4 Reasons Christians Should NEVER Drink Alcohol 🍺=☠️

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Is drinking alcohol a sin? Many Christian churches teach that's ok to drink alcohol, as long as you do it in moderation and you don't get drunk. They even claim Jesus endorsed drinking alcohol by turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana. But is this what the Bible really teaches? The truth will surprise you! In this video, I'm going to be telling you what the Bible really says about alcohol!

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0:00 - Introduction
2:12 - Scripture Condemns Drinking Alcohol
5:30 - Alcohol Is Unhealthy
8:36 - Alcohol Is Addictive
12:08 - Alcohol Impairs Your Judgment

#BibleFlockBox #AlcoholInTheBible #IsAlcoholSin
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Do you think it's a sin for Christians to drink alcohol?

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I just gave up alcohol February and weed last week, I’m on my way!


People tend to single out certain things in the bible, but the definition for DRUNKARD: someone who is an HABITUALLY drunk. Definition of DRUNK - affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior. So, what about coffee (effecting behavior), any caffeine drinks, sugar, desserts, AND.... eating too much FOOD?! If used as an idol anything could be a sin... not just alcohol, but ANYTHING. We just have to constantly reflect and adjust our lives. Thankful that JESUS CHRIST died on the cross for me and my knowing and unknowing sins. 🙏


Please don’t drink alcohol. My husband quit drinking 11 years ago. He is currently in the hospital in the ICU with pancreatic cancer. He thought because he quit drinking so long ago he would be safe from pancreatic cancer, but the damage was already done


I just want to say I started drinking wine a glass with some food, and eventually it turned into two glasses then I started drinking a whole bottle of wine at night which turned into vodka, eventually I got to a point where it was half a bottle of vodka per night.. I started becoming crazier and irrational with anger issues and bad anxiety.. alcohol is horrible I’m glad to say I will never touch a drop again


Thanks. I'm a Christian and I'm guilty because i drink alcohol. Please pray for me to abstain from drinking alcohol


I got cohersed into drinking alcohol by carnal Christians .little did I realise it would become a very bad habit .I'm now t total . And the happiness of Christ in me is incredibly powerful.


Amen! Jesus return soon! See you all in the air!!!!


Drinking alcohol is nothing wrong as long as it is in moderation. From what I understand is this: I agree with him. If you drink it at least once, it will not effect you. I love the fact that He mentions evidence from the Bible.


Being raised in a different culture than American culture it surprises me how it affects how we read and interpret some scriptures. Proper hermeneutics applied Drunkenness is a sin not drinking that’s what the Bible says explicitly.


No more alcohol for me in Jesus name I will be strong 💪 with his help pray for me 🙌 Thank you for your teaching God bless you 👑


Crazy, that I was just having a moment yesterday thinking about having a drink after being sober for 4 years now. This reminded me why i stopped. Needed that. I still do not know if it is a direct sin under the new covenant, but it does not lead to anything good. Also, dealing with alcoholism is a life-long thing. Even after you stop drinking, the urge hits you here in there. Always could use a little help.


Thank you Greg for this information. Very important!


'Woe to those who rise early in the morning,
That they may follow intoxicating drink;
Who continue until night, till wine inflames them!' - Isaiah 5: 11 (NKJV)

I was addicted to marijuana for almost 20 years. From morning to evening every day, it was the center of my entire life. Tried to quit (or control my addiction by smoking less, something foolish to even try to attempt) times and times again with no success. Over time, the thought that it was either live through the hardships of withdrawal OR one day find myself looking at the gates of New Jerusalem from the outside, started to condemn me and guilt constantly warned me of my doom. But it was not enough, I got used to live with that burden, all for the sake of 'drinking', to try evade reality and ease the pain and suffering of this day and age. I thought I could never quit, even if I wanted to.
Last time I planted my marijuana seeds, planning to start the process for yet another harvest, all the seedlings died. Thank God that happened, it was the last push I needed, after all these years, to finally come to my senses and gain momentum to move out of the way of death. I was able to endure withdrawal for a few months after and finally cut the dependency on the psychoactive substance (drug).
It took time but God answered my prayers. I couldn't have done it by myself, many years of addiction are the proof I need. I just couldn't do it, not until I believed the Gospel (and even then, it took some time). The struggle is still there, it will likely be there until the day of Jesus Christ, when we're glorified. But I believe it won't become an addiction for me ever again. Something is different now. I simply dislike it, find it repulsive. Temptation comes from time to time but in the form of nostalgia, it's a lie, and it's weaker every day, I'm confident now that I've overcome, in Jesus' name.
If anyone reading is living something like this today, maybe my testimony can help you strengthen your faith. Never forget: the worst thing anyone could ever experience is to see the gates of the Holy City from the outside. No pain now can compare to hell. This century will end, its days are numbered. God's Kingdom is eternal.


please pray for my son steven. that God will deliver him from alcohol. and smoking cigarettes. thank you brother's and sister's. God bless you all


In Isaiah 54 - 55, future blessings for Zion and its people during the Millennial Reign are listed, one of which is wine: "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you without money, come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost (Isaiah 55:1)." In Psalm 104:14-15, the psalmist sings praises to the LORD for creating "wine to gladden the heart of man, " a gift from GOD himself (James 1:17). In antiquity, wine is also used to aid in the numbing the process of death: "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts (Proverbs 31:6)." Are these examples of the use of wine as a blessing for mankind, in your opinion, sinful for a person to obey? Why?


I had started drinking thanks to the Army some 7 years ago. Two years ago, I drank some Korean liqour with my food and then attempted to drive home. That was the scariest drive I ever did. I stopped after that, but now, I can't let myself even smell sake or soju or the urge hits me like a truck. I didn't think it would affect me that much, but it has.
Addiction is a scary thing.


I've seen from a young age what alcohol does so I've never had a desire to drink, I've tasted alcohol but have never wanted to get drunk, I've been the only sober one when I was hanging out with my high school friends and if only they could look at themselves from the outside in they probably wouldn't have drank


Please pray for my parents to stop drinking. All my life they drank and I am 34 almost. I am so afraid for their souls and also cancers like the pancreas. I just decided recently to quit as I am on medication for depression. I am so afraid for my parents and I love them so much. All I can do is be an example, be sober and be there if they decide to quit...


This video was quite clear and thorough Greg. You don't need to make another video. Anyone who doesn't get it at this point is CHOOSING not to understand in my estimation. There's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of benefit or to gain by drinking alcohol. It's truly for the unwise
