What Is Depersonalization?

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I'm a clinical psychologist. I am here to share insights from therapy and psychology research so that you can make use of it in your daily life to understand how your mind works and optimise your own mental health. I cover all things from confidence and motivation to mood and anxiety. I look forward to chatting with you in the comments.
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Hi I'm Dr. Julie subscribe & follow me for lots more videos on mental health and psychology.
For more on this see my new no.1 bestselling book - Why has nobody told me this before?


I have anxiety and I've had this happen a lot. It feels like an out of body experience and where you see your body as a seperate being than who you are in your brain.


I experience this alot and have tried talking to family and friends because it genuinely scares me sometimes, but nobody seems to understand. I'm glad there are other people like me and I'm not the only one. This video has helped me alot. Thankyou.


You’re always so warm… it’s like you’re hugging me in real life each time 🙏🏻 Thank you 🧡


Back in a major depressive episode my depersonalization made music feel completely off. It felt faster than I had remembered it ever going.


Would love to see a short like this on derealisation. Thank you doctor!


I was telling a therapist i had about how i didn’t feel like a person, especially during the abuse/neglect. She told me about this one extreme case of depersonalization where the lady moved states and started a new life. She told me that’s REAL depersonalization. Completely invalidated me not knowing anything of my abuse story.


I love how you always have something on the table to look at. Exactly what my adhd brain needs


Yes! I am 15 years old, and I always thought I had derealization, but this just lumped together all of the things that i have learned about myself as time went on. For example, I had only realized today that I feel numb a lot. Almost as if nothing matters unless something is good or bad. I love reading all of you lovely people’s comments as well. You are amazing guys


I felt disconnected not only with myself but also the world.
Felt as if i am the loneliest peraon alive.
Initially had lots of anxiety and very high heart beats for almost 2 years.
Then it was mix of high level of anxiety and numbness both at the same time which tore me apart (as if a war like situation between heart and mind) I kept crying, lost weight and had sleepless nights for months.
That time only prayers worked for me.
Later I went completely numb of emotions. Had Mostly deep sadness and frightening dreams at night.
Everything was traumatic. I left all social media and kept away from family and friends. Nothing was working out. Took 4 years to recover somewhat.


This was me through most of high school. Felt like I just floated around like a balloon, not really present, totally numb. I used to imagine that I could phase through objects, because my body really felt that way, as if ai wasnt properly in it. I wanted to be alone all the time because when people talked to me, when they were around me, I had to pretend to be a real person and that was really exhausting. I had a therapist, but he was also seeing my mom at the same time, and because I had a lot of conflict with my mom that presented a huge conflict of interest, and he wasn't very supportive. My therapy was about making me less of a problem, not helping me feel better. I tried to commit suicide a year after graduation, and everyone was shocked, as if they hadn't been paying any attention at all for the last five years.

I'm 36 now. Life is good, and I'm doing quite well.


Yup, I've experienced it! The most extensive was when I went back to work after my late husband died 4 years ago. My heart was utterly broken, and everyone in the grocery store was moving ridiculously fast! It felt like that for around a week or two until I adjusted. I couldn't grieve while working, and I only had 10 days off after he died. I needed 3-6 months!


Have definitely felt this, like experiencing my tired soul being confused with whatever is going on with the current reality


To me, recognizing and acknowledging "where I am" and "how I'm feeling" is helpful for those who are under depersonalization.


Your doing great work mam... Every time I go through your videos... I feel warm, encouraged and "I can overcome my anxiety too"


I’ve had this most of my life, more after my 30’s. There would be times I’ll be washing the dishes and looking at my hands and asking myself who’s are they? I’d be walking but not knowing who the actual person is walking.
This would bring severe panic attacks as a result. I was scared of myself. I’ve experienced childhood trauma. This maybe why.
After I had my son it went away. I’m in my late 40’s now I do get that feeling every now and then but not so bad as I used to.
Never knew this was a actual problem some people have. I know what disassociation is never knew about depersonalisation.
It’s a relief that you explained it Dr. Julie. Thank you 🙏


You understand what I am going through without actually knowing me. Such profound statements that actually make sense to so many! Thank you for sharing your wisdom❤


Oh yes I have experienced this so much. I was diagnosed with PTSD at age 14 due to childhood trauma. Now as an adult I get these symptoms when I'm experiencing a period of high stress. It's a terrible feeling but I wouldn't say I have it constantly. Thanks for explaining this. ❤


I struggling with this right now, glad to hear it’s quite normal and other people feel it.


I felt like this every day for well over a decade. I talked to friends and family about it and several therapist, and no one - including my psychiatrist - understood what I was saying. They all treated me like I was crazy. I had to claw my way out of it on my own, and I still feel like it never quite went away.