Germany's Assault Rifle Platoon: Revolutionizing Infantry Firepower - Teaching Tactics

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The German assault platoon of late 1944 was a thorough revision of squad and platoon organization around the unprecedented firepower and mobility of the Sturmgewehr-44, the first mass-produced assault rifle. While it failed to become the backbone of German infantry, the organization of the assault platoon still provides a fascinating insight into German tactical thinking in the final stage of the Second World War. This episode of Teaching Tactics covers the technical development of the Sturmgewehr, the structure of the assault platoon built around it, and the tactics it used to make the most out of this revolutionary firearm.

Teaching Tactics by DigitalBattlefieldTours is a documentary series covering the development and application of 20th century military tactics. Teaching Tactics combines in-depth analysis with a highly visualized presentation to provide an approachable yet comprehensive guide to military tactics.


DBT has performed its due diligence in tracing the rightful claimants of the copyrighted materials used in this production. Materials whose claimants could not be contacted have been used in accordance with the ‘fair use’ principle. Rightful claimants of these materials are invited to contact DBT.

1944 (Elmo Nüganen - 2015)
Imperial War Museum
Screenshots captured in the EDEN 3D Editor from ARMA III (Bohemia Interactive).
Blueprint animations based on Post Scriptum (Periscope Games).

Unterlagen zur Gliederung, zum taktischen Einsatz und zur Ausbildung des Sturmzuges einer Grenadierkompanie (19-3-1945).

Überblick über den Rüstungsstand des Heeres - Waffen und Geräte : Stand: 1.12.1944. Berlin, 1944. 198 p. Der Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres - Stab Rüst IIIc Nr. 6600/44 g.Kdos.. NARA T78 R169.

Pröhuber, Volksgrenadier-Divisionen (2021).

McNab, German Automatic Rifles 1941-45 (2013).

Walter, Guns of the Third Reich (2004).

00:00 Introduction
03:26 A century of small arms
08:10 Origins of the assault rifle
11:45 The Sturmgewehr in context
17:31 Evaluating the Sturmgewehr
19:56 Fielding the Sturmgewehr
23:37 The assault platoon
29:56 Tactical principles
39:37 Practice attack
46:06 Closing Remarks
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My translation of 'Der Sturmzug der Grenadier-Kompanie' is available for free on patreon:


During the 80s I served in the Bundeswehr as a conscript and always kept my interest for military matters, both historic and contemporary. While I knew quite a number of the details presented here beforehand, you are the first one to paint a complete picture for me. Suddenly everything falls in place. Thank you so much!
Greetings from Germany!


Infantryman here. Last year I had an opportunity to shoot an STG 44 on full auto. It was awesome.


I'm here after watching the Rhodesian Fireforce presentation, from which I learned a lot about a conflict I've never studied. Like most people interested in military history, I know a fair bit more about the situation in Europe in the 1940's than I knew about Rhodesia/Zimbabwe in the 70's, but I bet I'm still going to learn plenty from this presentation. Excellent content, I like the simple but effective graphical elements and the clear unhurried narration. New subscriber here, thanks for your work!


Your channel is AMAZING.
You explain things in such a natural way that is so rare in YouTube (which is either superficial or too verbose), I love your animations with the dates which makes it easy to put things into context easily. You are a teacher by heart. "The history of firearms has a certain rhythm to it. There are brief periods of revolutionary innovation followed by a steady paradigm during which new designs are adopted and gradually perfected". Amazing quote and the animation with it makes it even easier to understand what happened. The only thing you need to know is the basics of the 1st and 2nd world wars.

I know these videos take too long to make and the view are not there yet, but I urge you to never stop making videos. It is only a matter of time before you blow up and make it big!


A beautifully seamless presentation such that I feel like I've easily retained 90% on the first pass. As a visual learner the graphics helped tremendously. The paintings were absolutely captivating as well. I still don't understand how these guys were able to perform under fire...amazing.


This monograph describes commando attacks in infantry echelon:
- high fire-power, leap-frog advance
- grenadier defense
- tactical maneuver & direction in short communication lines
- reasonable field logistics & tactical initiative


This is top notch content, thanks for the effort.
Plus using Post scriptum animations was what sealed it for me, 10/10.


I am convinced the original turn-of-the-century rifle had such a powerful cartridge not only for volley firing at a hypothetical combat range, but also to shoot a charging horse in the breastbone and still kill it.


Hoi from Duitsland. I stumbled over your channel and this video. First, I want to compliment your meticulous work. Second, I want to point out that the development of semi automatic and full automatic rifles in the German arms industries was also influenced by experiences i.e. from the Ostfront and the weapons encountered there. The SWT-40 is worth mentioning as an example. Third, the invention of advanced manufacturing techniques such as Blechprägeverfahren (metal sheet shaping technique) made the production of weapons like MG42 or StG44 possible.

Thank you for the informative content and good visualisation. Cheers.


What an excellent presentation. From the scripting and pacing to the visuals, it's consistent information with a strong chronological backing. It helps to quickly introduce and understand some ideas as to the basic evolution of the military firearm, almost from end-to-end, briefly enough, but without too much omission.

You display many of these firearms that are revolutionary in their time, success or not - like the MP-18 and Vollmer M35. Because of my poor hearing, I think it might be useful to add their names on-screen when they appear.

Thank you again for putting these together, I will subscribe and watch your Rhodesia content I see people talking about! It's a bit peculiar but I am happy so many people take an educational interest in my neck of the woods. Stay safe!


I also think that the division of the rifle and fire team now became necessary due to them using different cartridges. Which also explains why the Soviets (and later everybody else) gave their rifle squads additional lmg's in an intermediate cartridge.

It is also interesting to note that, whilst not using an intermediate cartridge, a very similar thing happened with the support versions of the FAL, M14 and G3.


Really cool stuff you're doing here! Thanks.
Could you at some point elaborate a little more about the defensive side of tactics possibly up to Platoon or Company level?


Excellent work and is actually a staff level presentation. Some of this is covered in US military schools but I didn't see the whole picture until I spent time with NATO allies. This presentation is the most concise synopsis I've ever seen. Had a chance to read through old Wehrmacht after action reports for awhile when I was in Germany and it really made me appreciate the precise method of technical writing characteristic of the German military. Combat on the Eastern Front shaped so much of today's military thinking from the squad-battalion level.
Thoroughly enjoyed working with the Bundeswehr during the late 80's & 90's and would feel confident under fire with them.
Again, great presentation, it really is high level work that could easily be used in formal military instruction.


Amazing content. Im trying to tell my girlfriend about some historical events, which I believe can often be better understood by war facts and battlefield strategics. Your videos are therefore of great help, and the quality is superb. Thank you!


My compliments! This may have been the most professional video I have seen in years! This is not the most sexy topic, but you kept me very interested through the whole video.


Germans were the original gamers but they played with their lives.


I LOVE your channel, Man! It's very professional as well as informative! The way you lay things out is so systematic & logical making everything so EASY to understand! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! MORE! MORE!


Wooo its here! I didnt know it was about the sturmgewehr!! Ill comment again after i finish it, ive really been waiting for a vid like this for ages, thank you 🖒🖒


Great you used Post Scriptum audio for the presentation.
