Google CEO on China vs US AI Race

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Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks with Bloomberg's Emily Chang at the APEC CEO Conference about the future of artificial intelligence and China's technological progress. They also discuss job dislocation in India, regulation, AI's role in election integrity, and competition with OpenAI.
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Elon Musk is the only CEO who says what he thinks. All other CEOs just say what is the best for the public image of their respective companies.


I personally think Sundar is much more empathic than Satya Nadella


Great host, questions, and great answers from Pichai.


Good questions from the interviewer. Good dodges from the interviewee.


Thats how you manage to answer the hard heart-pounding questions effortlessly and courageously!


he is more concerned about Ai risks than anybody else i have been listening to, maybe thats why Google has been slower than OpenAi.


This was a very wide-ranging interview with Sundar Pichai. Although it took place about 2 months ago, the topics discussed are still very relevant (in fact, many are even more so). The question of misinformation/disinformation in particular is looming ever larger as elections approach. I've heard of watermarking technologies like the one Sundar Pichai mentions, but I don't know whether that'll be ready to help people distinguish real vs AI-generated content by the time elections really kick into gear here in the US and elsewhere. Also, the question of China is top of mind when it comes to AI. In a perfect world, we'd be working alongside China to develop this technology more rapidly and (probably) more responsibly. However, the current geopolitical climate makes that essentially impossible (in fact, arguably we're trying to throttle China's efforts in the field because Beijing in many ways is now (and not without reason) seen more as an adversary than a partner). And of course, we have the benefit of hindsight with respect to Gemini, which was certainly a leap forward in terms of multi-modal AI (its more holistic approach incorporates video, audio and images, as well as text). Despite the relatively muted response so far, it was certainly an upgrade when it was released. Ultimately, what struck me most about this interview was Sundar Pichai invoking human rights and human values as Google's true north when it comes to developing this technology. With what must be immense pressures to monetize generative AI not only at Google but elsewhere, it was heartening to hear this clearly stated by the CEO of a large technology company. Like many people, I believe that generative artificial intelligence will eventually transform our world. How this goes will ultimately depend on the values we choose to apply to that process.


Good intention, Best inovation, He is optimistic, and open minded.


The best comparison for AI is nuclear weapons. A truly paradigm shifting technology that by its very nature as such a potentially destructive force necessitates cooperation globally. Even at the worst of times between the US and the soviet union/russia we still came together to develop frameworks and treaties for the limits of nuclear weapons because it simply needed to be done to avert global catastrophe. Pichai is 100% correct on needing to work with China despite our geopolitical differences to ensure that AI is deployed in a reasonable manner.


Thanks you sir for your interview it make me happy so much.


Nice interview. This is the first time I have heard Sundar Pichai in detail. Down the earth, he is a nice person and think positively about people, globe and their responsibility as a tech company. He is also optimistic and think positively about the future. Nice questions by the interviewer, thank you.


You know the world's future is bright when you listen to this CEO speak. I concur with all his positive remarks, especially when it comes to the "Golden Age" we are all entering.


Sunder is very Decent person.. proves that power did not corrupt him as once a legends said.. "With great power comes great responsibility"..


He's right, there would've been no Android without Asia.


How about tell us something about US vs India AI race or India vs China AI race?
Also tell more about India AI technological progress.


I don't know if I am wrong but when it comes to average people and Job market, Sundar seems to be much more concerned than Nadella uncle.


AI is a fantastic and important conversation to have, but I’m fixated on black & white elegance today 😊


Great question and great answers from Sundar Pichai, I love his innovation paired with human values in the center 🌍


How many people have actually taken a Didi (China's Uber), have used Baidu (China's Google), or shopped on online retailers like JD/Taobao? It's not all peaches-and-roses in China, but most people have no idea about the rapid modernization that's happened in the past decades - and folks are commenting on the state of AI China... Respect to Sundar, but given Google's lack of presence in China, he's not the best person to ask - Nadella or Cook would have been better options - Microsoft has a big team in Beijing, and Apple has manufacturing as well as a strong retail presence in the country. Can folks actually do a bit of research first?


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