The Essential UX Design Trends to get ahead of in 2023

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So this isn’t your typical UX Trends video… If you came here for some generic design updates this won’t be the video for you... But If you’d like to take part in a discussion on the future of the UX industry, then hit play now!

Maureen Herben is a Senior Product Designer, and a graduate of CareerFoundry’s UX Design program. In this video she’ll share where she sees the future of the UX design industry, some of the key developments to be aware of, and the technologies to stay on top of.

We’d love to hear in the comments what you think of Maureen’s predictions for 2023 and beyond, let’s start a discussion in the comments.

Notion (For UX / UI Designers) - A Full Guide (2022) -

Get Started In UX Design - A Full 7-Step Guide (2022) -

Video Timestamps / Chapters:

00:00 - UX Design Trends and the future of the industry
01:04 - Why ‘Super Apps’ are going to take over
04:48 - How Artificial Intelligence (AI) will affect the UX Industry
08:50 - The future of ‘Content Design’ and ‘UX Writing’
13:57 - Why is ‘Planet-Centric Design’ important to UX designers?
18:07 - A changing UX job market / landscape in 2023 and beyond
21:22 - UX Design Trends and the future of the industry
22:03 - How to get started in UX Design, and your next steps…

Thanks for watching!

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UX Design Trends 2023
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We’d love to hear what you think of Maureen’s predictions for 2023 and beyond, let’s start a discussion! ⌨


The huge tech layoffs really worried me as a newbie in this industry, so it's a relief to hear that polishing my skills and portfolio will help me stand out.


If anyone is thinking about UX design - just know it's incredibly hard to land a job. I am happy I did this course, but I have yet to find a job after a year. The market is too saturated, with too many layoffs, and not enough entry-level positions for transitioning career professionals. You would do better learning UX design on the side and going to front-end development instead. Though, IF you are in your 20s and money is not a concern, dig into UX design. I absolutely loved it!


Thank you, Maureen! You are a great advocate for UX Design education and overall field. Love the way you present the information.


Thanks god there is no colour pallets and all this random UI repeating from video to video and from year to year pieces, having nothing in common with the design itself :) Great material, thanks for your thoughts and resources!


Really enlightening and useful video for me, as someone who just started on her UX learning journey! Thank you!


Ah what a great video! Thank you CareerFoundry and Maureen 😊 I loved last year’s trends vid, and this year’s is even more packed with treats!


Thank you very much for sharing this kind of information.


Thank you CareerFoundry and Maureen for such amazing video!


SuperApps are often (not always!) overwhelming because it's hard to build a visual hierarchy when you have a lot of services in one place. Also sometimes due to the economy of development process the functionality feels like being reduced in comparison with the separate service app. 

Take the Grab app for example, you cannot order a taxi without walking through ads banners and some food delivery vouchers, or order groceries without closing the app for a sec, otherwise your cart will be emptied and you have to start again. This is also what a UX designer along with Product designer should keep in mind while making design for SuperApp.


well explained and informative, thank you!


super useful tips! if I can share some feedback: the production and explanations on this are fantastic! the only nitpick I have is that the crossed arms is a little bit off-putting. body language is important, albeit subtle


what a good closing statement! motivates me a lot. Thank you


I'm very grateful for this tutorial, really informative, thank you so much!


Inspiring - thanks a mill for that summary! Cheers to Berlin :D


Planet-centric design!? Ok will come back to this some time later


It's better not to shoot with the hands crossed and the speed is a little slow, but other than that, great video! and I like the camera "bokeh" effect with lights) cosy! As for the content, it's interesting. I never thought that super apps could be popular in US or Europe, but we'll see. Planet-centric design trend is very real. Look how many startups and big companies are focused on recycle and renewable energy. As for the Juniors UXers....well, guys, I wish you good luck) I couldn't find a job so far with a CF course and portfolio with 3 case studies. Recruiters look down upon those "school projects" and want real experience so I suggest finding clients asap and work pro bono until you'll have enough experience to present. They are too many of us on the market lol


wow, thanks so much for the interesting insights. I really like the idea that super apps start using their own payment system. I think we can expect such a move from google maps


Great video and content, Thank you..! Side note: Watch this video in 1.25x speed :)


This is brilliant and so inspirational <3
