When can police use deadly force?

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Under the Constitution, when may police officers use deadly force?

As Professor Rachel Harmon explains, generally, police officers can use lethal force under two circumstances: when they have probable cause to believe a suspect poses an imminent threat of serious bodily harm and when a dangerous suspect of a crime involving the infliction of serious physical injury is attempting to flee. In Tennessee v. Garner, the Supreme Court held that the Fourth Amendment prohibits the use deadly force against a non-violent, unarmed felon who is fleeing. The Court noted, however, that if the suspect is threatening the officer or there is probable cause to believe the suspect committed a violent crime, deadly force may be justifiable to effect an arrest or prevent the suspect from fleeing. The caveat Professor Harmon stresses is that while the Supreme Court may have provided the constitutional limits, not all states allow the full range of force allowed under the Supreme Court case law, and that communities and the public can also serve as important checks to hold police departments accountable for certain systemic practices.

Rachel Harmon is a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law and the faculty director of its Center for Criminal Justice.


Interview with Police Law Expert – Prof. Rachel Harmon 

00:00 When can police use deadly force?

Joel Cohen ("JC"): In recent years, we’ve seen some horrific examples of police killing, of videos of individuals being killed by police officers, often with little or no justification. What about the law? What is the actual rule? When can police use deadly force? Today we’ll discuss. Hello and welcome to TalksOnLaw, I’m Joel Cohen. Explaining today, we have Professor Rachel Harmon of UVA Law School. 

JC: Maybe let’s start with a test, when can police officers use deadly force?

Rachel Harmon ("RH"): Police officers can generally use deadly force in two circumstances. The most common is when they feel they are threatened with a use of force or a threat of force that would cause serious bodily harm or death. It could be that they are threatened, it could be that another person is threatened. And the other is when someone is fleeing a dangerous crime – when someone has engaged in a crime of violence, and are fleeing and the only way to subdue them is to use deadly force against them. 

01:08 Deadly force for fleeing from police

JC: You can shoot someone for running away from a crime?

RH: Police officers don’t always use force in these circumstances, and not every state permits the full range of force allowed under the Supreme Court Case Law, but under a case, Tennessee vs. Garner (1985), the Court said, you cannot shoot a non-dangerous fleeing felon in the back of the head, but you can shoot a dangerous fleeing felon in the back of the head. And what makes somebody dangerous in the Court’s view is the circumstance in which the person is threatening or using serious force against an officer or another person, and therefore is actively dangerous in the moment. But the Supreme Court suggests that there is another form of dangerousness, which is being suspected of a violent crime. And according to the Supreme Court’s case law, you could shoot that person as they run away.

JC: If you are chasing down a suspect who is accused of a terrible crime, if that person flees, a police officer, is constitutionally justified to use deadly force against the fleeing suspect? 

RH: It would appear so under Tennessee v. Garner (U.S. Supreme Court) Police departments cringe. Police officers and communities cringe in the same way you’re cringing.

02:45 Deadly Force and the Court of Public Opinion
If you think about, you know, one of the big checks on the use of force: community sentiment matters, too. Police departments face the court of public opinion, probably more often than they face federal courts bringing constitutional cases. And so, those kinds of uses of force are certainly conflicting with many people’s gut reactions about when we should be using force. And, as a result, you see, usually when officers use deadly force, the claim is that they believed that they or someone else was threatened, and usually it’s the officer himself who faced the threat of serious bodily harm or death.  [Abridged due to YouTube space limitations.]


Рекомендации по теме

Is it threatening if you say if you touch me I'm going to defend myself and you call the people and you say you're tired of people touching you


Can they shoot at some one fleeing from a sting house meeting a minor or drug buy or sell if not armed I'm not in a situation just wondering how the law is


Dumb question!
The answer is: Starter for ten dollars!
Any time they want to, because they know that's it's extremely rare Police are held accountable


3 easy answers
1 A Cop can just say I was scared for my life.
2 Qualify immunity.
3 Lack of Accountability and proper Punishment for Police Officer misconduct.


A dead suspect can't be brought to justice.


What if I don't want to be arrested by you and go to jail and want to resist you can you take my life from me with your gun ?? Let's say I don't want to go to mental health and I don't want to be putting mental health and I want you coming to my house and touching me or going through my stuff can I refuse this from you touching me just coming in my house and arresting me
