7 Demonic Items You Need To Remove From Your Home

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New Age Occult objects are tools in satan's kingdom to keep you in bondage in darkness and gives you a false sense of spirituality and to keep you blinded to the demonic principalities that take place on this world today. These 7 objects/items in this video must be removed from your house immediately because It gives forces of darkness legal ground to operate in your life and to oppress you and your family.

2 Corinthians 11;14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

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#marcthemessenger #spiritualwarfare #demonic
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It's not a joke, I bought an evil eye bracelet innocently, it looks cute, the first day I wore it, came from work tired, fall asleep on the ground watching a video on my phone.I experience something very frightening, I saw someone I knew who committed su*c*de pushing down on me, n making scary cries, I felt heavy 😳. Something push me to call on Jesus name, I jump from sleep shaky.Once I was up, I intuitively thinking it was the evil 😈 👁 eye bracelet, I didn't know for sure, I took it off, but I didn't throw it away, so this video was recommended to me on purpose, it's confirmation. it's going in the trash right now.


I found your videos 4 months ago an man I’m back on my walk. No sex, stop smoking, weed fasting, reading my bible, prayer 🙏🏿 God has showed me so much I have lost family friends thank you 🙏🏿


James 4: 7-8 is so true and I have a testimony! When I decided to submit myself to God, I started saying no to sex, no to bad company, no to drugs and strong alcohol…. I could feel the demons fleeing!!! And when they tried to visit me at night!! My trust was in God, and I could hear the angels telling the demons to leave me alone and the demons were angry !!! Y’all submit to God! It works


*WARNING* DO NOT SALE OR TRADE THESE OBJECTS YOU GET RID OF! Do not allow the greed for money to cause you to err in the way, do not allow your idol to become someone else's idol or demonic strong hold. You will be held responsible for passing along the curse knowing the object should be destroyed or discarded. Instead be the one to put a stop to it's influence playing your part in standing strong for the kingdom.


I’m Muslim and these things are also demonic in my religion and condemned. Thank you I enjoy listening to you and admire your spiritual strength


PREACH!!🙌🏻 "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge."


I bought some sage the other day and didn’t even know it was a demonic object. I prayed and asked God if this is something I should be doing to release the “bad energy” in my home and He me a notification to watch this video. All I can say is wow. This was RIGHT on time and I am throwing it away. Thank you so much for your videos 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


May God continue to inspire us to spot the snares of the enemy through what is trending in world 🙏


If God is everywhere and in everything then he is in crystals too !


True story...
I had a little Hindu "head" decor piece. I had owned it a couple years despite never really using it in my home's decor. I kept it because I thought it was cute and still wanted to try to incorporate it into my decor. It never really "looked right" so I kept it stored away. One day while cleaning, I was led to get rid of it since I wasn't using it anyway. Later that evening I needed to go to the store and grabbed the item throw it away on the way out. I forgot to put it in my trash outside so I figured I'd just throw it in the trash at the store. When I got there I saw that the dumpster was open so I hopped out with the item and tossed it in. As soon as I turned around something told me to look down and right in front of me...on the ground crumpled up was a $50 bill! I immediately thanked God and told Him I now understand it was Him leading me to throw that item out. Hallelujah


Just realized my mom is a miserable witch literally she had me full for years. I thought it was cool and I was happy for her to have her little friend group. Just recently found God. Thank you Mark. My girlfriend turned me on you. Your videos help me with my prn addiction


My mom use to practice she was always spiritual and I realize it was because she’s passed away and came back to life but God has always guided and spoke to her. She then trickled into new age but went back to God. For years(10+) she was devoted but trickled back into new age. I finally was able to get her to stop. I was into it as well but I started reading the Bible. We threw out every new age item from our home and repented. Shorty after that (months) my mom passed away. God used me to clean her up spiritually and I’m so glad I listened❤. Knowing my mom and her faith and love for God and coming to the truth to know who we really are, I’m so proud I was able to save my mother’s spirit. ❤ It was right on time.


When my family put idolatrous objects in my house, my God kept knocking them over.


We really owe you so much for teaching us what isn't preached on pulpits every Sunday. You're a hero


Crosses are just a symbol of respect for what he went through.


Brother, last night I watched your video about sexual dreams/demonic attack and I had a dream of the same but I was preaching the person trying to force me about God in my dreams. Praise God for the way he sends me the right message at the right time!!


Jesus delivered me from new age occult I used to read tarot cards zodiac horoscope astrology 🙏


I saw a barista wearing an evil eye necklace & a cross necklace together & it saddened my heart. I've noticed believers who fall away get sucked into New Age because it's more socially acceptable, the enemy won't attack these false religions & practices because it doesn't pose a threat. It's not easy to stand for the truth. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, this is such an important video 💜


My Pastor was just preaching on this! God’s timing is perfect❤


Please continue to speak your truth. The closer I get to Jesus and his holy father the less nightmares I’ve been having. I used to suffer horrible nightmares to where I would cry upon waking. All of this has quieted down the more I get to know god and his hand ✋🏽 it’s as if they know where I am heading and are too scared to keep harassing me. So please don’t stop your deliverance it is literally setting me free. ( All that represents evil and hides in my home will not hide no more in the name of the almighty god and Jesus Christ amen 🙏).
