'If You Want To SUCCEED In Life, DEVELOP THESE SKILLS!' Yuval Noah Harari & Jay Shetty

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In this week's episode, I sat down with the international bestselling author of Sapiens, Homo Deus, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Harari.

We covered so many interesting topics like how to manage expectations, the importance of boredom, and what he believes the future of artificial intelligence is. He also shares with us his equation for happiness and he reveals why so many of us are addicted to being on our phones.

We also dove into education and where he believes the job market will be 30 years from now. This episode is sure to challenge your perspective on certain topics!

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" The most important conversation you will ever have is the one with yourself."


“What is the biggest mistake we make as humans? Underestimate our stupidity” Incredible answer!


Becoming a good trade takes time and patience. When I first got into trading i was liquidated twice, and lost my entire mortgage deposit. I could have given up, but decided to learn how to trade and put it into practice. 4 years later and I am glad I made that decision.


In one word 'AWARENESS' the most important skill one must have in now !
Thankyou ☝️


I've gone through four of his books, "Homosapiens, " "Homodeus, " "21 Lessons for the 21st Century, " and "Money." These books provide a lot of valuable information, but upon reading them, you may notice that some of the content repeats itself. Nonetheless, they are among the best books I have ever read. Well done, Youval!


I can attest to his advise, I lived pay to pay, worked for other people making ok money but making them more money and got 12k in cc debt, I really had to sit down with myself, realize I was blaming everything else for my problems and really looked at how much money I was paying for the debt, I got furious with myself, this was in my late 30s. I did a nuclear assault on my cc debt making payments weekly, once I freed myself of that burden I invested in stocks, started my own business, it's been a hard long road and I'm by no means wealthy but I am rich and I work for myself and not living week to week, 14 years later I own a boat called the S.S Juliaa Advice for younger people - Don't give up! Sometimes it takes years to get yourself setup, wipe the word "can't" out of your vocabulary, surround yourself with positive successful people(success means more than money). I could also go into eating well and keeping a clear mind.


This is probably the best podcast I have heard. I have read Sapiens but never knew the man behind the book. My respect for him has grown 10-fold. Thank you Jay for letting us hear from such inspiring humans.


"Knowing yourself" has also been external motto.


Love the idea of falling in love with boredom. I am so glad that the idea of boredom is being rated high.


"If you wanna change this world - start with yourself" 💜🙏


Boredom is challenging to me mentally and spiritually. I find out a lot about myself during those moments. I have learned I am quite capable of being happy and spiritually full and also grateful


Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking the bold steps we need in other to reach our goals.


There are mountains beyond mountains.. Let's keep learning until we bring change rather than talk about change.. Respect to both of you sir..


Investment in stocks is a great way to invest your money. The team is constantly checking the market for changes and make sure that you are always informed about the best time to invest. As a result, I have made more money than ever before, and I don't have to manage my portfolio on my own! Invest in stocks, it's worth it!


Immensely helped by this Podcast... I am in the boredom zone now... nd i was highly depressed as nothing good is happening to me... actually I am up to something I love like hell. But it was giving me constant pain as I was getting bored watching people around me buying new clothes every day, going to parties.... but Now i am sure that i am on the right path and I can win... at least I can get the real flavour of life... I will continue to be bore... and hope that I will meet you in this podcast at some point of time Jay.


I started this Video, and i've seen a lot of Yuval interviewes, and I was starting to think "okay, he is saying the same things i've listen to so many times, this is boring me" and then they bring this up in the conversation. Really nice so far, always like to lsiten to him.


The biggest thrilling journey is living life. Living life for oneself along with family and society is very thrilling.
It is interesting to learn, grow up, earn, make family, take care of old parents, help support others in their time of need ... Life is interesting, colorful, tasty... Just live it profoundly...


Now, you have real competition. If you don’t take the time to get get to know you, there are people who have the time and resources to know you!


Many musicians and writers have identified boredom as an agent that has contributed to their level of creativity, skill and originality. Our impulse to keep ourselves engaged at all cost and to fill all gaps of boredom has been detrimental to our level of genuine creativity.


Nobody can become financially successful over night. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals.
