. Best of all, no annoying talking over or music, great informative subtitles and some humour thrown in. Thank you for the great channel.


I'm always amazed by the quality of your factory videos. The drone footage is great and not over-done. Even things like getting the exposure just right while recording the steel being poured is such a technical challenge and you are making it look so easy. Keep up the good work. I look forward to the next video!


I've watched a lot of steel-making videos, and the scale of this place is mind-blowing.


"It's steel hot" got a good chuckle out of me.


From iron ore to iron rods, what an incredible process. The factory keeps on churning every day, I love it


Outstanding video! Highly interesting and just the right amount of humor. No talking or music- perfect. Am very, very impressed with this process and the factory. I can't imagine the noise and heat of this facility and am grateful for the highly skilled workers there. Thank you!


와 이 채널에서 포스코를 보게 될줄은 몰랐는데
확실히 이런 정교한 공정과정은 남자의 심금을 울리는 무언가가 있는게 분명합니다


14:37 뜨겁울때 자석이 안 붙는 이유는 철은 770도 이상일 때 자석이 붙지 않는 성질(자기변태)로 변하기 때문입니다. 발견자의 이름을 따서 퀴리점(Curie Point) 이라고 합니다. 데헷^^


포스코는 잘 안보여줄줄 알았는데 ㄷㄷㄷㄷ 여길 촬영하시다니 대단하십니다!


The engineers and builders of this factory are truly remarkable.
