forever dreaming.

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My Spotify Playlist:

forever dreaming • an escapism playlist
My Channel is a non-monetized music channel on YouTube, created and operated by one anonymous individual under the alias Navo159. My Goal is creating the ultimate escapism music library on YouTube, for people that need to escape reality, even for a second. I also network with artists and labels, so that their music can be heard and supported. Every Artist name along with the track title is always in the description of every video. So, if you want to support the artists, go and support them on their respective streaming platforms as well. Furthermore, all of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. And lastly, thank you so much for being a part of a wonderful community. Never thought I would be able to help so many people. Let's escape this reality together, at least for a moment. I will never stop making these videos. I just love music, and love sharing it with others who love it too.

💛 Mental health helplines:

🔎 Contact me, for anything:

▶️ Listen to all the best tracks from my channel on SPOTIFY:


⭐ If you choose to donate on PATREON, the money will go towards buying new music for the channel so that everyone can benefit from your generosity. Donation is completely optional and I only made this Patreon so that those who feel the need to do so may have that ability.
Thank you for your continued support, and most importantly, thank you for listening!

👀 Let me review your music:

song list:
00:00 antent-your eyes
02:08 karamel kel-aglow
04:14 hisohkah-school rooftop
06:20 oneheart-apathy
08:17 quiet solitude - nowt
11:53 antent-homesick
14:09 mxpheebz-the beach
18:01 libelullah-aproape
19:26 oneheart x reidenshi-distorted memories
21:18 muted (for copyright reasons)
24:24 bonjr bonjr-if it's real, then i'll stay
28:11 willix-until december
31:18 antent-pulse
33:26 tilekid-you not the same
35:37 oneheart-this feeling
37:11 vague003-drowning
39:08 leadwave-unfortunately
40:41 oneheart x reidenshi-snowfall
42:42 instupendo-comfort chain
45:45 oneheart-watching the stars
47:25 harris cole & aso-safe now
48:48 antent-first snow
51:00 c152-coldheart
53:04 navo159 - guitar for a night
54:48 jayan perera-cosmos temple

#sleepmusic #sadmusic #sadmood #sadplaylist #3am #playlist #4am #music #sad
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BEST tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist:


A month ago I buried my father. My house feels empty without him and it’s too silent now. The day before he died he was so excited to come back home from the hospital in the coming days but everything happened so fast. I never got to say goodbye.


This picture is so powerful to me. A sprawling city, the tangibility of hundreds of busy humans and their thoughts and innovations. So large and meaningful, a testament to their minds, and normally it would be the focus of the shot.
But no. Instead, the camera is focused... upwards. To the blooming clouds. To the giant deep blue sky. Bigger than even the city. It feels like freedom, it feels like life. It feels like lungs that can expand without strain.
I feel like humans could stand to let go of things more. Let go of their self-imposed shackles enough that breathing freely could feel like a possibility again. Or even just try to. Wanting to make an effort is enough to improve, in my opinion.
Beautiful playlist, these songs are very nice.


Greetings traveller,
I see you've been through a lot.
Take some rest here before you continue your journey it'll be ok.


Hey stranger, it's gonna be alright.. I promise.


my grandma passed away this week. at the end of the past year she suffered a fall and has not been able to walk since then, so I started to go to her house to take care of her with my mother, she was losing her strength over time and she couldn't take it anymore and then she was gone. the last words she said to me were "thanks for helping to take care of me" with a smile, i'll never forget those words. today I was supposed to go take care of her, but I won't go anymore. i am very sad but relieved to know that her suffering has ended, i hope she finds piece wherever she is


i love how these playlists just pop up random times


I dont know how to explain this. I was in my room alone 50 minutes ago in my messy and unorganized room. I sat on my bed, listening, thinking about my life choices for some reason. For the next 45 minutes, I cleaned, fixed, and rearranged everything to little nails in the walls. I genuinely feel like I changed. Weird, isn't it?

The smallest sense of living and the feel of a lifetime you had years before can really change everything around you


I sometimes shed tears for no reason.

That's the situation we're in.


These clouds remind me of America in the late '90s. Everything seemed so stable. Immutable. The Way Things Were.


4 years ago I was in a bad car accident. I fell asleep driving home from work. I have had 3 back surgeries since then. I am permanently disabled now. I lost my job @ UPS where I have worked for the past 22 years. I lost my apartment, all my friends, had to move back home with mom and dad. I’m struggling to find a job. My depression and anxiety is terrible. I know 50 people who have died in the past 4 years. Have been to a lot of funerals and memorial services. I will be 41 in the fall. I feel so terribly lost and confused. I’m not even sure if I know who I am anymore? There is a lot of family drama going on, my health insurance which is Passport at the moment is absolutely terrible! I don’t have any friends. Nowhere to go, nothing to really do. The love of my life killed himself 10 years ago, and I haven’t really had a successful relationship since him. I miss him so badly I can hardly stand it. It’s a real struggle to even get out of bed most days. I’m here though. I’m trying.


