We're ditching our Berkey Water Filters | Best replacement for Berkey filters

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I bought my Crown Berkey in 2016. It came with two black filters. Priming the black filters is just running them under water, nothing complicated and no hoses required. It’s 2023 and I just now had to purchase replacement filters. I’m single and all I drink is water and I always take two bottles of water to work, make coffee with my Berkey water every morning and cook with it. I’m beyond pleased with how well my Berkey has held up. I’ve washed the filters every year and the last time I washed them I had to use plumbers tape to hold one in place, probably because I over-tightened and stripped the threads. I suspect that my Berkey filters lasted well beyond 6, 000 gallons.

I never had to wait 2 hours to get water, after ten minutes I could fill up a glass, because it filters continually and I don’t need all of the water at once. Plus I never had to keep my black filters completely submerged in water…ever. It’s best to drain the Berkey and then fill it all the way up each time, I just tip it forward to drain out the last drops into my water bottle or coffee carafe! Then I refill it to the brim again. Mine works great and 2 filters for one person lasted 7 years. I have to refill about every 5-6 days. That’s a lot of $$ saved by not buying bottled water.

I just replaced the two filters directly from the Berkey company for $166. I’m super pleased with my Berkey but caution people to be careful of knock-off filters because I’ve heard those can be problematic. When your Berkey filters are spent, you’ll immediately notice a change in the water quality because it will have a bad taste. It’s the same with all water filters I’ve ever used but especially noticeable with the Berkey.

Seriously, this video reminds me of the late night infomercials where they exaggerate every “problem” with their competitor and minimize the exact same processes required with their product. I honestly don’t think their product would save much, if any, money for me personally. But I think everyone should experiment and find what works best for them. This might be a good option for anyone who has had a bad experience with Berkey and wants an alternative. That’s not me, but I still found it useful to know that this option exists and would work with my existing Berkey. Water is crucial for survival and everyone should invest in a gravity water filtration system because it doesn’t require any electricity. It’s always good to have extra filters for any extended water emergencies. Buy this, buy a Berkey, buy a Sawyer life straw, buy SOMETHING so you are prepared! (Edited for typos)


I did so much research and bought the Alexapure system, and we are so happy. You are working too hard. The Alexapure has one filter, certified, filters fluoride, and one filter lasted us 3 years, they cost 100.00 to replace, AND they come in sealed bags fully cleaned and wet, ready to go, no priming ever!!


I have owned and used a British Berkefeld Big Berkey made in England since 1999 and don’t use the black filters at all. My Berkey came with the ceramic Doulton style filters and they are the only ones I will use. They are easy to clean and the water tastes great. Not only for drinking but cooking like making soups and such. Even my cats drink Berkey water and love it. I always buy 4 backup Doulton type ceramic filters and I am totally satisfied with them.


Had our water tested. It’s full of arsenic and other bad stuff except what was filtered with our Berkey. It was CLEAR and CLEAN.❤


In order to make a case for or against a filter, the real question is not which comes out faster or is easier to use but actual water analysis. I would be interested in a video showing lab results when comparing these two filters.


20 years ago, my wife and I chose to get a whole house water filter. It is connected to the main water supply and from there the water is dispersed all over the house. The unit we purchased was by Puronics. It comprises of a large stainless steel unit (about 4 feet tall and 15" in diameter). Then there is a shorter unit (about 3 feet tall and 30: around), The shorter unit is for salt, but the salt is not added to the water. Once a week in the middle of the night, the tall unit is flushed with water that is run through the salt. The salt is used to clean the system, and the water is emptied down the drain. We have loved our unit. It removes all the chemicals, including chlorine from the water. My wife is very particular about water. This water is better than any bottled water. We also use less laundry detergent and dish washing detergent. The unit cost us about $5, 000, but we paid for it over time. Once a year a service man will come out and make certain it is operating fine. We don't have to worry about filter, priming them, or cleaning them. The salt we can purchase at a box store for about $3.50 for 40 lbs. I usually keep about 4 bags in the salt unit, and may have to add more salt after about 5 or 6 months. It's another way to filter the water. Whenever we move, they can come and disconnect the filter and we can take it wherever we go. We're so pleased with it.


Mike Adams (Health Ranger) did his own independent testing on Berkey filters and said they tested were good. So I for one am not ditching my filters.


I had a Berkey but went with the Doulton as it uses the ceramic filters. I'm glad to hear that the ProOne filters are also ceramic and certified. Thanks so much for your diligence!


Let me begin by saying how much I appreciate this video and all of the effort involved in its production.
This has been very timely for me because I've been budgeting for a gravity water filter.
It was the added expense of the fluoride filter that put me off of the Berkey. Fluoride filtration is a must for me.
As a senior citizen on SS, getting the most for every dollar is vital, so your research and demonstration provided here is greatly appreciated. I had no idea just how labor intense the process was. After watching, I now feel that my decision will be the most informed possible by this research freak.

If I may share two caveats:
1. Handle the porcelain filters carefully. Broken porcelain is extremely sharp and will cut quick and deep in a nanosecond. It'll be a trip to the ER. Don't ask me how I know.
2. In the video, during the pre-wash, it shows the filter lying down in the bottom of the sink. Please! Do not do that. There are research studies out there that prove the kitchen sink has more bacteria than your toilet.
Never lay anything you plan to use in preparation for ingesting food or drinks, in the bottom of your kitchen sink.
I don't care how much of a clean freak you think you are, you will be exposing yourself and others to potentially severe illness. In a water filter, this can be deadly, not to mention the expense to replace your filters and the labor of sanitizing the base unit.


