Herbalism- How to get Started?!?

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Hey friends! I have had many new faces and I many questions about herbalism. I hope this helps!

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I am a 70 year old woman who has seen what chemicals and sugar to do to the body. I am now working on a more natural way of life. Never to late to start. Wishing I had done something differently does me no good. You and your mom gives me hope that I can go forward on this health journey. Thank you!


My mom is a family physician and has recently been talking about wanting to learn more herbalism so that she can also offer more natural recommendations for patients who want/need it. I’m a medical illustrator and gardening enthusiast, and I’m really hoping to be able to get more into this with my mom. I appreciate when there are more scientific explanations for herbalism as well since that tends to be how I like to learn things.


The best advice I ever got was, yes, learn the plants growing outside your door. Learn them well, one at a time. Take a summer with one. Learn to understand through taste and smell. After some years go by and you've understood dozens of plants.. you'll slowly realize that you only really need a handful of plants to cover every need. You'll see very good herbalists in India have only ONE herb, prepared in various ways depending on the need.


Hi Kaylee, thank you❣
I took care of my future Mother In Law Thelma who was told she had only 2 months to live. She had esophageal cancer & I was unaware that she had a dead lung when we moved her into our home.
I am a (jack of many trades & a master of none) seamstress & I decorated my workroom in an English garden fashion to make it as cheerful as possible. I was her 23/7 caregiver, Hospice sent a woman to watch Thelma every day for 1 hour so I could do the shopping, mail, errands etc. I cooked & pureed enough food to last 4 months & vacuumed packed & dated it & filled my freezer with things I knew she'd enjoy. We had an indoor outdoor Atrium with my numerous potted roses, corn plant and patio umbrella table & seats.
Under my care she was getting better and by the 4th month that evening when Irene came back to check on Thelma she called me into the room and asked me to listen to Thelma's lung, I heard the lung making the swooshing noise & told her it's her lung working. Irene looked at me and told me, "That lung hasn't worked in 6 years & that it was a first for her books."- I was surprised as I didn't know about it. Irene asked me what I was doing & I told her Thelma sits outside every day for a couple hours in either the Atrium or the back screened in porch (with a beautifully lush green elkhorn fern & other plants, and a white trellis I made with realistic Ivy & red flowers and we had full 6' hedges for shade snd privacy and we had a couple of chairs & a table, they're the places she smoked & would get indirect sunlight & fresh air daily and the meals I made her all had organic vegetables, she was eating 16 oz if soup for dinner nightly & I believe I made her fruit smoothies for breakfast because that's what we had in the mornings. The most important thing Thelma was getting every day & night was love. She loved watching me play with my young Amazon parrot Crystal Lynn in the morning after breakfast & again after dinner before Crystal Lynn was put to bed. Onthe 6th month Thelma basically stopped eating, only 1/4" of her soup would be eaten. That was it, I tried to tell her there would come a time where she woukd want to eat, but wouldn't be able to, so enjoy your meals while you can. She wouldn't listen, she lived for 7.5 months.
After the funeral I designed & made my wedding dress, made my 3 tiered wedding cake that told the story of how we met & I decorated the church & embellished my red roses bouquet with pearls, seed beads etc. I catered the food & my oldest sister put the red toses & baby's breath in all the vases & placed one on each table. I produced our wedding & drafted our vows. All tge bridesmaids had the pattern I picked out & the fabric a pale blue embossed looking silk like material, it had to be home made. We had a red, white, & blue wedding.
It was after this that I started doing all the research I could on cancer. I had nearly all of Dr. Hulda R. Clarks books on cancer & read them all & learned about Dr. Lorraine Day's book/CD Cancer doesn't scare me anymore. Her survival story. Then my online research on anything I could find out about cancer. Now I know how to treat squemous cell cancer with my own homemade salve which doesn't leave any scars behjnd & draws the cancer to the surface & it's gone Bloodroot is amazing with comfrey salve.
Now I'm learning everything I can about herbs. I mKe my own Elderberry herb, bark, juice & make gummies & syrup & my bubby wants cough drops. So they'll be being made next.
Thank you so much I've started getting some herbal books; Tosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes, The Modern Herbal Dispensatory A Medicine - Making Guide and one to pick up. I have the Herbal Medicine Maker's Handbook A Home Manual on my Amazon list. I decided to get a few of these books assp yo have them & put them to good use to help as many as I csn. My hubby's 82 & still works 40 hours a week. He's out lived both of his parents years due to his diet and the herbal supplements I have him doing, I'm Convinced beyond a a doubt that our Holy Almighty Messiah has put this fire in my heart to learn as much as I can. I want to help people who are suffering to live a healthy life. You're an inspiration 🤗🥰🙆‍♀️❣


