The Pacific Intro (HBO)

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Awesome series. I own nothing, please don't eat me corporations.
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This is musically and visually one of the most magnificent intros I have ever seen. the series made me realise how young the soldiers always are. Poor boys.


"Music by: Hans Zimmer"
That's how you know it's going to be good.


I remember when this series first airing in HBO, my father knock my room and said “Son, watched this series with me, its spielberg mini series” we sat down in front of tv and the intro song start playing beautifully. It was the best feeling ever, i kept coming back to this music all the times to remembering him. An iconic moment for us. I missed you, dad. Everything is different without you.


This intro is truly top tier. The splintering charcoal. Unreal.


*Heroes don't wear capes, they wear dog tags.*


One time before he died I asked my grandpa why he fought in the Pacific War, he said " I fought for my Country, I fought for a better world for you and your mother and all the people of the USA. It was our duty and I'm very proud of it." And then we started to cry.... just what i'm doing right miss you RIP


The kids nowadays in history classes should be required to see the The Pacific and Band of Brothers. Before Graduation.🇺🇸


I’m British. I’m unbelievably proud to be so and have family members who fought in Europe and the Far East in WW2. My grandad was a Spitfire pilot in the Battle of Britain and he is my absolute hero. Recently I was clearing his house and came across US medals which puzzled me. Quick call to the US embassy in London and the Archives in Washington and what I heard gave me the biggest smile and sense of pride. Turns out for some reason my great uncle who was a Glasgow boy like me was decorated for bravery in Bastogne as a combat medic in the 101st airborne. We don’t know how he ended up in the US army but I’m currently working on it. Anyway I know this is the Marines but my point is our countries stood and still stand together. Your heroes are our heroes and vice versa. They saved the world for us and thank you just doesn’t seem enough. Semper Fi Marines. Rule Britannia and God bless America.


Goosebumps every time I hear that intro… 🥹🥹


That last drum beat gives me chills every single time! So powerful, arguably one of the greatest opening titles in television history!


After watching these series my heart is forever changed. It can’t help but be. Today I went out and thanked my hometown hero a 97 year old WWII veteran who fought under Patton’s 3rd Infantry riding in a Jeep with a ..50 cal mounted in the back, he and his brothers were captured by the Nazis and interrogated. All of his teeth were busted out by the butt of a rifle and he was thrown into a POW camp and never gave up any info! After the war he worked for the city of Houston where he retired and then moved home to Louisiana a worked as a deputy Sheriff for awhile, and then finally back to the small town of Breaux Bridge where he lives today. This man is an American treasure and has mine and so many others highest respect, and to top it off is still fighting for veterans benefits. It is our duty as a nation to care for these guys with the best our country has. God Bless our veterans!


Did anybody else have moments of this series that brought them to tears?


People nowadays really don't appreciate how lucky we are. These guys gave their lives for our freedom.


The most emotionnal and intense opening i've ever seen


2:28 That last picture of him carrying the wounded soldier gets me every-time. It's amazing how something so simplistic can have such a profound effect on you.

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends."
John 15:13


I love this opening so much. It's beautiful


My name is Ali from Iraq when I watched this series so I was affected by many of it. I cried a lot. Music was a pioneer and beautiful in every episode of the series was very impressed


My grandpa started out as a private and retired a Lt Colonel in the USMC. During WW2 he landed at Tarawa, Saipan and Tinian with the 2nd Marine Division. He was a hell of a man.


I don't want to live in a world where there aren't WW2 veterans...

We need them...


To the greatest generation that lived on the planet
