Using DNA to Uncover Max Miller's Hidden Ancestry

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In this episode of Youtuber Family Trees, I work on identifying the biological parents of Max Miller's maternal grandfather Robert Paul James.

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Fan of Max Miller’s channel. So happy you were able to help him and that he was willing to share it with us.


As a regular viewer of both you and Max Miller…I thoroughly enjoyed this!


I love it when my subscriptions collide! My father was adopted in 1924, and I never knew who his bio-parents were while he was alive. It took until this past decade, long after my father passed, but thank goodness for DNA!


These DNA reveals always make me think about how hard folks worked to hide their etc... only to have it all blown wide open 2/3 generations later 😂😂


Max Miller! I ADORE his channel! He has a very friendly and genuine vibe. His fascination and love of food history is infectious. So I was thrilled to see THIS video when I came home tonight! When it was over, I was sad, but I was also happy because this was only the first installment of his family story. Thank you for doing this for him and his family and thanks to Max and his family for sharing it with us!

And not gonna lie -- I was searching my own tree for the surnames mentioned here, just to see (we're all related at some point - and it's fun to actually find those connections). I'm a Nesmith. All my paternal grandfather's ancestral lines go so far back in the U.S. -- many of them to colonial times.


1) I love Max Miller so seeing his Genealogy was quite a treat!
2) Hilarious that he's related to Mr Beat! 😂
3) My late grandmother was a hobby Geneologist. She has tons of geneological documentation and has been the bane of my parent's attic. Do you know of a service who take geneological documents that family members no longer are able to hold onto so that they can be scanned, saved, and then the physical copies tossed?


I came here from Tasting History. Love your subscriber!
Mary x


I love that you did Max's family tree! It doesn't happen often so I really enjoy when two of my YouTubers come together.


So awesome! It is great finding out about our ancestors and the stories behind them. I was happy to contribute a tiny part!


Cousi! Glad you were able to help Max and Family. You are super amazing.


I had a similar problem with a grandfather put up for adoption. I think I have figured out who his real Father is but they came to Michigan in the 1830’s from Ireland and frequently extended families migrated together. I just couldn’t find any matches with my last name so after looking at dozens of family trees names and dna formed a pattern. Strangely a great Great grand mother had the same first and last name as my sister. My grandfather thought he knew who his father was but the man who was his biological father died shortly after he was born and a half sister was born after his Bio father’s death from typhus. I think my Father must have worked out the details of the story before my sister was born.

So just last week someone, a DNA Cousin, from the family that connected me to my real grand father contacted me wanting to know how I was connected to his male line because brothers married sisters of my male line and I think we were connected by dna through a great great great grandmother. It really is mind boggling doing it looking at trees. He is making me doubt my conclusions.


I love how we’re looking at pictures of great-great uncle and the guy on the left looks absolutely identical 😂


I know they take soo much work, but these are my absolute favorite videos that you make! I love the way you take research but make it into a narrative that is interesting and relatable. Letting us know about more than just names and death dates but the world they lived in and their families. So looking forward to the the rest of the series!!!


Thx for filming this and sharing it with us.


My Dad was adopted. I did DNA this last summer and found my half aunt who is also 1st cousins with my dad. Turns out my dad’s mom had a fling with her younger brother in law. lol


Max did not look thrilled to be related to Mr. Beast. 🤣


Vry fun to learn about Max's heritage. Looking forward to the next segment.


Amazing work! I’ve been looking forward to another YouTuber family tree episode and this did not disappoint!


This is so amazing! I did a similar kind of investigation into my 2x great grandfather this year, who I’ve been told was pure Spanish but later found that he was only 1/4 (through his maternal grandfather, a Galician), and the fact that he had kids with other women was true, I found my distant half cousins via Ancestry
