Temprid VS Crossfire - Which Pesticide Works Best For BED BUGS?

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In this video "Temprid VS Crossfire - Which Pesticide Works Best For BED BUGS?" learn which pesticide works best for bed bugs. A lot of people have asked me for a video explaining the differences between Crossfire and Temprid. Hopefully this video will answer the question "Which Pesticide Works Best For BED BUGS? Temprid or Crossfire?"

Jason Akers owns Green Akers Pest Control LLC, a local exterminating company in Central / Southern Virginia, servicing all of Virginia for Bed Bugs. Jason eliminates Bed Bugs professionally nearly every day and this is a video explaining which pesticide he uses when there are so many to choose from.

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#temprid #crossfire #bedbugs
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2 Bed bugs dislike this video, that's the only reason why your video would have dislikes.

Amazing informative video. Thank you.


I have watched almost every single video :) I have been battling bb for all of June and July and finally I found Crossfire and I have only seen three since I been treating. I started the Crossfire end of July and even bites are less. I get a tiny one here and there and the bbs I have seen are moving so slow. I love all of your stories u tell makes my morning when Im headed to work. Thanks so much for all your info.


You're so informative and I recently have bedbugs in my bedroom . Bed bug problems is growing rapidly and your channel has a great opportunity to grow exponentially . Great job ... 👍👍👍


Love listening to your videos. Being a Exterminator for 19 years it's always good to refresh by the pros.


Awesome information. I am going to ask my exterminator about all this just to make sure how knowledgeable he is on this topic. You have really opened my mind about what questions to ask. I have been binging on your videos.


I use Transport Mikron w/Exciter or Spectre 2 w/Exciter.
Outstanding for Bedbug treatment with half the cost of Crossfire 130oz. Exciter take out the eggs as a synergist. Transport Mikron & Spectre2 has non repellent residuals with a transfer effect once the product dries. My 1st treatment of choice is Transport Mikron. If I have a callback. I switch to Spectre2.

Transport Mikron w/Exciter has 4 active ingredients. Deadly cocktail for bedbugs in all stages. This work outstanding for me.


Temprid xr works great for bedbugs. It wiped them out in no time for me. Didn't even need a half a bottle. This was after unfortunately spending hundreds of dollars on crap from the hardware store.


I had bedbugs and the exterminator I hired got rid of them with Temprid SC, before they changed the name. It was great, got rid of them after one treatment. I know they’re very adaptive and grow resistant to insecticide but damn, that was quick. Temprid hasn’t even been out for that long either


Love the bedbug man. Always watch ur videos. I'm always in bed when u do ur lives but always watch when I get up. Keep up the great work


I'm in South Africa, just stumbled upon this channel. Looking forward to learning more


Your voice is needed in the bed bug space, so much varying information out there 🔥


I want to thank you so much for the info for temprid. Had a small amount of them . Sprayed once and it was night and day.. no more ! You are an angel. I'm in canada by the way, can't get cross fire


Your videos are great, they have just the right amount of detail and explanations in them. The basic do's and don'ts and the reasoning behind them. Ordering off your amazon store today.


I am so great full to have stumbled upon your channel! Thank you for all your help I got rid of them in my sons room finally


Thank god for these videos I would have never known half of anything about treating these monsters. Found a nest in our couch and curtains behind it. Threw it all out in the garage and went straight to home depot. After reading and watching your videos my husband ordered crossfire, we treated 2 days ago ripped the house apart bagged up all fabrics took to wash and dry and then put everything in totes. Surprisingly we found nothing in any other parts of our apartment 🙃 but we treated every bed and every room.and also got mattress protectors just in case. I hope we caught it in time, we believe it came home woth kids from school or a friend that was over.


I am in New York and I had no trouble ordering Crossfire on Amazon. Shipped right to me via Prime to my NY address.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain!! I've dealt with bb 5 yrs ago, bear with me for I'm exhausted.. I was getting bit by something for almost a week and kept telling my mother that I believe we had them, she had no problem at that time with taking and doing the proper steps. However, my aunt who used to come over almost every night for dinner did not comply, she passed away and that's when we found out that these lil bugs had taken over her home..
Now fast forward to present situation, I saw what bb can do and know how to treat it.. was getting bit up in my room last wk which is in my mother's home. I cannot leave her bcuz she is now 75 but will not let me spray the whole house bcuz of the cats and bcuz of her clutter downstairs. She has developed some border line hoarder tendencies, the home is not dirty but has paperwork,
My question/questions are, is Gentrol and Temprid safe for pet's, could I switch Temprid for crossfire for 2nd treatment and exterminate without prepping her living room and dining room then just go against my mother and throw her unnecessary junk away while waiting for 2nd treatment?? I am also using DE powder which was a fight as well, to get around her couch and loveseat bcuz she don't like the cloud it makes and trying to get her to go sit in park for an hr or so is a fight. Although I did get sleep on her living room floor and did not get bit I still want to spray.. any normal person will clean, drawl them out and do they're whole home.. how do you go about explaining and talking to older people who are in denial and think they're safe from these creatures just bcuz they are not getting bit??


Jason is the truth people. Research him and find out ya self.


Here to show some support as a fellow pest control small business owner. Gonna have my YouTube Chanel up and running shortly. God bless


Crossfire did not do the trick for me so now I’m trying Temprid FX. I’ll do the spray regiment if it means getting rid of them.
