Purgatory Stories: Animals & Purgatory

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My uncle Steve had passed away and he and his wife were supposed to have gone on a cruise. We convinced her to go with her sister as Steve would have wanted her to go. I had already agreed to house sit and take care of their 2 cats while they were gone. They lived out in the country and I was a little apprehensive staying out there particularly at night. The first night I was there, Steve’s beloved cat suddenly jumped up while I was petting him and he had been purring, he stared at the wall at the end of the hallway as if someone was there. Instinctively I knew he had to have been Steve’s soul and he was there to watch over me. I then noticed the smell of his cologne. What was interesting was the smell of his cologne stayed present the whole week in the same spot and was right outside of the spare bedroom I slept in the rest of that week but the smell was gone on the last day I was there. It wasn’t until a couple of years later, my mom, (Steve and her were brother and sister) had mentioned she wasn’t comfortable with me staying at their house in the country by myself and told Steve (after he died) that he better watch over me. Saying out loud, she is YOUR niece! lol. I have had a couple of other experiences that were somewhat similar but that was pretty profound for me. ✝️✝️✝️


I've read _Get Us Out of Here_ a couple times now, and I've always been intrigued by Simma's assertion that of all animals, Satan hates dogs the most because they're so close to man (like companions, as in the saying "Man's Best Friend").


I’ve witnessed this. A few months after my son’s death his deaf golden retriever alerted and started barking..it was very out of character for her. I still think about this almost 20 later


I had just moved into my townhouse in which the previous owner, an elderly woman, had died. As I sat on the sofa in my living room, my cat suddenly recoiled as if to hide in himself somehow; he bared his teeth not in anger but in extreme fear, and uttered for almost two minutes a deep, guttural wail, such as I never again heard him repeat, although he lived for another dozen years before he died. Cats, like dogs, don't fake emotions, especially when they are under exceptional stress. My cat's reactions were so genuine and instantaneous in response to whomever he was seeing that I was convinced a spirit of someone deceased, perhaps the previous owner, was in my living room when my cat dramatically sensed her presence as something actually palpable to his perception. I said Hail Mary's while my cat was encountering what was most likely a paranormal manifestation of a departed soul now temporarily back in the last home that she had lived in about a year before her demise. Our Lady, Queen of Souls, please pray for us during such visitations from those in Purgatory that only our pets can detect to some degree of detail!

Richard G.


Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee.


My cat just freezes every now and then and stares at something. Freaks me out!


Pray for the souls in purgatory and convertion of sinners


We lived in a house that had very scary things going on, possibly haunted. Our dog would go to a certain spot and would see something there, he would bark and growl.


God bless you Alvaro and bless your dedication 🙏 Your videos are so unique, inspiring, illustrative and informative 🙏🕊️🙏 Thank you and may Almighty God multiply your good acts and open the eyes of many souls to reach your videos 💞🙏💞


All I can say is I know dogs can see spirits souls in purgatory any spirits I have a puppy right now who before he goes to bed sits and stares at a picture of the Virgin Mary for a couple of seconds like he’s saying his prayers that he’ll go to sleep and in the middle of that he’ll wake up again and look up at my ceiling whatever he saying he’s saying


My 2 cats love being blessed with holy water. One of them used to hiss at a particular point before I turn into my street from the main street when I took him and his brother out in their pet stroller with me. They are spiritually very sensitive souls.


Thanks again for you videos. My heart has been open to so many people that have gone and flash before me in prayers


anything that God creates that is living has a soul. different from the human soul though


We had a dog that refused to go down the basement where i lived as a child. He would literally shake and looked terrified to go down there. I always thought it was something evil scarinf him. He was fine in every other room.


Excellent video, I love all your work. I would add though that the psychologist you mentioned is not a mystic though his experiments were good…..maybe the rat was indifferent not because it wasn’t aware but because rats feed off the dead anyway 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶???
Just my thoughts, God Bless You All and All The Holy Souls of Purgatory Too


When you mentioned the biblical donkey, I was hoping you were referencing Balaam, and you did not disappoint. One of my personal favorite OT moments.

What's funny in my house is that I've seen more apparitions and sensed more presences than my dog. He really needs to step up his game.


I grew up in a very old house. We had a beautiful three legged cat that would follow something across the room with her head or just tense up and stare at something that we couldn’t see. I always assumed it might be a ghost. I was just a kid though. I didn’t know what I do now.


Rats are awesome animals! I’d want to redo the test based on the pet rats I’ve had. They are more like dogs or cats than mice or hamsters


Check you as a young handsome bugger ❤😅


I wonder if the poor soul of purgatory appears to you like Maria sima .
