The Ultimate Pokemon Shiny Hunting Guide 2022 (Gen 1-8)

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Here it is! My magnum opus of my useless Pokemon shiny hunting knowledge all in one video! In this video, I will be breaking down all the basics (and some of the advances) in shiny hunting across EVERY GENERATION of Pokemon! From all the way back on the GameBoy with Red, Blue, and Yellow, all the way to the Switch with Legends, I will be teaching you how you can hunt for shiny Pokemon and expand your shiny collection!
This video took a lot of research, planning, and editing so hopefully I have covered nearly everything there is to cover about shiny hunting, and if this video helps you out in any way, make sure to leave a LIKE on the video and SUBSCRIBE if you are new! Also COMMENT your favorite shiny encounter YOU have experienced!

00:00 Intro/Tools
3:14 Generation 1
7:16 Generation 2
11:21 Generation 3
18:23 Generation 4
21:35 Poke Radar Guide
46:51 Generation 5
49:12 Generation 6
53:53 Generation 7
57:13 Generation 8
1:13:34 Pokemon GO
1:16:58 Outro

Here are all the links for the tools/in depth guides I mentioned in the video in order of appearance:

Shiny Pokemon page on Serebii that lists ALL SHINY LOCKS:

How to Soft Reset for shinies in Legends Arceus by SBCoop:

Рекомендации по теме

When making this video I did not realize that the ability No Guard was introduced in generation 4! So you can’t use it to get a higher encounter rate in emerald!


I'll never forget spending a week knocking out 999 Hatenna without finding a shiny then gave up and proceeded to start hatching with getting the shiny after only 11 eggs 😂😂


Learned about illuminate increasing encounter rate through this, which is definitely helping me on my full odds Ursaring wild hunt in Soul Silver. Thanks so much in general too, I only really got into shiny hunting a couple years ago and majorly over the past year, and your vids have been a major source of inspiration, encouragement, and useful info. I've learned a lot from you! My first and most treasured Shiny still is my Azumarill from gen 3 Sapphire, which I just happened on randomly as a Marill while in a movie theater. It was dark and i had missed the shiny flash, it looked slightly different from usual so I just took a chance and chucked a ball at it. The theater went completely dark for the movie after I saved, I did not get to see if it was shiny until the end, and imagine my surprise when it was! Once again, thanks and keep it up!


My favorite shiny is easily my shiny Delphox, as that was my longest hunt spanning over 9 months as a starter during Pokémon Y. It took me slightly over odds and was a fun experience but I’d never do one with that long of a reset again!


I hope you guys enjoy this! For anyone wanting to get into shiny hunting or maybe those who just want more info on certain methods, here is my full guide on how to shiny hunt in EVERY GENERATION of Pokemon!

What are some of your guys favorite shiny Pokemon that you've found?


I've been waiting on this video for so long, glad to finally see it come to fruition!


I'll never forget when I was gonna do a PokeRadar hunt for Ditto on BDSP and I literally found a shiny on my first patch


The Skill Swap/Trick method in USUM can be done even better by having a Harvest Trevenant with both moves and a Leppa berry, so that you don't need to split up the task between two Pokémon. It's what I use in USUM for my shiny hunts for legendary Pokémon. I then switch out to Primal Groudon to get permanent sun that will guarantee the activation of Harvest. That, and having a Synchronizing Pokémon out in front that can use Thunder Wave turn 1, followed by a Pokémon with False Swipe to whittle down the shinies' HP, makes for a very strong shiny hunting team in USUM!


I like dexnav method in oras as a meditative time skip, and I believe that the main factor to increase your chance to find a shiny is your search level, and 50'th encounter just boosts your chance that is based on your search level, and 100'th boosts it even more. So if, lets say, you have search level 999, then every encounter 1-49 and 51-99 will have same chances to find shiny. It's hard to chain 5+ in a cave, so I just purposely break my chain at this point and start from the beginning.


Really informative video. I knew a lot of this information but it was still a lot of fun to see how shiny hunting has changed over the years. I did learn something new though! Thanks for the guide on soft resetting the strong spawns I have now gotten 4 while waiting for space time distortions on my other switch.


