Most Filters SUCK! (These DON'T!)

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Hey! You're finally in my backyard (and going to areas I have not visited yet :P ). You're lucky we've had a "cool" summer so far.


The one thing I always was curious about these types of filters (ones where you cannot attach a hood and that don't have some sort of built-in hood) how well they were able to help shield from things like reflections especially when using multiple filters stacked in the system. This has always sort of bothered me about square filters in general to a point where I always just bought round screw-in filters for the lenses I need them for (thus costing probably more than a single square filter kit that can work on a number of different sized filter threads but am finding as my lens collection grows so does the filter collection).


Just picked up the Freewell K2 after watching this video. I was looking for a kit like this that was an integrated system, and that can be adapted for different filter thread sizes. Now that I have my hands on it, you can see its a quality piece of engineering as well. Thanks Matt.


Very nice kit of filters! I like all the small details they designed as well.


The top line B+W Filter CPL Master is superb. No need for filters otherwise, except for Long exposures


I love that someone is forward thinking with these fliters but without the abilty to attach a hood, even some flimsy one, I doubt I will invest until they work that out.


Wow, that is a great filter, I'm glad you reviewd them and show us how great the images are with the filter.


The only filters I ever use are CPL and ND filters. Everything else can be done in post with the advantage of retaining the original RAW file. Once you use an FX filter, like a bloom filter for example, that is your starting point for editing, which is a limit in itself.


Happy to say I ordered them through your link @MattGranger. Looking forward to working with these. Been looking for something like this for months.


I’m an old school photographer- 35mm. Technology has changed so much. I’ve alway loved using filters. Specifically in strong lighting. It helped balance tones & prevented over exposed pictures. Your very correct not all filters are created well. I’m retired now, living on a set income. I find myself having to find ways to mount or hold my old filters for iPhone or small compact digital travel camera. Where there is a will, you find a way to adapt. Canon, Sony are my favorite & preference. I am very interested in your filter giveaway. I’m very interested in your YouTube videos. Thanks. Much appreciated.


In the few cases where I could use a grad ND, I find it easier to just either take 2 exposures, or even just a single one that’s exposed for the sky, and do the work afterwards. You’re not always working with a straight horizon.

I do use regular ND filters to achieve a long shutter speed, or to be able to use fill flash on a bright day and stay under the flash sync limit.

I also have a CPL, but don’t use it often at all. I just don’t find they add that much.

This is not to speak negatively about the video. It’s just that I don’t want to overcomplicate things when I’m already traveling with a big camera and 3 lenses.


Will check them out. Color casts have always been a no-no for me when looking at filters.


Looks nice but I am set up with Kase filters and love them...Thanks for sharing.


OK, the bubble level on the filter is pretty smart and convenient!


what a great location to get some awesome images. Thanks for the review Matt, its sounds like a good product.
No hat mate in that bright sunlight 🤔 😂


I bought these earlier this month. I can't wait till they ship.


It looks like really good system, I do wish I were in a position to pay for it.
I've spent so long with paralysis of filter analysis that I find I have to drop a chunk of change on updating my GPU in hopes of getting LR working again.


I generally only use 3 filters. B+W polariser, B+W 10 stop and Singh Ray reverse grad. I will say I have never had any issues with any of the three filters that I use affecting image quality. This looks like a very decent system and much easier to use than having to screw filters on and off. Thanks for the review.


Welcome to "The Zone", Matt! Being from Oz you know the need for SPF 1-million sunscreen and a hat. Also, those 64-ounce sodas sold at the mini-marts are the small size. Don't shy away from buying them frequently. 🤠


Matt, is it possible you add the location (or map) when you visit awesome landscapes? This is a great place to visit. However, is difficult to know where is it. PS: Good alternative for my NISI filters. Cheers from Chile.
