The most important aspect of practice

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The felt intuitive sense and trusting your own experience.

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This is exactly my experience. These concepts and pointings were so potent when i first heard them a few years ago. There was a spontaneous awakening after questioning "who am i" after the honey moon period passed a lot of seeking and consuming of concepts videos books etc. Very frustrating as i can see what im doing but couldn't seem to stop myself seeking and It only really led to more confusion. I think theres a saying " using a thorn to remove a thorn" in essence all concepts must be dropped. As you said its such an intuitive process and something you can really trust when its felt so best not to over consume teachings or pointing. Anyways great video and something i needed reminding of.


Nobody should believe anything that is said. That would just be another belief. There must be finding out for oneself.


I have a question, what about repressed emotions? Can they stop you from this awakening? What is your experience with that? Thank you


there's times where doing inquiry with seemingly no end, no "results" doesn't feel any different than just going to church and praying to an unseen entity to save my soul. It can be frustrating, but I still know somehow I'm just deluding myself with that idea of a lack of progress lol. Something is going on in the background that can't be explained.


It’s hard to say if the blissful or euphoric states of mind, are attached to an idea or whether they are just a feeling!


Your viewers trust your reminders of where the glasses That's no concept, it's felt.


The only way to avoid concepts is to keep quiet as the masters advise but that seems to be very difficult for people and you just have to talk like Abbott and Costello


Being in the zone or in the flow is one of my favorite analogies for what it’s like to experience life when there’s no selfing happening. The other one I like is losing yourself in a good book or movie. It’s interesting how impossible it is to enter that state through effort and how easy it is when you relax into the senses.

"Then, Bāhiya, you should train yourself thus: In reference to the seen, there will be only the seen. In reference to the heard, only the heard. In reference to the sensed, only the sensed. In reference to the cognized, only the cognized. That is how you should train yourself. When for you there will be only the seen in reference to the seen, only the heard in reference to the heard, only the sensed in reference to the sensed, only the cognized in reference to the cognized, then, Bāhiya, there is no you in connection with that. When there is no you in connection with that, there is no you there. When there is no you there, you are neither here nor yonder nor between the two. This, just this, is the end of stress." —Bāhiya Sutta


I watch all the way through, because hearing you speak is meditation. I recognize what you say, the way you say it. That recognition, based on my own experience, lets me know you’re not lying.
