7am Morning routine vlog as a India University student

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Music: Aime Musician: Rook1e
Music: Do It Musician: @iksonmusic

#beauty #chinar #dancing

General Hashtags:
Location and Niche-Specific Hashtags:
Nature and Wellness Hashtags:
Engagement and Motivation Hashtags:

Waking Up: I start my day by slowly waking up as the sunlight filters through my window. After a moment to adjust, I take a deep stretch, feeling the peacefulness of the early morning. There's something about those first few moments that sets the tone for the day.

Morning Stretch & Exercise: Once I'm up, I go through my stretching routine. A few simple exercises or yoga poses help me wake up my body and mind. Sometimes I do this in my room, other times I head outside to enjoy the fresh air. It’s a great way to start the day feeling energized.

Unbraiding My Hair: Next, it's time to take out my braids. This is one of those simple routines that feels almost meditative. As I unbraid, I think about the day ahead and mentally go over my plans. It’s a little moment of self-care before the day gets busy.

Looking Through the Window: After that, I take a moment to look out the window. The view is always so beautiful—the gardens are full of color, and I can see birds flitting around, starting their day. The cool morning breeze comes in through the window, and I take a deep breath, enjoying the tranquility.

Bird Twitching and Breeze: I love watching the birds outside. They’re always so active in the morning, twitching and hopping from branch to branch. Their songs mix with the gentle rustle of leaves, and it’s such a peaceful sound. I can feel the cooler breeze on my face, bringing in the fresh scent of the garden.

A Quick View of My Room: Before I wrap up, I thought I’d give you a quick view of my room. It's a cozy space that I've made my own, with a few personal touches. Here’s my little study corner, where I spend a lot of time working on assignments. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s my little haven.

See You in My Next Video! That’s pretty much how I start my mornings here at the University of Kashmir. I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my routine. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in my next video!
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