Guitar Power Chords and Substitutions

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You probably already know how to play power chords on guitar, but learn the music theory behind them and different, easy substitutions to enhance your guitar playing.

It's all about that harmonious relationship between the 1 and the 5.
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It took just 3 videos of yours to blow my mind to another universe. I always knew that music theory was great, but i have never seen anyone presenting it in such easy to understand and easy to practice fashion. Thank you.


you my friend are the best teacher i have ever come across.


Wow, as a beginner who's only been playing for like 3 months I could understand almost every topic in this video perfectly. What a fantastic demonstration, nice job.


I spent a week looking for someone who teaches these stuff. thank you


i play most punk rock covers with a tons of power chords and really, i've never thought of this substitutions. this could make some songs more interesting. thanks a lot. keep rockin !


i honestly cant believe that you dont have more views, one of the best channels on youtube i ever found, thank you!


I've been stuck playing open chords and power chords for awhile now so this helps me out a lot. I feel like I've entered a whole new realm of creativity! Thanks!


Never heard of power have just blown my minds off...a big thank you...


Great lesson man . You consistently give the absolute best lessons on youtube . A simple and understandable explanation . Definitely a born teacher . Thanks a lot.


I LOVE how you use music theory to teach. It makes it so much more professional and easier to understand. Plus, you use good correct terminology. Thank you!


Thanks, this is improvising, even did a onenote notebook while listening, practice makes perfect everyone< thanks again for the great improvisation on music theory


Finally " THE LESSON ". You can spend hour's listening to guitarists n teachers go on about chords. Ive watched all your 100 chords in 8 min. GREAT. But electric guitar trainee gets lost in the FREQUENCY (Kenneth). Then here it is. Play electric guitar voicings! Grab a major, minor, a power chord up n down the neck knowing the notes of E, A, and D strings. Made it so understandable! This best lesson ive seen. 5 times Ive watched play up and down fret board in any key in 15 min. ADD FAA DFF. Even if you know them shapes. What is it your playing?
Thanks so much for this lesson and all of your others!


I resonate completely with these positive comments. You're really making a difference man, keep it up and THANK YOU!


Your channel has helped me understand more about guitar than any other, much love man


Well, I got a lot more out of this video than I was expecting. You always deliver, but this one really opened up some doors on how and why music theory IS important. Feel a lot better about committing the time to learning it. So much information out there that it's hard to tell WHAT NEEDS to be learned. Let alone how to do it.


Your theory helps us all man these lessons are solid gold


So nice I watched it twice. Very easy way to understand, really dig your teaching technique.


Bringing extra comprehension into my playing! Thumbs up from a happy learner!


I'm 15 and have been playing guitar for about two years. I've always just played basic chords and basically, my guitar playing was just boring. Your videos have honestly helped me so much. I understand things better and just feel more confident in my playing. I've recently started taking a music theory class and its very exciting anyways I just wanted wanted to say I appreciate your videos greatly :)


Sean, I'm 35 years old. I've been playing guitar off and on majority of my life. I would say I'm a very decent rhythm guitar player. I struggle with lead and a lot of color chords due to my shorter fingers unfortunately. But, anyway.. I didn't really know a whole lot about music theory or any of that stuff. Just a few years ago when I had time.. I started looking up a few videos on here to better myself on guitar. I've watched countless videos from Justin @ justinguitars which out of the many I had seen he was by far the best one. Man, I have to tell you.. I was looking something up to learn techniques on playing diminished chords. I struggle with that. I came across one of your videos. I can't tell you enough how helpful and enjoyable your videos are. I'm serious man. I'm not sure what you do for a living or if you market any of this stuff.. But, I've learned a lot from you in the last few days. I've discovered that to better myself I basically had to get back to some basics.