I got halfway through, and decided I needed to make a second comment.
I am a mom/caregiver of a 30 year old, diagnosed with Fredreich"s Ataxia.
We just passed the third anniversary of him being at home with us, again. He had been in a group home, but, no one will ever lock me away from my son, so now he's at home.
I applaud your faith, young lady. It's a big step, to walk away from the system, and do the righteous thing. You will be abundantly blessed, for this action.
I have been suffering severe burnout. You reminded me that I need to be grateful, and gracious.
You have given me a great gift, today.
Thank you.


Discovered your channel today while sitting in line at the pharmacy getting yet another script for my mom. This is my first step on a life long journey. Hers and mine. ❤


Yes Kaylee, you have set up an Apothecary that is a complete, full blown, self contained unit. No other one compares to yours.


I was a CNA in an assisted living facility for Alzheimers and Dementia patients too!!! There's something about that that moves you... in so many ways. ❤


Great overview on how to approach the beginner stage of becoming an herbalist. Very helpful! At 56 years old, I'm finally ready to becoming serious with it. Where I live, in rural Maine, I'm literally surrounded by healing plants. People here have literally no idea about the "Garden of Eden" that they are living in. So, I'm really encouraged by your video. I'd like to become a community herbalist over time.


I have very happy memories walking to the school bus every day with my mum and learning the plants on the roadside


Have you thought of an online class for teaching the basics of herbalism? You and your mom are natural teachers and I would for sure sign up!


I am in love and obsessed with Plantain and dandelions right now.


I have to honestly say .. your a very rare intellectual person of plant medicine.. be proud that you absorb the knowledge of learning plants as medicinal properties..


This was the best and most informative video I have seen on getting started in herbalism. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in a step-by-step process that was not only helpful to me as a beginner, but also so incredibly inspiring. I struggle with that fear factor of jumping into unknown territory, but you have encouraged me to step out into my front yard, and have provided me with resources to get started, and for that I want to say, THANK YOU!!! I also appreciated how you addressed that herbs cannot do all of the work for a person, we have to individually take responsibility and action in living healthier lifestyles for herbalism to truly be effective. It is beautiful to witness how the Lord works through people when they obey and follow their calling. May you and your family forever be abundantly blessed!


I also have had your mom's book prescription for natural healing, for about 30 years now I have used it till the pages are about falling out, my mother who was a ICU CCU nurse gifted the book to me. Truly the book is a treasure.


Exactly. Find a good book, learn the plants that are near you, make things, see how they feel for your body. That is ALL you need.


I'm just starting on my herbalism journey and I am so glad i came across your videos! thank you!


I took some medical terminology and it has been a very useful tool in herbalism for me. I have started doing a lot more overlap in my studies.


I have studied with a lot of people over the years. Done a lot of herbal walks with Chris Marano. He is great. Although if I had to choose, Matthew Wood is hands down my favorite; just because of his wealth of knowledge and experience; and his micro dosing. . Because of him I became a micro-doser. And made me appreciate homeopathy even more. I now use both. I also use essential oils. Natural healing is amazing. Raised my family without a doctor.😃


My first book I got was Dr.Duke's. I was worked as chemical lab technician. I am 69 and love learning. Your channel is very helpful. I am going to repeat this video to really get into my head. 🎉
