Naval Ravikant 5 Rules For Life

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Unveiling the Wisdom of Naval Ravikant: A Deep Dive into a Modern Philosopher

Today we delve into the profound wisdom of Naval Ravikant, a contemporary philosopher, entrepreneur, and investor who has captured the hearts and minds of millions around the world. In this video, we explore the life, philosophy, and insights of Naval Ravikant, shedding light on the guiding principles that have shaped his remarkable journey.

Naval Ravikant's journey is a testament to the power of self-improvement, mindfulness, and the pursuit of knowledge. From his early days as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur to his status as a sought-after angel investor and podcast host, Ravikant's story is one of continuous learning, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of happiness and success.

In this video, we'll uncover some of Naval's most impactful ideas and teachings

Naval Ravikant Inspiration / Sources

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1 Most of our suffering comes from avoidance

Problems can’t be avoided, they can only be filed away or addressed int he moment. Its the things we file away and never address that fester and become like a stone in your shoe. These problems we avoid bleed into daily life in ways you probably dont even realize. The longer we avoid them the louder they become until they are insufferable.

“The remedy to your suffering is immersion”

2- The only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want out of life
“If you are so smart why aren’t you happy?”
Step one “Figure out what’s worth wanting”. Once you know this, ruthlessly eliminate everything else. Controlling your desires and curating your reality is the cheat code to living YOUR best life

3 - Fasting over portion control
It is easier to abstain than to moderate. Opening pandoras box is a slippery slope. We are not hard wired for moderation. Our ancestors would gorge themselves with fodder when it was plentiful. With sex when women were ovulating. With savagery when conquering. We are hard wired for intensity. Instead of trying to control your inner beast, starve it of what is not conducive to it.

4- Life is short, you’re going to die

Add this phrase after anything you deem to be pressing. “My car broke down” “quote”
My girlfriend broke up with me “quote”
This quote serves as an instant method of calibration to re align your focus on the finality of life, and the gift that is this present moment.

5- Meditation is intermittent fasting for the mind

Much in the same way that fasting from food allows the body to repair itself, the mind works the same way.
Create intentional space from inputs and soley focus on spending time with yourself. This will allow you to close all of the open thought loops going on in your head and allow space for new thoughts and epiphanies to come.

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BEST 2 minute video I’ve ever seen God bless
