What is the Xenomorph HOMEWORLD? - Alien Romulus

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What and where is the Xenomorph HOMEWORLD? - Alien Romulus

Xenomorph Prime was the fourth planet orbiting the star Achilles 2, located in the Achilles System.
It was the Xenomorph XX121 homeworld, but also home to several other species.
Hidden by twin binary stars, Xenomorph Prime was at least the size of Earth and possessed three major continents as well as a small ocean.
While the Xenomorph population on Xenomorph Prime was ultimately determined to not be indigenous, it was unknown how they arrived there in the first place; whether they were intentionally imported, or part of an experiment that had gotten out of control, or from a crashed ship. Regardless, the Xenomorphs made the world their own and built a number of gigantic Hives, at least one of which housed a Queen Mother.
Locked in a constant state of dusk, the climate was hot and humid, and the atmosphere was breathable for humans.
While the terrain was mostly flat, the planet was covered with shallow salty seas, swamps, and desert wastelands. The areas overrun by Xenomorphs were also covered with Hive resin.
The Xenomorphs on Xenomorph Prime were stronger and quicker than their off-world counterparts, perhaps due to the having access to different hosts.
Initially, all Xenomorphs belonged to a single hive, but after the Super Queen died, they split into two different hives which would not only compete, but were immediately hostile towards one another, and would attack on-sight.
These were the so-called “Black” and “Red” Aliens; which, in the comic books, were represented as having exoskeletons of varying hues, the comics editors have said the colouring was just there to be able to tell the factions apart, and didn't necessarily need to be taken as the second hive literally being Red in colour; likely, as a reference to Black and Red Ants.
The leaders of the entire Xenomorph species, are the rarest type of hive monarch and arguably the rarest type of Xenomorph, full stop, the Queen Mother.
While there have been many Queens, only a handful of Queen Mothers have been known to exist. As their name suggests, they are the highest caste of Xenomorph, above even the Queens.
While the planet featured very minimal vegetation, it did host indigenous animal life, with several avian, mammal or reptile-like species; however, an unnamed species was known to compete with the Xenomorphs, thus becoming their only natural predator.
These creatures most closely resemble Cynodonts, which were a predecessor to mammals, often described as “Mammal-like Reptiles”. They had pale, creamy skin, and blazing orange eyes, with clawed fingers, and quadrupedal.
They could contend with a Xenomorph in combat and were shown clawing into and biting their bodies, indicating that the Acid blood had no effect on them. Their own blood was black in colour.
Instead of being above, or below the Xenomorphs on the food chain, they seem to share the niche and compete, keeping each other's numbers in check.
For many years, the Yautja kidnapped facehuggers from Queens and took them offworld to spread on other planets in order to breed Xenomorphs for hunting. In the 2190s, an expedition led by Billie, Wilks and a synthetic of Ellen Ripley landed on the planet to abduct the Queen Mother, starting a civil war between two young Queen Mothers.
An expedition led by billionaire Daniel Grant to retrieve Royal Jelly in order to synthesise Xeno-Zip landed in the middle of this schism and nuked the Red Xenomorph hive, killing the Red Queen Mother; queenless, the rest of the Red Xenomorphs were eradicated by the opposing blacks. At some point after the events of AVP 2010, the Elite clan headed to the planet for their greatest hunt yet, followed by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, while Specimen 6 was seen being transported off BG-386 on board a Weyland-Yutani vessel.
The validity of the Xenomorphs having a home-planet depends on whether or not you consider Prometheus and Alien Covenant to be canon. As the comicbooks featuring the planet was made before Prometheus established that David was the creator of the Xenomorph species using the Black goo pathogen, which was created by the Engineers.
Me myself personally, I like to believe that the Xenomorphs are in fact a mysterious, ancient, naturally-occuring species, as I find that to be more mysterious and thought-provoking than having them be created by David, as Prometheus and Covenant say happened.
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This article uses material from the Xenopedia wiki at Fandom and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

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Canonicaly it was explained in the Prometheus/covenant novelisations that david did NOT make the xeno, just his version of it. There is a mural of a xeno in Prometheus before they encounter the pathogen. He just tried to make his own version of it.


You can see Xenomorph-like figures on the walls of the engineer ships in Prometheus. So David couldn't have created them. He just bred something that was already there. And so the AvP universe still remains plausible...


The original "Alien" was the scariest because the xenomorph was such a mystery with unanswered questions.


I prefer the idea that the xeno is a natural creature from another world we don't understand


I liked the idea that the Xenomorphs are a Natural Species who's true Home World remains unknown.


I read the Dark Horse graphic novels when I was younger, before the later movies, and through those publications came to understand that the xenomorph occurred naturally somewhere and that their homeworld likely included other, equally deadly predators to keep the ecosystem in balance.


Following the canonical themes of ALL the films, it makes perfect sense that David is not the creator. He is just another in a long line of people trying to figure out a way to use and exploit the Xenomorphs. The common thread of seeking to exploit a biological weapon still holds even if Prometheus raised a whole lot of questions (for apparently no other reason than to be mysterious).


I’m glad you included the natural predatory threat of the xenomorph on that planet. That would be awesome to see if they had somewhat of a story arc with them in future alien movies


I like to believe the xenos to be naturally occurring and studied/ weaponized by engineers.


My headcanon is that the Xenomorph is simply a wild animal from a wildly different ecosystem, perhaps being transported on the crashed ship for a simple purpose, such as food, ecological preservation etc. But either way they are from somewhere so different that when encountering humanity they could thrive in the same way the Cane Toad had when introduced in Australia.


It's been canonically established that David did not create the original Xenomorph; he simply created a strain that was functionally identical to the strain we are all familiar with (the same one encountered on LV-426).


I think the captain of the Prometheus ship was correct in his hypothisis that the outpost they found was military and they found their bioweapons, used to create biological WMD's, AKA, The Xenomorphs


I read that old xenomorph origins comic. It was good, or at least adequate and made sense. Much better than an android inventing them about 20 minutes ago, despite the fact that the original derelict had been there for thousands of years and xenomorph murals being present at the black goo factory.


Remind me not to make it a vacation destination ...


I like to think the Aliens are a natural form of life, that the Engineers wanted to re-create in order to be able to control them. With their own mindless and controllable drones they could then use them a sort of elite army to do the dirty work. But of course their experiments to re-create ended up biting them in the rear. *Literally* lol


I think David simply, "Re-created", the xenomorphs. They pre-existed his, "Research". Great video.


You might say David achieved creating A Xenomorph but truth is they're ancient creatures scattered in space with not much of a known background available.


The unknown is way more scary than man made.


David didn’t create them he just created his perfect version of them .


I think both concepts are interesting.

I like the bioweapon angle because it allows for there to be deeper lore that expands the universe, but I also think it's a very romantic idea to have the Xeno being something that has evolved over millennia and is waiting out there to be discovered.

One thing I do wish was delved deeper into, which was touched on in Alien Resurrection, is making the Xeno's more intelligent, and modified via their hosts.

I've always been intrigued by Ridley's original concept to make the Xeno win at the end of Alien and speak with Ripley's voice into the flight log, so that a salvage crew would find the escape pod and be attacked. I find that concept to be really shocking and terrifying that something so ALIEN could replicate human speech and intelligence.
