What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? | EDS Awareness Month

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In this video, EDS specialist Jonathan Parr (PT, CSCS, EP, MCMT, CBIS) covers EDS Awareness Month. If you are dealing with a hypermobility syndrome or vestibular dysfunction, chronic pain, GI dysfunctions or bowel disorders such as constipation or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, recurrent subluxations, dislocations, or autonomic dysfunction, our myokinesthetic technique and specialized physical therapy treatments for your specific type of EDS could be a huge help and provide you with a lot of relief.
We utilize hands-on manual therapy and myokinesthetics to treat:
– EDS | Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
– POTS | Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
– Hypermobility & dysautonomia
– Chronic pain, fatigue & illness
– Neurological disorders & brain injuries
– Sports or work-related injuries
– MS, strokes & seizures
– Scar pain
– Bowel Disorders such as constipation, IBS, or gastroparesis
– Gait and mobility issues
– Knee pain, shin splints & plantar fasciitis
– Neck pain & shoulder pain
– Back pain & leg pain
– Gout, CRPS, and inflexibility
– And much more!
Jonathan Parr PT, CSCS, EP, MCMT, CBIS