Goju Ryu Karate

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Discover the origins, philosophy, and techniques of Goju Ryu Karate in this in-depth video. Learn how Kanryo Higaonna’s journey to China and Chojun Miyagi’s dedication to refining traditional Okinawan methods shaped this influential style. Delve into the “hard-soft” concept that distinguishes Goju Ryu through kata like Sanchin and Tensho, emphasizing strength, flexibility, and controlled breathing.

Uncover the controversies surrounding lineage disputes and training methods, including debates about intense tension exercises and the importance of proper instruction. See how Goju Ryu’s unique blend of Chinese boxing, Okinawan tradition, and Japanese influence has propelled it onto the global stage. This video also highlights the real-world applications of Goju Ryu’s kata bunkai, exploring how practitioners analyze form to unlock effective self-defense techniques.

Whether you’re a dedicated martial artist or simply curious about the history behind this renowned karate style, this exploration of Goju Ryu offers valuable insights. Stay tuned to discover the balance between hard strikes and fluid movement, and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural legacy that continues to inspire martial artists worldwide. Join us on MALMS and deepen your appreciation for the art, discipline, and enduring spirit of Goju Ryu Karate.
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I am currently studying the Goju- Ryu style, started when I was a kid, lost interest in it as all kids do in things. But some years later I came back and went to my dojo under my old sensi who also trained in Goju-Ryu in Okinawa, Japan. I have been training for a couple of years now and I very much enjoy it. I am up to 5 kata's and am now learning he 6th one. I still have a long way to go. However I have notice most of the time how some of the moves would help in a real life situation. A lot of the stuff is hard but I am enjoying it and will continue to enjoy it.


5th dan Goju here and approves of this video. Nice to see some old familiar faces.🥋


I major in martial arts on my university, had 1 year of boxing but there was no boxing classes. So I was put into the Karate class. Never learnt it before, and it's a Shotokan class. I was very resisting at first, but I gave it a try. Been 3 months, just had a test on Heian Nidan, Bunkai, no Kumite. I just finished watching Cobra Kai ss6 part 1, and to be honest. The show got me hooked on Karate, especially Goju Ryu which is shown in the show. And I'm thinking of self learning Goju Ryu aside with the Shotokan teaching at university, I don't train for belts since I can only get belts from the Federation, the uni teach me to be a trainer. Do you think I can cooperate both the styles and maybe use Goju Ryu in Shotokan's kumite?


🥋 OSU 🥋 Greetings from the Netherlands


Dear Teacher, If a child born with out his left hand's five fingers, could he be stil able to learn karate? Thanks


Todos los estilos terninan aplicando el principio de duro suave al aprender a relajar y contraer el cuerpo el mismo se aplica a la vida para poder ser lo más eficientes posibles no hay no existe un sistema como este la gran proeza es llevarlo a la practica lo que lleva décadas de práctica y estudio


❤❤❤ الله اكبر و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعين والملائكة والمرسلين عليهم الصلاة والسلام صدق الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم واتوب اليه وإن إليه راجعون ألف رحمة ونور عليهم الصلاة والسلام والحمد لله رب العالمين ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير ❤❤❤
