The Untold Truth Of Billy Graham

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When someone hears the word evangelist, they may think of the stereotypical televangelist who asks for money while living in an expensive house, or the well-known Billy Graham. For decades, Graham was the most famous minister in America (and possibly worldwide), preaching to thousands of people throughout his famous crusades.

Graham was the friend of world leaders, and he wasn’t always free from controversy, but there might still be a lot you don’t know about the famous minister. From his philosophy on his own death to the controversial way his son has continued his legacy, let’s take a look at the untold truth of Billy Graham.

#BillyGraham #Religion #Fame

The 'Billy Graham Rule' | 0:00
Worldwide crusade | 1:09
Anti-Semitic remarks | 1:57
A rocky succession | 2:59
He had regrets | 3:54
Health scares | 4:32
Almost 100 years | 5:06

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I used to listen to Mr. Graham early in my Christian walk. He started out great and preached the word of God at the end not so much. At the end he believed that even nonbelievers such as Muslims Buddhists even people who are atheists are in Christ. The Bible I read says Jesus ( being born again) is the only way. He'll be known as a 33rd mason who believed in inclusive and universalism. It's how one finishes. May God have mercy


Just thinking when it was said " he was loved by all " Nah. Wait. Jesus said if you follow me the world will hate you. Because the world hates me.


All im saying is. When i was wrong his preaching made me feel convicted. And he preached the real gospel. Unlike the other preachers on tv who say it’s about you and Jesus wants you to do whay makes you happy. When we’re ACTUALLY supposed to to put Jesus above us and all.


I grew up listening to Dr. Graham. to learn he was a 33° mason breaks my ❤. choose you this day whom you serve. you cannot be on both sides of the battle. we all must make that choice. 😢🦉🌪🕸🌏🕷


In my opinion I will not listen to Joel Osteen even if I see him on tv I try to turn him quick. My heart really tells me that he's not truly a man of God and that he's in it for the money and has a bigger agenda that's not of God.


Jesus said... "Woe unto you when all men speak well of you."


"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did their fathers to the false prophets." JESUS Luke 6:26


Don't cling to the man, he was human and he was just a vessel to further God's gospel


He was a mortal man and human being. Gifted and able to help thousands of people needing a belief in something good. Nothing is wrong with that. We sure need it today.


Luke 6:26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.


I wouldn't have come to Christ if it wasn't for Billy Graham when he came to Villa Park football ground in Birmingham, England in July 1984.


God will be the judge of this man's soul. He made mistakes like we all do.


Billy Graham was a freemason and encouraged kids to join masonic clubs. He was working for the Pope.
I was shocked to learn this, but I also remembered what Jesus taught. Not to put your trust in men. Jesus was a man, but He was fully God too.
His Holy Spirit is available for all to know. He will teach you what the Bible says.


She forgot to mention that Billy had one of the highest levels of Freemasonry.


My family never went to church. And when I watched Billy on TV when I was a kid in the sixties, I felt something in the room I didn't know what was. But I know now. It was the Holy Spirit. I was given the gift of meeting Jesus my Lord and Savior, via Billy Graham on the TV screen.


It’s known that BG attended the Bohemian Grove festivities on several occasions. You know what they do there.


Billy started out alright, but sometime in the 50's he screwed up. One of the things Billy is guilty of is that when people of different religions would call into his call centers seeking salvation in Jesus, these people would be told (especially if they were Catholics), You're fine, you're saved, go back to your priest (or other spiritual leader) and seek advice from them. Billy's people were not only commanded to do this but they would also send that person's personal info to the local Catholic organizations so that they could deal with their "doubters"! How wicked! Billy Graham was not a man of God, he turned away those that were seeking salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, and sent them back to the cults they came from. People, read God's Word, Let God be true, and every man a liar!"


His friend and preaching companion Charles Templeton (Canada) began to doubt what he was preaching. He showed Graham the problems in the bible, but Graham had more faith than common sense, and continued on with preaching. Templeton quit and became a businessman.


He publicly denied Christ as being the only Way, more than once! And the pope loved him! that says it all! cheers


When those who heard the first gospel sermon, Acts 2:38, they asked what they should do and were told "repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall recieve the gift of the HolySpirit" Baptism is where we put onChrist! I never heard him reterence this very important verse!
