BEWARE of These 7 Demonic Trends

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BEWARE of these 7 demonic trends floating thru social media

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Ever since I’ve been listening to you I’ve been keeping God on speed dial in my life. I won’t do anything without him. ✝️✝️✝️


I have many many crystals and used to meditate with them often. I was a certified yoga instructor, tarot reader, reiki healer, and followed astrology. In my studies, they would often mention Jesus/Yeshua along with Krishna even saying they are the same being/consciousness. As I got more into my Bible I drew away from the practices and didn’t want to do them anymore. Praise God for deliverance!


You literally describe the 98% of people in Babylon. Transparency moment. I used to burn sage, I used to have crystals. But I had a LOT of experiences that The Almighty God Heavenly Divine allowed to happen for me to open my eyes. I started to stray away and destruction was abundant at the time. The women I’ve dealt with were wickens or witches of some sort. My most recent former partner has crystals, does yoga, listens to world psychic readings, and I could never seem to rock with it. I got my own space and since then I’ve been in prayer, semen retention/celibacy and hard work. It’s all bringing me back to the Kingdom Of Heaven.


"can't fight satan with satan" Word man! Nothing physical or material matters. And thats talking about ALOT when you let that fully sink in!


My aunt used to channel when I was young. During the last channeling I was a witness to, the holy spirit said to me "Do not let anyone or anything ever share your body with you." My aunt used to hate me. As a child I never innerstood why... Now I know the demons in her hated the holy spirit in me. God Bless.


The dark side of spirituality is very deceptive & destructive for sure... Be aware people this is VERY REAL info!!! Thanks for puttin this info out there Marc💯👏


Notice when Your talking about The DEMONIC TRENDS you only get 200 something likes.


Yess, continue to speak the truth! People hate when we speak on witchcraft because they don’t want to accept the fact that they partake in it, but we can’t take away or add to the word of God ! His word is true 🙌🏽


This brother is the truth. I was studying the Bible for 50 years and everything he talks about is in the big book from God. This is not a joke. We all need to take heed. Real talk in Jesus name amen.


Marc, this literally just happened to me!
I attend a community college and I was skipping class (when I shouldn’t have lol), and this random guy encountered me. He told me he indulged in tarot readings and spoke with mediums. Then he proceeded to tell me that he’s not a Christian, but a Jew and that he believes in what the Bible says, but goes back and forth between the truth and this new age spirituality. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Definitely an agent!


God's army is coming together so beautifully ❤️ Keep pushing my brother. In JESUS we trust.


God does not blindly put things into a category of demonic. God looks at the intentions of the individual in all that they do.


Angel numbers are pure Deception. I sinned through believing in them sometime ago got attacked that same night by a demonic being. I prayed and the holy spirit confirmed it was wrong and i repented from following demonic doctrines. God bless you.


I felt so liberated when I threw away my crystals, tarot cards, occult books. Praise YAH! 🙌


This is my second confirmation from God this week. Thank you. It’s great planting the seeds of salvation.


Let me add to that. I always felt that sage was bad...went through life staying away from it. One day I decided to Google and ask the person selling it if it was OK. They. Said it was, and I decided to try it...out of weakness. I tried it and my house definitely was different and not in a more positive beautiful way. Things went DOWN SOUTH. And I knew exactly why. Sooo NEVER AGAIN.


You’ve just OPENED my eyes. I sun gaze and do yoga and in the past have dappled in alot of the things you spoke about. I didn’t know yoga or sun gazing were demonic. I need to find Jesus’s love in my heart again I feel him calling me back to him. Pls pray for me whoever’s reading this I feel the demonic attacks daily


Y’all smash the like on this one and share this 🔥🙏🏿


My neighbor is into witchcraft. And I started praying for them to turn away from the darkness. Since then, my neighbors seem like they are scared of me and my family. Just keep the prayers up. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 and put on your armour of God.


I've seen people posting their stories on the things that you listed in this video. I gotta say that I used to be involved with a couple of people on instagram bringing motivation, building vision boards, law of attraction, and also sharing a story when the clock hits the three same numbers such as 4:44; 11:11; or 3:33. Also, I have seen people meditate on the full moon phase. When I had a relationship with Christ. I am no longer involved with people thanking the universe, zodiac signs, law of attraction and other demonic things. I need Jesus, not Law of Attraction, Crystals, Dream catchers or other ungodly things.

When I was in high school at my English class, the teacher made me and other classmates to build a dream catcher as part of the grade, when I told my mom about it, she told me that it was witchcraft and I didn't realize about it. So, I wanted to throw it away. I don't believe in Horoscopes, no longer believe in Law of attraction. I believe in Jesus and I read the Bible, I pray everyday, I go to church and worship God, but I worship and pray to God everyday. Also I am starting to make Christian music as well. I thank the lord for saving me and changing me
