Celebrities Who Are Infamously Smelly

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Can you think of any celebrities that you've heard are a touch on the smellier side? And, while we're talking about it, what are your thoughts on deodorant and soap? Are chemicals out to get us, or are they science's stench-busting gift to the world? Let us know in the comments.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:24 - Clark Gable
01:14 - Jennifer Aniston
02:01 - Sophia Loren
03:16 - Johnny Depp
03:51 - Brad Pitt
05:18 - Cameron Diaz
05:49 - Matthew McConaughey
06:40 - Outro

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When we see stars out on the red carpet looking prim, proper, and drop-dead gorgeous, it's difficult to imagine that some of them might have poor personal hygiene habits. We would like to think that all of our celebrity crushes smell as good as they look. But there are quite a few stars of the big and small screens that are not only filthy rich but also actually just downright filthy. Join Facts Verse as we take a look at a few celebrities that infamously smell like our old friend Pepe Le Pew. Some of them have even had complaints lodged against them by a few of their fellow stars. We'll take a look at a few of these nostril-offenders and analyze the reasons why they smell so pungent.

Celebrities Who Are Infamously Smelly
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Yes. Remove Princess Diana's picture. She has nothing to do with this topic 🙄


Not all smells are caused by poor hygiene. Some are caused by diet, bad habits, medication, medical conditions and food intolerance.


It's funny how most of these celebrities claimed to avoid soap for health reasons and yet some drink smoke and even take drugs.


Why did you use a picture of Princess Diana in your thumbnail?? I highly doubt she has ever smelled bad in her entire life. That was insulting.


I'm surprised that Brad Pitt wasn't called Arm Pitt.🤣


Every female celebrity that has worked with Matthew McConnanaughy. They say he smells bad, doesn't wear any deodorant of any kind, and is always in fragrance ads and commercials but wears none st all. I personally don't find him the least bit attractive and have never understood the hype about him.


My mom grew up without much money in the house but my grandmother used to tell them there is absolutely no reason to be dirty. There were clothes on their backs, food in their bellies, a roof over their head, and they were always clean and neat.


So WHY did you have a photograph of the late Princess Diana? who always smelled delicious!


I don't understand how these actors and actresses are so successful if they have bad body odor?! This may explain alot about their personal circumstances.
What doesn't make sense is, you're smoking cigarettes and ciga'weed, snorting substances and drinking liquor, but store bought deodorant is toxic and dangerous to your health.


I don’t know about celebs with BO, so instead I’ll share a positive smell story.
I once met John Cusack and he smelled divine! 😍😍😍I couldn’t recognize what perfume he was using but it matched him well and was so pleasant and not strong either— very classy. 👏👏👏


This YouTube channel must remove the image of Princess Diana from your post. Obviously she was added to attract viewers, as she is not mentioned at all in the video. It is not only a cheap ploy, but utterly disrespectful to her


It’s so funny that someone like Brad Pitt uses vinegar & lemon for deodorant because he worries about chemicals in regular deodorant/antiperspirant. Umm Brad….what about those cigarettes?


I don't care HOW good looking a man is, or how rich, if he doesn't have good hygiene, he's dead to me. I am acutely aware of smells and I have been known to get up in the movie theatre, church, even the grocery store to move away from anyone who smells. Ugh, it gags me to think about it.


It's been reported that Julia Roberts doesn't use deodorant, she uses a salt rock; Russell Crowe doesn't shower very often and smells quite bad, according to co-stars.


EVERY TEACHER I've ever known has had COFFEE BREATH🤢 I just can't stomach it😩


Try this Filipino soap product. It is made of papaya, citrus and lemons combined. It whitens your skin, freshens your skin especially the armpits. It also eliminates the odor smell. It is called Likas Papaya


dude, why is princess diana in the thumbnail?


Don't like that our Princess Diana is in the thumbnail.


Sometimes the right bar soap goes with the right body, once I started using Lever 2000 no one ever told me I smell bad. I place bar soap in my drawers & even inside my shoes. Smells fresh everytime.😀👍


I had an office mate who was a dear friend and she developed periodontitis. The odor was so bad that it was hard to be near her. I think if a person is living with it, right under their nose, they don't realize how bad it is. Long story short, she chose to go to our dental school at our university medical center to have her teeth removed and her dentures made because she didn't have dental insurance. it took several months for her dentures to be ready, but by then, ALL of the swelling was gone. She lived off of milk shakes, soup, etc. She had used gauze squares to fill out her face so that her mouth didn't sink in. I was completely shocked at how natural they looked and how well they fit her mouth! It was inspiring. You could never guess that they were dentures! Plus, she lost 50 lbs. and looked wonderful! Thank goodness for good denistry!
