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In todays video I trolled as Deadpool , Captain America, Iron-Man , and Spiderman movesets in this my hero battlegrounds game on roblox.

#roblox #marvel #trolling #heroesbattlegrounds
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Love your videos dawg frfr, Good skill for the right use. Although it isn't daily or if it is daily It's always a W. Also love how you handled her easily in 9:22 but on 8:24 she needed a team mate to actually get you

Idea: could use green hero for hulk
You could also use green hero for Thor (his ult kind of fits)

And again, love the videos dude

JacksRipperMode (VIP Heroes Battlegrounds)


Yo hi WCKD My favourite time stamp is 2:03. Bro couldn't catch a 1v1. I got 3 video ideas.
1 out of 3: Cosplay as Jiren from dragon ball super with the bakugo moveset for the colour keep the original colour or change it to a orange if you want.
2 out of 3:Use Yuji Itadori while using normal deku to show his insane strength. For the colour make it a blue for divergent fist or red for a black flash.
3 out of 3: Last one, cosplay as Batman while attacking using the vigalante deku moveset, for the colour just use black. I dear you to say after killing somone "Justice for Gotham!!!"

if you see this tysm for listening have a great week
[ okpawawa3 Heroes battlground VIP ]


3:42 I like how she called you out for running even though you're not hehe

(G4_alex VIP game pass)

1.dr strange use the portal villan the ability color is orange or yellow
2.hulk use daku/green hero with the ability color green or dark green fantastic use vigilante deku with the ability color blue
4.war machine use Bakugo with the ability color black or silver


Deadpool is the most acurate cosplay in all. But either way another great job WCKD. You seriously need to continue making vids like these.(Francis_Sanois)


Yo, love your vids WCKD, especially your last one which was the Broly vid, and this one too. The iron man and dead pool are probably my favourite ones you’ve done in this vid. Now for the ideas. 1. You could do ghost rider using vigilante deku, and change it to a black. The chain and fighting style really match him in my opinion. 2. You could do Dr.Strange, using warp portal and change it to a yellow or orange. 3. You could do iceman(I think that was his name, and try not to use ult as that’s based on Todorki’s fire moves) from the X-men using todoroki moveset. 4. You could do Wanda using warp portal. Change this to a deep or blood red if you can. For the fourth one, you could also do symbiote Spider-Man, or Mrs.Marvel. You could do symbiote Spider-man by using vigilante deku, and changing it to a black, or do Mrs.Marvel by using the base deku moveset, and changing it to a yellow. (Extra idea) you could troll your friends by turning into Light Yagami, and bringing them into a private server. Once the death note spawns, go and get it, and troll them. For my other extra idea you could do Tanjiro by using hero hunter and turning the colour into a light blue. My favourite timestamp was prob 3:42 as it was hilarious that she was calling you out for running when you weren’t😂😂 (My username is Arealtanqrfann, my display name is Hollow_ethereal. You can use either since there is no one else named that display name, and I would really like and appreciate if you gave me V.I.P. Even if you didn’t choose me, I will still be happy for those who won and I will congratulate them.) love your videos and have a good rest of your day (: ( you were probably tired of my long ass yapping so I’m sorry, but I hope you’ve looked/read this out all the way)


Try use the marines in one piece
The ice marine is todorki
The magma is bakugo
And the light is deku
(Please Vip Manhay21)
01:50 You just ran when that gril came not trying to be a teamer
New sub unlocked


My favourite moment was when you were captain America and bro thought he could use the fact that u we’re fighting someone to try and 2v1 but he didn’t sadly I wanted u to so clap them both (pause)5:01anyway my user is (KuzuriOcean I would like early access or vip) btw video idea Loki but use warp guy change the portal to fit the space stone that he uses in his staff or be Thor from ragnarok where he uses lightning with his hands instead of his hammer


3 heroes are 1. Doctor Strange 2. Daredevil or iron fist (just study them they’re kinda unknown and 3. Scarlet witch. Hope you liked these keep up the good work WCKD you’ll make it to 50k soon enough once everyone from your main channel find this one (unpeakable202 early access) and the hulk would be a good one


I love the every time you slam someone. I say you should do luffy next using vigilante deku. (Zapperninja7, VIP)


you dont need any type of movesets but your moveset that fits you best

-wise man


I was scrolling down a couple hours ago in youtube bored as hell when i accidently came acroos your vids.... all im saying is its a masterpiece and one new idea is black panther and also your creativity is very good and awe aspiring one day when i recive V.I.P maybe ill get movesets like yours (Kingofshampoos)


Hi wckd I have an idea you could like it’s jujutsu kaisen movesets
1 yuji itadori: you could use green hero with blue color for the divergent fists
2 megumi fushiguro: in this you can use bakugou with black color for the shadow technique
3 suguru geto: you can use warp portal also with black color for the uzumaki
4 yuta okkotsu: you can use stain moveset with pink color for the rika curse energy
(Htho999, vip heroes battlegrounds)


(Day 1 of asking for early access Ghjk_again2) megumi and portal and black effects edit: I never got this likes


WCKD a good video idea is to do a Marvel vs DC fight and sees who gets the most amount of kills in a certain amount of time. And if that one above doesn’t work then you should do a fantastic 4 video which would be crazy.


Idea number 1. Hey wckd, be yuri from demon slayer in hero battleground and use the green hero characters + try to get streak with
Idea number 2. Be Darwin from amazing world of gumbal and use the bakugo moveset or green hero
Idea number 3. Be shinobu from demon slayer and use the sword guy moveset

(Slapbattles_fans1) Early acces on jujutsu shenanigans :) btw good vid, keep it up❤❤


1:47 wow that hıt box was pretty bıg ngl you grabbed hım lıke far away from trash bın.

(R2BOTAR VIP gamepass ın heroes battlegrounds)

1.Mysterıo from spıder man far from home use wrap portal color as green.
2.Sans from undertale use Azure flame's as blue.
3.Freddy Fazbear use deku and color as yellow (cause electrıc and he ıs a robot yknow).
4.Floppa avatar use any charcter wıth brown color.


You should to Kenshi from mortal kombat with the blade master or even Toji with the new mastery for the blade master since the dagger throw finisher is quite literally what Toji did to Gojo.

Cnsmf868, Vip or priv sv+ you can chose which one you want.

(Also a good combo for blade master is 3 M1's, thousands slashes, daggers, 1 M1 then blackout clutch immdeiatly after, if they have no evasive you can use a downslam before thousands slashes and one before blackout clutch)


How did bro dodge that at 6:28 💀
You should do invincible characters
You got Invincible, who could be Deku with white moves
Omni Man, who can be the same as they have the same powers
Atom Eve, who could be Vigilante Deku with pink moves
Rexplosion, who matches up with Bakugo, just maybe make the explosions a little lighter
and thats 4, but if you wanted more I’m sure there is
JustaBison (VIP or Early Access, either is fine)


If you already havent u should cosplay dr strange and use portal and change the colour to make it yellow referencing his portals in the movies also at 9:21 that flick was insane


Hi day 2 of asking for vip C4rnage_Venom ideas: could do
Teen Titans:
Raven- warp portal- Blueno?
Cyborg- azure flames- Ace?
Robin- hero slayer
Beast boy- vigilante deku - Whitebeard?
Starfire- explosion hero-
