God cares about your career...

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God cares about your career; you can find your next step with prayer and guidance.

If you are in a season of career transition or navigating entrepreneurship and your 9-5, then I believe this video will be helpful. God cares about your job, financial stability, and how you steward the gifts entrusted to you.

Be encouraged,
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Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you, ” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


The timing of this. May God bless anyone who reads this


I’m not kidding, it’s 2:00 in the morning and this video just popped up out of nowhere right after I had a whole mental breakdown about my career earlier. Transitioning can be so confusing and tiring but God is so intentional . He really sees me and he really cares.
Thank you for allowing God to use you as his vessel to bring forth this timely and much needed word.


Thank you for this comforting and timely message! I just graduated from grad school two months ago and I'm still job hunting. May the Lord guide me to the job and career He has for me 💗


This video randomly showed up in my feed while I've been desiring God's direction in my career. Thank you for the reminder that God desires to guide us in every step of our lives.


So weird that this is something I’m struggling with right now. So hard. So confused. So anxious. So scared. So lost. I don’t know anymore. I’m tired. 😪… Lord Help me.


My, my, my! What an on-time word!! I have been tossing and turning for months about a job change! I applied for a new job for the 1st time in 9yrs.
I have no idea where God will lead me, but I trust Him!!


i just had a breakdown crying my eyes out yesterday on my shift. This was triggered when I saw someone I knew got the same dream job that I want. I love my friend and I am happy for her but I felt left behind and stuck. I prayed before ending my shift seeking for guidance. Went home and cried myself to sleep. Just now, logging in, opened youtube for my music playlist to start my day at work, this video came up. I don't know you and have not seen any of your videos before. The message was clear. It is amazing how God bring each other together to receive messages from him. Wow


My dad passed away less than two months ago. I feel like my life is over. Thank you for this message. God please help me believe.


I’ve never seen your channel before until today. I was making close to $80k/year when I lost my job in 2018. I’ve been partnering with my sister in helping care for aging parents since I lost everything in 2019. It’s very difficult to go from independent to dependent and in lack. Your video brought me to tears and encouraged me to complete the training I’m currently involved in. I don’t believe it’s God’s will for me to be in lack. I’m going to move forward knowing God has my back. Thank you!


My career recently got derailed by illness( I’m better now), and it took me a bit to realize that this was a prayer being answered… I’ve been crying out to God for help, telling him I was tired and stressed out. I never had the courage to just walk away. Now I’m realizing that God wants me to lean on him for career direction, not because I need money, but because my career should be aligned with his purpose for me. This message was so timely. Thank you so much. ❤


It can only be God the reason why this video just popped up. I have never seen your channel and one the first encounter you're speaking my life lol.. WOW
Thank you for being a willing vessel that God can use to help His people.
Remain blessed

New subscriber 😅, all the way from South Africa Johannesburg


I’ve been job hunting for almost 2 years and I’ve been praying for guidance & this vid just popped up😮


Oh my goodness! I wanted to be a nurse until I was hired as a unit Secretary! That was in 2005. Now I’m an executive secretary. Clerical and administrative duties are my strength


“Trusting God to get me thru school” 😢 this hit home


This came right when I needed it. I was just praying about a new job then came on YouTube. Im in a situation where i desperately need a better job, I’m unqualified for a lot of jobs and just don’t have experience in alot of things. Im having trouble pin pointing my talents etc. also hearing from God. God help me to see clearly what talents, gifts and purpose you have given me. Help me to see clearly the plans you have for me. Lord where do want me. Where instruction do you have for me. Father lead the way for me and I will follow.


Not me finding this video a month after graduating from my MA, with the expectation of opening a private practice, and losing my office space after we made a deal just for the Lord to say: "Wait". ❤


I was laid off 4 months ago, cannot make ends meet, might have to file for bankruptcy, and I been feeling utterly lost with what I should do next. You saying what you said at 10:05 was really helpful. I have a small business that I'm trying to get off the ground, but I know that I need a stable (likely corporate) job in the interim. I don't want to return back to corporate America as it was misaligned with my true passions and values, but I need that stability again. May God be my guiding light, and may the right role come to me soon. Thank you for your video!


I was led here. I came confused and left with a God inspired word for direction. All Praises to The Most High.


I graduated two months ago with my MBA and I’ve been job hunting since fall of 2023. I always believed that God gave me the desire to pursue a career in the corporate world (for His Glory of course). However, this season of waiting has brought me a lot of disappointment and at times it’s really hard to remain hopeful. Lately, I’ve been wondering if I made a mistake studying for a career that’s is so unpredictable and heavily influenced by volatile economic trends. This is exactly what I needed, God is so intentional. My hope is that God will help me to grow in trusting Him in this season.
