How to IMPROVE lightningbending

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I just thought of something that lightning benders should do against those who can redirect lightning, but don’t.

Feints and intentional misses. Just like in boxing or Mixed Martial Arts.

Let me explain…

#avatar #thelastairbender #atla #lok #legendofkorra


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Considering lightning redirection was a fairly new technique not widely known, and lightning itself was rare (only those of the royal line in ATLA) it only makes sense they didn't have any counter play for it. Each time it happens to them it's a surprise.

Except for Azula. The second time she's about to get her lightning redirected she shoots at Katara to throw off Zuko's timing. And she almost won the whole fight for it.


I think the reason why lightning "benders" don't feint with their ability, is because you cannot bend lightning to your will. When Zuko did that it blew up in his face. Literally.


Bothe Lightning Bending and Lightening Redirection are so rare that no battle style exists. The fact the you can shoot it or counter it is the trump card.
Even in Korra where it seams to no longer be such a safely guarded technique. It became manual labor and not and not a combat style.
It seams to be a very draining technique both physically and mentally. It's a big attack finisher that leaves you open if it misses.


In the defense of Ozai and Azula they were not familiar that lightning could be redirected it was a technique developed by Iroh long after his time in the military and the only people that knew it other than him was Zuko and Aang.


Worth to mention, Azula can redirect lightning too. She does it in the comics. And she learned just by observing Zuko doing it.


Keep in mind lightning redirection was a littke known technique in avatar. Idk how widely know it was in korra but in atla it eas invented by iroh, and before he taught zuko i think only he knew how to do it


I may not watch every video you put out, but I always love your content. And when I heard you were reviving the VS series, I audibly said "Yes!" and did a fist pump. Your lore stuff is great, and I love checking things out as I haven't gone on a super deep dive into all things Avatar yet, but I absolutely _loved_ your VS series. So super glad to see it coming back!


Well the problem is, most of the lightning users in the shows have never seen lightning redirection so the redirection was the novelty for them. i imagine that we might see something like this in the future.


This exactly. Like the first minute. And not just intentional misses, hit near your opponent and cause a fuckin explosion of debris and then either hit them with more lightning, or move forward and strike with whatever else


I kind of wish they had left lightningbending to the royal family before they changed it in korra


Azula learning lightning bending almost instantly makes alought more sense when you think about it, Iroh invented by studying water benders who can’t shoot lightning meaning it’s more of an understanding then something he’d have to practice, she’s witnessed Iroh do it to her and couldn’t learn it from him because she didn’t understand what he did, she learnt Zuko could do it to probably from Ozai telling her and she Witnessed zuko do an improper redirection we’re some of it hit his heart, so she understood what to avoid through zuko and seemingly what doing it properly looks like from Iroh, she came to the conclusion to simply absorb it without letting it touch her heart, it was still a leap and a guess on if that’s how it worked but she’d probably rather take that risk and assume she understood it instead of letting the lightning hit her.


A shame creators of third avatar show will either never see this video or ignore your advices entirely 😢


Remember. When they generate lightning they do not command it. They can only guide it. The lightning goes wherever it flows. They just point in a desired direction


i think it makes sense that lightning bending is not as advanced and refined as other bending forms once you consider that, even though it does appear in (spoilers) the first kyoshi novel by the time of aang's show it's still very rare and outside of people's perception of what fire bending is, if you where the only person in the world with a gun there wouldn't be that much of a reason to become good at it, because you just win by having a gun


In video games bosses with the most inconsistent attack patterns are the hardest to beat. So this makes total sense.


To be fair too azula and ozai they didn't even know lightning redirection was possible until iroh used it on azula and he was the only one they knew could do it in there mind lightning if you could get it off was a one shot with no counter that's probably why azula was scared of ozai he could use fast lightning and she couldn't counter lightning


Korra also faked an attack against the bats when she had a 1v1, I forgot which episode but it was in season 1


It's not as easy as you make it out to be.

Gazan vs king Bumi


Imagine being able to truly *_BEND_* lightning & make whip-like tendrils out of it


The one "feinting" is the lighning redirecter, since every time it's been used it was a surprise, except for that one time Zuko revealed his hand to Azula in the final agni kai. We all know what happened then. Can't speak about Mako as I haven't watched Korra though.
