3 Minute K'Sante Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

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Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play the new champion K'Sante in the Top Lane!

K'Sante is another pure tank which seems to deal a ton of damage! With his ability to dash around the map and ignore CC he has the ability to make some truly insane plays!

0:00 Why Play K'Sante?
0:15 K'Sante's Abilities
0:59 All Out Form
1:26 Combos
1:41 Match Ups
1:51 Masteries
1:53 Build Order
2:02 Skill Order
2:07 Summoners
2:09 Lane Phase
2:40 Mid/Late Game

In this video we see why I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS LIVE! K'SANTE IS A 1V9 TANK GOD NOW - League of Legends we have a look at New Champion K'sante Top Season 13 Immortal OP BUILD 🔥 LoL Empyrean Ksante preseason 2023 Gameplay we see why K'sante Absolutely SMASHES Now where we learn NEW CHAMPION K'SANTE GUIDE! New Top Lane Tank | LoL Season 12 we go over K'SANTE TOP GUIDE | Best Build & Runes | Diamond Commentary HOW TO PLAY K'SANTE | League of Legends and learn a trick to How to use Ult on K'Sante without losing much Health! essentially HOW TO PLAY K'SANTE FOR BEGINNERS IN SEASON 13 | K'sante Top & Mid Guide Season 13
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Wow, a guide for the newest champ and you managed to sneak in a match-up portion. You're stepping up your game!


K'sante currently looks like a beast of champion, the mobility is insane and the full tank which turn into a bruiser is awesome. Good guide too! I tried playing him for a few games after watching this and I carried every single game! Thanks for the guide my friend! Also I always max Q -> W -> E instead of the E second, but i'm sure everybody already knows that. Cheers mate <3


You usually don't want to start with ultimate because of how much heallth you lose, trade a bit and when you're near 55% ult unless you are positive you willl win the 1v1 regardless of the health lost. Try to hit a W before ulting, you can push them closer to the wall and W cooldown resets after ulting. Lastly, maxing e second only gives you -0.5 seconds CD and +20 shield per level (most of your shield comes from the 15% bonus health, which doesn't scale with level), while W max second gives you, per level, -2 seconds CD, +10 flat damage, +0.25% max health damage and +0.1 stun duration. Otherwise still a great guide consideriing the champion is barely out and most people need the basics, which is proven by its roughly 40% win rate


Easiest and simplest guide I have seen, even after 8 months of the champion release. You earned my follow for that!


I think a good combo will to Q, then E to the other side of your target, auto, and tap W to push them towards your side of the map, ideally into your tower. Pushing them towards your tower gives you more space to chase them and dish out damage.


Great video dude! Glad you managed to squeeze it in-time, enjoy your break!


Its a mix of Yasuo and Jax, but cannot die and he is unstoppable when he dashes at you. Another gem by Riot . Game has been worse since his release.


Important Tip !!! His ult resets his W cool down so
Use his W do move the enemy into a wall before ulting !!!


1:33 you never want to start with ultimate unless you are already below 55% health and then still you’ll probably never find someone dumb enough to stand next to a wall once people figure out what ksante does.
Also as the w cool-down resets when using ult you should at least start with w then ult.

Also i disagree on maxing e second as w is just a way stronger spell and also the level up stats are way better than with e, this is just my personal opinion though.


Just played 3 normals for the weekly S- chest with my friends. I got 3/3 games a K'Sante top enemy! And won all of them with Jax whom I'm terrible with, just because ppl don't know how K'Sante works yet! BUT. That guy is 2 abilities = half your hp. Looks very balanced :/ Great video :)


thanks i saw this guide before first timing him into ranked 🤙


good job on the video as always. i feel like he's a fairly difficult to play character in comparison to the other mentions like darius or garen. i wonder how well he's gonna perform as jungle, as you stated in the patch notes video


Now I don't think you start with Ultimate. You play Q/E until you're half health and then W and carry them close to a wall and ult, then spam all the abilities again.


How do you manage to survive the half health ult during team fights?


Good guide, but i have a feeling that maxing W 2nd is more viable due to more damage and CC but it's maybe just me .


Tbh, i don't think you should start with ult, u should start with combo în normal form and when you have already half HP use your ult so that u wont lose HP and gain dmg omnivamp with the abilities cd reseted and u make the most of it like this


I recommend not putting the auto-heal on for this, since it looks like after you disable your All out form you heal back to full hp which is a bit misleading


All I've been hearing is that he is underpowered, and here you are showing not only how he works just fine, but fully demonstrating and explaining his kit in just 3 minutes. Damn, dude. You deserve more so many more subscribers.


K'Sante👤4, 700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂


Played in a 42 minute game against He did 6 k damage