Thanks for the guide! One of my favorite shinies that I've caught has to be the Rayquaza I got in Ultra Sun at full odds. After around 5000 encounters, I accidentally soft reset over one, and became determined to reclaim it. After around 7000 more encounters I did just that, and when I eventually transferred him over to Shield, it turned out he was a square shiny! So I guess I reclaimed him with interest!


Small tip for the PokeRadar in Gen 4:

On the app that keeps track of your chains, keep an eye on the top number counting your mon BEFORE you go into a patch. You will know right away if your chain breaks because the count will disappear before the mon shows up.

EDIT: you can actually see it at 37:23 before the Bidoof breaks it. Look at the top of the bottom screen of the DS.


This was the best Pokéradar guide ever, I had no idea about the catch increase shiny odds! and the other details


Love the outro—the GCB Pokémon games are 10/10.


I am what I'd consider to be a master of the Gen 4 Poke Radar with what is nearing 3 boxes of the possible 8 boxes worth of unique shinies available in Gen 4 and while it wasnt perfect, the Gen 4 Poke Radar section was beautifully explained and remarkably in depth

It goes into detail on many aspects people dont mention in other tutorials such as:

- Aggressive grass having the poke radar exclusive pokemon

- The exact percentages of grass patches

- Catching pokemon adds a flat 10% to whatever grass patch you go into being the correct species

- Mentioning and explaining that shinies are guaranteed to continue your chain and a ton of other advice which was very impressive

Particularly mentioning the superstition of 4, 4 / 0, 4 / 4, 0 having higher odds of breaking your chain and using the bike breaks your chain was amazing to see mentioned
I believe that its likely true but so unbelievably minor that you should not bother avoiding those patches ever

There were a few things that were left unexplained:

- How edge patches break the chain

- Why walking a certain distance breaks your chain

- How objects with grass tiles affect your chain
For example an npc on the first route or the sign in the post game island route beneath stark mountain

I will explain what wasn't to the best of my ability in the replies to this comment

I really wish this was filmed with a capture card with crisp footage so itd be easier to see the grass patches but otherwise everything unmentioned wasnt essential just something curious players will be thinking about

So take it from a pro, you did a fantastic job!!!


I am surprised you didn’t include the cute charm glitch for Gen 4, definitely the best way to get shiny Pokémon in the older games


Remember kids shiny pokemon mean nothing nowdays, be a baller hunt in gens 1-5 to really flex on the babies


Switch hunting sure has been confusing! I entirely understand the sentiment of only doing gens 1-8. Seeing as this was just uploaded, there's no way I could've watched it all. I know this will be very helpful though, going to be using this soon as I'm playing through X and Y. Thanks for all the research that went into this, it will be a resource I use for years to come!


Great video, thank you.

One note regarding pokeradar chaining since there are so many misconceptions around this method as you have pointed out. I have done a couple hunts with it recently and there is also a very good guide on Smogon.

Going for an edge piece does not have an inherent risk of just breaking your chain - the risk involved (when picturing the grid around the player character), is that after catching the pokemon the pokeradar choses 4 patches that are all outside of the current gras field. You can for example never be "too close to the edge" as was suggested in the video. Having even one patch of buffer around you will GUARANTEE that at least one patch will shake after the catch because the pokeradar will always chose a patch for 1 tile aways/2 tiles away/3 tiles away and 4 tiles away respectively.
Given that resetting the radar reduces the chance of keeping your chain from 98 to 88 percent, I usually found it worthwhile just going for the edge piece if it was 4 tiles away. And after c. 20 shinies I don't think that I ever had my chain break after taking the edge patch (thats lucky in itself, but still). One can always roughly calculate how high the chance of breaking the chain is based on the position of the player character. For example, on a corner patch the chance of having all new patches outside the gras area is higher than on an edge patch in the middle of the gras.


Man great video! I could tell you put in a lot of effort into it and it definitely got my like! I’d say my favorite shiny was my first shiny in sun and moon, after 5600 soft resets I finally got it and was ecstatic