From another, I learned how to prime Berkey filters the smart way, by using gravity. Install them "upside down" so they hang down in the lower portion, then pour water into the top part: Gravity will "force feed" the water through the filters, soaking them thoroughly; you can't fight gravity! Once soaked, reinstall the filters the normal way in the top portion. Works like a charm! I wanted "off grid" filter, and so I got Big Berkey; frankly, I don't think the water tastes any differently than from the Brita faucet filter I've got installed on my kitchen sink, but at least the Berkey would still work in the event of a natural disaster, and so it's a good contingency. I'll consider NSF certified filters going forward, however.


We’ve had a Berkey for years and needed to purchase new filters. Since we saw this video we just purchased and installed the pro one filters. Thank you so much for showing us how to install these. My husband works out of town and the filters arrived while he was at work. With your step by step it was easy peasy 😊


When I bought my water filter, I did research and bought the pro one to begin with. The Berkey controversy had not occurred to that point. I am glad to hear now that people are agreeing with my research.


Get the original Berkefeld filters from Doulton USA branch: Each filter NOW also removes Fluoride. And no, I'm not an affiliate. The price is 1/2 was Berkey was charging.


An easy way to prime a Berkey filter, is to use a squeeze bottle similar to the ones used for condiments (ketchup/mustard). The squeeze bottle tips are small enough to fit into the filter opening. You can often find them at dollar stores.


I have been using the Pro One for at least 5 years and love it. I went on a quest over five years ago to get a filter for better drinking water and almost bought a Berkey, I did some research and came across the pro one. I got the little blue picture to test and loved the results and from there I have bought another system that I put the pro one filters in like you're doing for the berkey. Whenever I meet somebody and they say they have a Berkey or other systems I tell them about the Pro One, I think they are the best for this type of system. Thanks for sharing 🙏✌️💜


I was excited when you said Pro-one is NSF Certified because when I last checked a few years ago no gravity filters were fully nsf certified. I just checked out their website and they definitely highlight there NSF certification but they are only certified for NSF/ANSI 42. Especially in an emergency, I am most concerned for contaminants that would fall under NSF 53 & 401.

NSF/ANSI has 3 certifications that apply to water filters. NSF 42 is for “aesthetic” impurities which includes chlorine, total dissolved solids and things that impact taste and odor. NSF 53 is for impurities that have demonstrated health impacts. NSF 401 is for “emerging compounds” like medications, pesticides and herbicides.

Thanks for all the detailed information you provided in how to use the new filters and the pros and cons. But I think it’s important to clarify that Pro-One is NOT certified for anything but chlorine, taste and odor. Having said that, I do own a small pro-one scout and 2 filters that I keep as part of my emergency supplies.


Love My Big Berkey been running it with two Berkey Ceramic granulated charcoal filled filters for years, never primed them not once. Water is obtained from my Water Well where the well water is pre-filltered and softened in my home before it gets to the plumbing faucets. I've found that the Berkey Ceramic filters last for years when you clean them from time to time and go with a disinfection process using Hydrogen Peroxide as a soak and flush ...it doesn't take much time and it refreshes the filters = AWESOME.


Hey friends! I got a Berkey a few years ago as a prepping tool. However I have never used it for daily use due to the hassle of the filters, the recharging necessary, and the requirement to run it out before refilling it. But it doesn't use any electricity. So it's the best thing I knew of so far to keep for emergencies with grid down.
For the last five years or so I've been drinking distilled water that I make with an H2O Labs countertop distiller. Very simple efficient reliable and tasty and safe, but it does use electricity. I suspect it's still cheaper to distill than buy the Berkey filters, but I never compared.
Recently, after five years, I want to clear up my tiny kitchen space and the almost every day routine of running the distiller overnight for the next day's water SO I put in an Reverse Osmosis undersink water filter system. I installed the tank and filters in the basement just under the kitchen so it doesn't take any precious space under the sink in the cabinet, and it has a countertop spigot that fits nicely in the second soap dispenser hole. My unit does not take any power and will work as long as I have water pressure to my house - it is not gravity fed.
I will be ordering some of the ProOne filters because in an actual disaster it is less likely I can accomplish the priming and the other hassles for the Berkey. And fluoride filtration is important tome.


Another saving hack is ….I’ve seen a lot of Berkey Units, for these reasons being sold on marketplace too but having said that people can score some really nice units way cheaper now because so many were and are unhappy w the *filters or shocked by the replacement filters price that you can get some really nice units and then order the ProOne filters ! Save a ton ! A lady sold us 2 extra Units..still in the box brand new simply because she hates the lengthly prep steps! So .. we scored the new ones and now have some for the work place as well ! Living in hurricane alley we definitely need them especially when base stores close and Camp Lejeune water itself and the high water issues along the coast here… We had planned to get the similar one from ProOne but saved so much w the deal but I am grateful that the filters are compatible so we will continue to save!! So just food for thought.. for those who use local markets check there.. then order ProOne filters if your needing several units like we did. Thanks for another great vlog. Will definitely use your link when you partner up w ProOne. ❤


I want to thank you, for your time researching this, and sharing. I bought an Alexapure at an auction for $1, it was missing the lid and I believe people thought it was a coffee maker. I reached out to them regarding a new lid and got no response. I ended up buying a lid for a pan that fits perfectly for another $1 at a resale store. I will be buying these filters from here on out. Thank you.
