Determining Career from the Lord and Navamsha Lord of the 10th Lord (Phaladipika 5.2-8)

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Weekly stream translating and explaining the 14th century Indian/Vedic astrology classic: Phaladipika.

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4:23 Sun
18:24 Moon
26:50 Mars
33:11 Mercury
40:41 Jupiter
44:05 Venus
49:23 Saturn

1:01:48 Vic’s chart as sample 😊


I'm born in a Vedic brahmin family so sanskrit is natural for me.. but amazing how u learnt and translate, pronounce ...

I bow to you


You have no idea how this video sparks something within me to learn copywriting because my 10th lord mars is in amsha mercury Virgo 11th house, and id D1 it is conjunct mercury in 2nd house pisces. Thank you so much for the video! 🙏


Libra Ascendant in the natal chart. 10th house lord is Moon. Moon is placed in Gemini in D1 and Moon is in Aries in Navamsa. So, Mercury is the lord of the lord of 10th house and Mars is the navamsa lord of the 10th lord.
Saturn is placed 10 places from Sun and Sun is placed 10 places from Moon.

--Mercury Career involve:
# Being an author;
# Keeping records/writing manuals;
# Translation;
# Astrology;
# Studying many subjects/learning difficult things;
# Meditation/Mantra/Words;
# Conducting detailed functions/ceremonies (ritual/detail/repetition);
# Dependency on tricky wording (speech);

--Mars Career involve:
# Metals/Mining/Rocks;
# Fighting (Army, Military);
# Kitchen Stoves;
# Land-Lording;
# Gold;
# Punishment (Police, Judge);
# Contest (Sports);
# Exploration (Scientist)/Conquest;
# Treachery/Thievery;


Thank you Vic for yet another awesome video 🙏


How interesting… Mercury is my Amatayakaraka, and the 10L in the d1, d9, and d10 chart. Currently running Mercury mahadasha. Lots of focus in career so far, got a job in HR recently that almost doubles my income and I work from home.
Current goal that I’m working on is running my own online business (merchant style, buying products from foreign countries and selling domestically).

D1: 10L Mercury in 7H Gemini Ardra conjunct Mars. Moon is 10th from the 10 lord.

D9: 10L Mercury in 4H Pisces mutually aspected by moon (both pushkara bhaga).

D10: 10L Mercury in 3H Scorpio (jyestha).


Moon is one of my strongest planets. Moon in 10th house, 10th house lord placed in cancer both in D1 and D9, so Moon is lord x2. Also, D9 moon also placed in 10th house. That's a lot of moon influence - yet so far, I have had Mercury type of occupations. (Mercury is also a very strong planet of mine very well placed in both D1 and D9: in D1 it's exalted and in own house, in D9 it's lord of 1st and 10th house, in 10th house Gemini, i.e. own sign, and conjunct the Moon - would that link it all?). I do have a lot of interest and love in all those Moon type of things listed in this video, but career-wise, so far, it's only been the Mercury types of occupations listed.


Sun + mercury Libra , ASC Sagittarius Capricorn d9 d1 😂 finally Im in align with my soul purpose, like just started with Jupiter (I'm 52 years old) Thank you ❤ Vic


.. Beautiful... Thank you.. So well explained.. 💜🧿🍀🤗


Sun and I’m planning to go into healthcare/medicine


I’m curious, is everyone here utilizing tropical rashi like Vic does? And see more accuracy?


My son has strong Mars and was born a foodie!


I have a question (I only know western astrology), .. can I follow the same deductive reasoning or breakdown that you have gone over in this great lesson. .


I wonder if you also can do this technique from the Moon?
And did Space Bug's question meant just taking 10th house lord and read the list?
It feels IF one was to consider uranus, neptune and Pluto along with the nodes then there's a case to be made for how they show an effect?🤷🏾‍♂️

*I realized me and Bill have something in common, strong 1st lord in the 10th with an exalted 10th lord in navamsa. Well guess I need to sign up for an astrology course* !😅
I don't know I feel a whole lot of Saturn traits in career. Not sure how that even works


so to clarify...

We look at lord of 10th lord in D1 + lord of 10th lord in D9 ?

I was not entirely sure so please confirm or correct


Sir thank you so much for sharing this. You are always perfectly detailed. Also - don't kill me for this - I made a Sidreal chart for you for fun and this is what I saw.


Adding my experience:
1) 10h lord doesn't fit at all,
2) 10h lord's Navamsha lord fits extremely well.
3) 10h lord's Rashi lord fits extremely well.
4) Planets in 10h do not work.
5) nothing is posited in 10th houses from Sun nor Moon - the rulers of those houses do not work.


What combinations make a doctor especially surgeon?


Thanks, very useful! Could Mars also indicate careers in advertising (competition + treachery)? Especially if Mercury and/or Moon is involved. Re: Bill Gates, his 10th cusp is in Pisces and Jupiter is in Leo in his 2nd house which brings the Sun and Self/leadership and health related factors into equation. Jupiter is 10th from Sun and in Sagittarius in his D9. So looks like a strong Su/Ju profile when focusing on cusps. Moon in Aries is still very relevant with the 11th cusp sitting there.


Thank you Sir, this is amazing 🎉 i finally understand my chart somehow.
I have a question is that, does parivartan yoga between 11th and 10th makes it more color when i come to analyze my job/career ? Because i have Mars(10th lord) + Venus in 11H, 10th house Scorpio got Jupiter/Sun/Mercury
Thanks for reading and this amazing video r