I'm not feeling depressed, sad, numb, or anything like that... I'm playing minecraft while on call with my big bro, building a nice home for my villagers. I'm feeling fine, in fact, I'm happy how things turned out. Hold tight, people, for the bad times shall end soon.


if youre reading this, you have a wonderful soul, i love you


The title alone makes me remember of all the dreams I had as a kid. Me and my friends always had the best dreams.. I am still dreaming to this day only if I could see their faces again, all the memories.


Sometimes i miss being in my lowest point. It was physically hard to take care of myself, but the people i was around all seemed so happy. Now those same people are going through what i had to at a young age. I want to help them, but I don't know how because there was no one to help me. All i can do is love them unconditionally and give them temporary happiness while they work through their problems as i did


We broke up about 2 months ago
It wasn't my decision, she wanted it.
I heard many reasons from her, like "i got bored", "it's not interesting anymore", "you are not independent " (I'm not native speaker, so I can't describe all reasons), she felt, that we wouldn't have harmony between us.
And, actually, i think she's right about many things, i am pretty boring and not very confident in myself, I'm bad at communicating and spending time together.
I just grew up like this, almost no friends, had bullying at school, so i just didn't know what to do with other people.
I was learning with her, but very slowly and she couldn't stand it anymore.
I was unwillingly reason of her bad mood last month or so of our relationship.
I understand her decision, but still, i didn't want that
I still love her, still hoping she would come back one day, but i think she have too many reasons not to do this, and i guess she's looking for replacement.
Now i just thank her and life for this lesson
Lesson not to get attached to anyone.
Someone is going through break up very hard, and I'm one of those
I think I just can't stand it a second time
And I'm scared that I won't be able to give my loved one what she wants, scared that I won't be able to make her happy.
Furthermore i can't even think about another girl, i just want her
But I'm slowly starting to understand that she wouldn't come back no matter how much I want it and I can't do nothing for this to happen. Now I can't even get message from her.
I just lost my diamond and the only person close to me, except for my family, in which everything is not very good anyway.
I still miss her laugh, her smile, her hugs that will never be there again
I still crying for her when I remembering her.

I love you, Olena, with all my heart, I'm still waiting for you but only place we would meet is my dreams
I hope everything is gonna be alright with you.

Many people posting their sad stories under such videos, so i thought why not write my story.

I hope no one of you will have unrequited love, because that's the worst thing. Protect your loved ones and do everything to keep them, which i couldn't do.


“I see planets that don't exist and landscapes that have only been dreamed”
- Werner Hezrog


I lost my best friend 4 years ago. We used to talk every single day. There isn't one day that i don't think about her. Her laugh, her smile, her energy, her sense of humor. Everything. She just had a bad stomach ache, 5 hours later she was gone, without warning, without letting anyone know. Not even a goodbye. I'm sure life would be so different right now, but I guess I'll always live with this pain.

4 years have passed and my grandmother passed away back on February. This intense pain came back. Rice and beans will never be the same. Sunday evenings will never be the same.

But all I can say is, it gets better. We'll get through this.

I know you will not read this, but I will always love you and I will always miss you, Debbie and Grandma.


This is my message for the void.

My whole life I was encaged in my mind. Being in psychological pain was my norm. I come from Hell, the place, the experiences I had growing up, in my childhood.. They are all from what nightmares are made of and beyond. I never went to a therapist, instead I alchemized my own mind and transcended above my darkness by myself. Friends I never truly had. I've been alone on my journey, and still stand alone. I always did whatever was necessary to get on top of my game, to succeed no matter what, because I deserve it. At this moment of time I am fighting to make my own business rise on the market. I feel like no matter what stage of my life I am, I am meant to be the hero nobody sees. I did things that were normally impossible to achieve for somebody that comes from my background, yet I did all of that. And nobody knows. It hurts. To be this isolated, always progressing and moving ahead alone. I believe, I feel and know that spirits are by my side. God is by my side. But my life it has always been a struggle. And I try to find zen in my every day life, to not waste a single day being ungrateful for living and being better than I was before. Yet, sometimes I crumble. And in times like these, I again stand alone. I do so much... And get so little. Sometimes, I feel like God is unfair. But then I remember that is also part of the divine. Life, as many would like to deny, is not necessarily just and fair. And all I would like right now is to sleep. Dreaming has become my consolation, for every day I go to war and nobody notices. And if they do, I still stand alone, and people prefer not to cheer me on. Perhaps this is my life journey. I just hope that someday all of this strength and magic I have done will bring something to the world, even if in my death. Otherwise, it feels all sacrifices were for nothing.


I’ve always had trouble expressing myself, people around me don’t understand me well, my family, my friends, I feel like I’m letting them down by not being able to express the fact that I care about them, they all deserve to be loved but all they receive from me is radio silence …
I wish people could read my mind so they could see who I truly am, so they could see that they matter to me.
I don’t know what to do anymore, everyone’s opinion of me just keeps getting worse and I can’t even defend myself, my parents accuse me of things I never did but I don’t even fight back it’s starting to take a toll on me.

Sorry if this comment is incoherent I’m just writing what’s on my mind

Lately I’ve been craving love, I don’t really know why but I feel like if I can somehow find somebody who I can be completely genuine and comfortable with, most of my issues will be gone. I guess talking to someone really might help huh?

Anyway whoever read this I hope you have a nice day
