Russia and America Dumped 420 Life-Sentenced Prisoners on a Deserted island in The Artic

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In a future when the official termination of the death penalty has the world overflowing with dangerous criminals, the central authorities decide to conduct an experiment by forcibly dumping their prisoners on a deserted island.

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I love watching these 10-15 minute summaries of movies that I never plan to watch


Love how they made death penalty illegal but not inhumane practices.


"Russia and America sends 420 convicts on an island"

Britain 1700s: *You gotta pump those up, those are rookie numbers*


The woman saying “there is no fish in the area”, is a terrible way to explain how she knew he was lying about the prisoners being so far away was to catch fish. There is no reason for her to think that was suspicious, as the prisoners wouldn’t have figured that out yet. If anything it would actually sound like a rational reason for them to explore new areas to try and find fish.


"Russia and USA dumping criminals on an island."

Australia: *First time?*


This loosely based on Nazino tragedy, when the Soviet Union deports about 6, 700 prisoners to Nazino Island in May 1933.
Nazino Island is a remote island surrounded by rivers deep in Siberian Taiga.
They were left unsupervised with only flour to eat. They have no tools nor warm clothing.
Those who attempted to leave were killed by armed guards.
There are reports of violence, cannibalism, widespread disease, rape, and abuse of power by the guards.
Horror story that made even Stalin himself disturbed when he read the report


This reminds me of Suicide Island where those who wish to die are sent to a deserted island to live for the rest of their lives and fend for themselves and of course a lot of them end up committing suicide (cause that's what got them sent there in the first place) but some slowly realized they wanted to keep living. Also precious to those who are suicidal, the island was originally used for life sentence criminals. So there is this drug boss guy who gets a thriller out of manipulating and killing people (manipulates his followers and kills his rivals) later on a reporter ends up on the island following a conspiracy theory and it ends on a hopeful note of everything coming to light and the governments involvement.


I've watched 15-20 movies in a row without actually watching it.. so good..straight to the point


Obezyan is a total psycho. Why would he kill the old man who is not a threat to him in any way at all?


The fact that this has actually been tried before is also sickening. Yes, take your worst prisoners, who all have some kind of severe mental defect or mental trauma, and a personality matrix that makes them have preference towards violence and self reliance, and see if they can build a civilization.


The part about the main character taking revenge on the pilot of the plane in which his family crashed is loosely based on a real tragedy that happened to a soviet man back in the 80-90


Some translations of Russian prisoners names if anyone’s interested:
Moryak (Моряк)–translates to a «sailor»
Yakut (Якут)–refers to an ethnic group in Russia that mainly lives in Republic of Yakutia (Sakha)
Obezyanka (Обезьянка)–translates to monkey; supphix «ка» is a diminutive one which makes the word also translate as «small monkey»
Obezyan (Обезьян)–also translates to monkey but обезьяна in Russian is a feminine word (а in the end makes it feminine to be exact) so they got rid of а in the end so to make it seem masculine
Tolya (Толя)–just a name Tolya (Full name Anatoliy)
Zhilin (Жилин)–not sure myself what it might refer to as it is just a last name; but it also seems to be similar to a word Жизнь (Zhizn’ which translates to «a life»)
Staryy (Стырый)–translates to «old, old man»
Estonets (Эстонец)–translates to «an Estonian» (male)
Shram (Шрам)–«Scar»
I’m not sure what Sipa means tho, if anyone has an idea of what it refers to, please write down below, thanks


This was actually pretty decent, but I lol'd hard when the "supplies were full of rodents" and they're literally like pet store hamsters 🤣


Even the uninteresting movies seem awesome with your recaps. Thank you sir please dont stop


How sad that the man left was only alive just to be buried next to his family…and there would be many people who really wished to live with their family😥😥


So basically.
If you’re ever dropped on an island like this.
Give it about 15 - 20 minutes before you come out of hiding lmao.
And then when new prisoners arrive. Hide for an hour or two before coming out. Noted.


to any guy with the idea of criminal island :
leave unruly people unsupervised, what a genius .
also watch more 80's movies .


Sometimes these recaps are better than the movie itself


I feel like I’ve seen every movie that I’ve watched one of these short summaries on. Expanding my catalogue everyday. 15 minutes at a time! 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


Did anyone ever see the video where a WWII Russian Veteran caught up with an American Journalist? He wanted to tell him a story, his testimonial of being a captive in a German POW camp. He mentions there were also a bunch of American POW's in the camp, as well. They were separated he states, and the Russians were treated the worst out of all. When a Russian had passed away, they would still bring them out for a head count, so they would still get that person's ration of food for the day. The Veteran was a Dentist, so he was allowed to visit the different POW's of the camp. He wanted to make sure that the Americans knew he was very grateful for what they had done, during those dark days. The American prisoners saw how bad the Russians were treated. Everyday they would throw a bunch of their own rations over the fence, to help feed the Russian prisoners. I'd like to think that's how the two groups would act in this scenario. But, things were a little different in both situations and this movie, of course, was a fictional tale.
