Why I left the Private Sector to work for the Federal Government

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After a few years in the private sector, I decided it wasn't for me. Here are some reasons why I chose the government instead.

00:00 Intro
00:21 Job security
01:51 Secure retirement
02:50 A better purpose
03:38 The benefits of bureaucracy
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Good video. After leaving military service ot 20 years, I worked within the private sector for about 8 months and it was crazy and extremely cut-throat. I was never confident that I would have a job the next week; and I had a family to take care of. It was exactly as you mentioned in the video.

While working in the private sector, I applied for and accepted a federal job. I did not tell my supervisors until I got my last paycheck and then gave them a one week notice. I had enough.

One of the best life decisions I ever made was to enter the federal workforce. Good pay and benefits (FERS) and even worked in the Foreign Service for six years. Total time as a federal worker, 22 years. I retired in 2017 and have a very good lifetime income.

There were some bumps along the way. Anywhere there are people, you will have that. But there were systems and processes in place that made it much more bearable such as good pay, promotions, performance evaluations, pay raises, complaint processes, training opportunities, and FERS.


After 31 years of government service, let me pass on some advice that I wish I would have gotten as a new Divert as much of your income as you possibly can into the TSP, and do not borrow from your TSP unless it is an actual emergency.


I worked in private for over 20 years. In today's society there are only two options in my opinion 1) Work in government or 2) Put yourself in a position to be well off so you don't need to work. Throughout my career I have seen people get fired for the most hideous shit, I even witnessed a guy being fired while he was on a conference call. There is a reason why being a government worker is much better than being in private sector, for one it is next to impossible to get fired especially for bullshit. When you are 18 living at home with your parents then it doesn't matter vs a manager who fires you at 40 because he/she wants their 23 year old son or daughter to fill your position. That's the type of shit that I have witnessed throughout my entire career, OR being fired because you were late OR fired over a cheap disagreement, in this this day and age people are extremely expendable (not in all cases) but in allot and at my age i cannot afford to fall victim to getting laid off, thrown away like trash or fired "just because". Years ago society was not like this but today so many things have changed jealously, envy, all kinds of back handed bullshit goes on and the least of my worries will be holding my position.


Yes! I became a govie after 20+ years in the private sector. I LOVE it. It is the happiest I have been in many many years!


Federal government job is safe and secure anywhere in world ...likes from india ♥
Loved your videos


My regret was after 21 years in the Navy, should have got my foot in the federal door shortly upon separating/retiring back in 2009, did the same thing also tried my luck with the private sector-no job security or stability, lay-offs, cutting staff to better their botton line & not yours. Been with 2 fed agencies and getting ready to start a new job at DOD with 7 years so far and looking forward to the next 12-14 years of getting a 2nd pension and SS at 65 to greatly offset the cost of living by then.


Spot on - I've been loyal in the private sector for 14+ years. Definitely looking to go Fed! Thanks for sharing


This is so spot on and every point is 100% accurate and exactly how I feel and think as well. Been working in the private sector for nearly 15 years, many ups and downs and I have now started the journey to seek out work in the federal government. Just applied for my first role too and I am really hopeful of landing an interview after the application period closes.


As a long-term federal employee I have been saying many of the things you said in this video for years, I would add that at least in my profession my pay is higher than in the private sector.


TY for your perspective…I am facing a decision about public vs private sector jobs. I was laid off from a public sector job but got hired for a private sector job… so I’m getting an idea of the difference. Now I have an interview for another public sector job and I hope I get it. Those sweet gov’ment bennies! Ugh I need my pension plan back. It gives you that peace of mind knowing you’ll be better covered in old age.


The real problem is many feds do little and cannot be fired with just minimal effort! Motivations can be minimal and production nonexistent and employees can survive?


I work for the federal Gov. I am GS11 and the pay sucks, big time. . . but the job is easy, no stress. .is it worth it. . nope, but I am retired, so I dont really depend on my federal job to pay for things. . I am just doing this for extra pay . the point is, federal job pays very low


I worked in both federal government and private sector. Nothing beats a decent pension, health care and investment opportunity. If you follow the 4% rule. Take your pension and divide by 4%. You'll be surprised at what you're pension worth. Example $28k pension will be valued at $700k in investment income. Add cost of living increases equal winning. I haven't met anyone in the private sector received cost of living increases in retirement.


Everyone's situation is different. It depends on the individual and where he or she is at in life. If you are go-getter, a federal job can hold you back in more ways than some. You will be able to obtain more skills and credentials in the private sector more so than in the federal sector. You can become complacent with bureaucracy and mediocrity in the federal government. At the end of the day, life is short, and a person should obtain a job (federal or private) that fulfills their life goals.


It's honorable to work for your country, even in the most trivial way. By that I mean you try to provide best possible service to the tax payer and help out. Worked briefly in the private sector, and I couldn't stand having a boss - owner. Being self employed perhaps one day might be an option.


....people fighting over which rich person should run the country instead of fighting for a real right to a pension and


At the age of 39, I will be retiring from the military after 22 years of service, only 4 of that is active duty.

When I left active duty, I tried many things management consulting, real estate, insurance and human resources.

I always felt like I was hustling and never really getting ahead and I did not like the work environments either very stressful, very high paced. If you want to get to that 100K Mark, it’s a whole other level of stress in the private sector.

I just had an interview with the IRS and I might have an opportunity to join as a GS9 with a promotion to GS 11 after one year.

Even though I am taking a large pay cut, I am excited to get back on the government track and I hope I enjoyed enough to do another 20 years!


I did the private sector for 20+ years... I have honestly seen dozens of great people fired for no real reason, just because someone didn't like them or they was moving up too high on the pay scale... One of the fat depressed 50 something manager in one of my jobs got a new guy fired bx he looked and talked just like her ex-husband that she hated...it was sad..I wanted to speak up and defend him, but I couldn't...he was fired after his shift on his 89th day....


One of the things I like about government service compared to private industry was work life balance. I get a ton of leave and don’t get grief for taking a vacation.


4 yrs. Navy credit towards pension. 30 yrs. Post Office Letter Carrier pension. IRA, Social Security and Medicare. Best Decision.
