THIS Is The Fastest Way To Stay POOR… | The Investing Expert Raoul Pal

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I did the hard work in my 30s, etc. The corporation said "you did a good job, now keep doing this into your 40s, and 50s". I had enough at 55 yo and bailed.


6:45 This is exactly why these experts are so irrational at times. They talk about population collapse but suggests that you work day/night until you're in your mid-30s. How is working day/night the answer to avoiding population collapse? Did we not learn anything from Japan and South Korea?


He is right. I'm 45, and it doesn't really matter what age you are. It is harder and harder to make ends meet. the being single, having your own place, and a decent paying job is quickly coming to an end. I live with my boyfriend, whom I would like to break up with, but financially, it is better that we stay together. I've been working since I was 16 and I'm tired. I know I have 20+ years until "retirement". Work 60-80 hours a week or live in situationships just to get by for the rest of my life isn't going to cut it. Interesting I've gone from middle middle class to lower middle class and I make more money now than before.


Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of life and blessings to me and my family $14, 120.47 weekly profit Our lord Jesus have lifted up my Life!!!🙏❤️❤️


I think it's a bit easy to give as advice to be an expert on something. I think the majority of people are not capable of being an expert on anything. You can be capable of doing the job or knowing the stuff but to be an expert requires exceeding expectations. And that's the whole problem why we are all stressed and insecure.


I have a question about who's fault that 30s yr millennial couldn't be able to achieve ADream ? it's the Corp greed, Govt polices who keep the poorer poor, richer richer, there was major shift in income inequality happened in last 3 decades. Corporation went overseas for cheap labor, input cost because consumer demanded cheap product, shareholder ( pension, hedge funds needs higher payout ), decreasing domestic innovation etc. . This is the major reason who people from poor counties wanted to emigrate to North where the money is concentrated, less social economical stability . So on !!


Billion dollar companies paying people hundreds instead of thousands


Once again a conscientious effort to make everyone feel unsafe. Once we all feel unsafe we will desperately continue to consume advice on how unsafe we all are. And then consume people to not only tell us we are unsafe, but warn us of decrepitude (becoming shit), unless we do what they may have done or what what they are selling. And then buy their book or program or watch their YouTube clips or the 'unsafe' clips like this one. "Yes we are all individuals" 😆


Spot on!

I turn 40 at the end of this month and everything he had said, I have done and well on my way so this was encouraging to hear that I am on the right path. Exponential growth from here!


I bought my house and I could do it because I was MARRIED (2 incomes). Almost all these boomers with homes were married. It’s been ALWAYS hard to buy a house been single. Now they are in despair but don’t want to understand that’s the price of the new point of view.


Work your ass off, save, save, save and then speculate on crypto. Terrible advice! Instead but your money into a low fee index tracking fund (in an ISA) and allow it to compound @ 12-20% per annum.


People can’t afford to have kids anymore because of how expensive things have become and the same is starting to happen to owning a pet due to how expensive vet fees have become…


This is why no one wants to work anymore. You get more on benefits. Working just isn't worth destroying your health for.


All these guys make " investing " sound easy and a sure way to build wealth. It can also go terribly wrong. I have seen lives destroyed by investing too much in risky assets to get rich quick.


When people REALIZE that if you want to get ahead you have to do MORE than just go to work. You NEED extra income, I used my hobby to get extra money, and have just little bit extra. There are many opportunities, woodworking, handyman, electricians….. remember you CANNOT flush shit over the internet. Jeeezes just go install IKEA furniture.


Share of company profits has shifted from worker's wages to shareholders and executives. The solution is to form unions and fight for your share. Not buy crypto and hope for the best.


He’s Right about 30 year olds, there’s a Epidemic of young 30 year olds who quietly struggling to get on housing ladder, cant even get a deposit together, low wages, high house prices absolutely joke!


90% of advise given by the so called financial gurus are the same and is often a fart in the air. So is this . Am wondering if anyone has ever got any value out of these podcasts


A bit of a snake oil salesman. No plan B if high risk taking doesn’t pay off and someone is in their 30s. The putting the head down in one’s 20s and early 30s is good advice. Becoming an expert in something (with market value) is good advice.


What he said didn't add up. He said 85% of 30s in 1983 lived on their own. Then he said that 80% were married at 30 in 1983. Both cannot be true, unless he was misunderstanding the data. If they are living on their own/own Household, then only 5% of people living alone were unmarried round about. So if more people were
Married they would have better finances. In the US, married households have 3x the networth of a single. Clearly not just double. It exponentially increases the financial gains.
