Advanced Topspin Technique For Fast Tennis Shots
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There is a chance you're doing the topspin forehands and backhands incorrectly when you're receiving faster balls in your tennis game.
You may be "doing" the topspin technique / movement the way you were taught in the beginning.
You learned that you need to brush up almost vertically on the back side of the ball in order to make it spin.
And sure, that worked at the beginning and when you hit slower forehands and backhands.
You engaged your forearm and wrist and moved the racket up very steeply on the backside of the ball and made it spin.
But when you received a faster ball and you still tried to apply topspin that way, you hit a lot of mishits and short balls.
You may be thinking that you just need to practice more and that the mishits will eventually go away but that's not the case.
You actually need to apply topspin differently where you don't "do it" but you "make it happen".
You make it happen by simply swinging in a more shallow swing path and letting the swing path apply topspin to the tennis ball.