Half Day | The Viral Office Rant | What's Your Status | Webseries | Cheers!

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Ultra Shorts Presents What’s Your Status, a web series of 3 different people, going through the 3 different phases of relationships - single, committed and married.

Watch TJ (Naveen Polishetty), get savage when an office employee asks him the much abused question – ‘Aaj Phir Se Half Day?’
This video is perfect for all of those who are slogging it out in their offices for hours and someone just brings up the same question - Aaj Phir Se Half Day?

Watch TJ’s epic comeback. This rant is something that all of us can relate to.
#WhatsYourStatus #UltraShorts #Cheers #WYS

Cast: Manjot Singh, Kumar Varun, Naveen Polishetty, Gurpreet Saini, Abhay Mahajan, Plabita Borthakur, Anisha Victor and Megha Burman.

Watch all episodes of What’s Your Status Web series here-

What's Your Status | Web Series | Episode 2 - January | Cheers!-

What's Your Status | Web Series | Episode 3 - June | Cheers!-

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Loved our episodes as much as we love you all 😍?


that is why we love him, due to his clear logic and ACID


"why is staying late at work considered a virtue?"
Japanese workers felt that


How many of you surprised when u came to know Naveen is a Telugu guy??


"aur aaj phirse half day"
Naveen:"Im bout to end this mans whole career"


Talent like this gets lost in the crowd of nepotism


As an IT employee, this is so true. Working late and kissing ass are the parameters which we are judged on. Not our efficiency. Glad that I don't fall in that category. Work life balance is everything. Take leaves, take half days, go out with your partner, with your parents, go on treks, go to the beach. Life is much more than just earning money. It's about making memories.

Edit: I never said don't work hard. I just said prioritise overall happiness. Work smart, not just hard. Read about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. We have different kinds of needs at different stages of our lives. Our needs start with Physical and safety, then moves on to abstract ones. Obviously, if you are struggling to survive financially, money will be the most important thing. If you're in that position, work for money. But after a time, money won't solve all your problems, then you have to prioritise your family, your relationships, your mental health. That's what I meant from the start but some people misunderstood.. Remember, happiness is our goal.


Old generation bosses created 24 thousands fake accounts to dislike this video 😂


That heavenly feeling when you finally get the courage to share this video with your boss 🤣🤣🤣


He is a Hyderabadi.... Hyderabad natives speak Hindi fluently....and this guy Naveen has started making good movies in telugu...not regular masala movies but different movies


This small clip deserves awards. You have touched a very very sensitive topic. Honest people who leave on time are insulted and considered as weak to handle pressure. Plus excessive working hours. I officially work for 10 hours. Law states 8 hours with 30 min break. 48 hours a week. Overtime of 50 hours in a quarter.

These weak, unable to handle pressure, inefficient, etc are words assigned to exploit by rich so others slog for free.


Noticed it or not! Single take dialogue delivery 🔥 Great actor


Even Mr Tata raised this question in a seminar quite long ago that if an employee is staying after official hours for work then, either the managers failed in evaluating required work-hours for the task or the employee need to improve his efficiency.


Who is here after Chhichhore??
Love his Acting ♥️♥️♥️

Edit: Thanks For The Likes


Attitude ka baap ani Devarakonda ne ntunnaru....bt without vulgarity polishetty is the best actor ever...he deserves too...i love it for having a big screen for him...


I found this video 4 years later than its actual upload but goddamm this is so relatable, I joined my first job 2 months ago and had the exact same thoughts. This is a serious problem which no one addresses, thank you for covering this topic. Students study their assess off in High School and College just to get more torture by working in a corporate job


Believe it or not, but this video played a crucial part in me taking a hard call about my career & I’m glad to say that my family & I are much happier!!
Thank you guys for making this🙏🙏🙏


Awesome video Yaar...

I quit my job few months ago,
No regrets, I'm happy and to be honest Im sleeping well also I can breath now.
More family times with my kids and my lovely wife.
Because I used to work 15+ hours.
She told me to quit way before, but I was thinking about how my kids will live without money. I was wrong..

My wife have a cake shop. I'm helping her there.
She's happy I'm happy.

Spending each day watching my kids grow. 😊



He is a telugu guy but he speaks hindi so well


I have watched this many times, but each time it gives me new motivation to work more efficiently in less than 8 hours…..great dialogue and acting too……
