The Jewish Gospel: Romans 9:25-10:9

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Learn the meaning of this passage and how Paul is using the Old Testament teaching to establish New Testament teaching. Amazing stuff!

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Hi Mike, I’m a 61 year old Texan Grandmother of 8 and I see you as a dear Son/brother, love you so much and thank you for your dedication to teaching God’s Word. You’re in my prayers❣️


Excellent. As a life long, servant leader in the Messianic Jewish movement, I really appreciate this teaching. It is one of the most biblically sound treatments of this issue I've ever heard outside our movement. Please support Messianic Jewish ministries like "One For Israel"; i.e. those Messianic Jewish ministries which believe in Jewish evangelism. Matthew 23:39 is as important as Matthew 24:14 to Yeshua's return; "to the Jew first & also to the Gentile"


You are so right and learning this more and more Jesus makes sense of the whole Bible.


So glad I finally am listening to this series. I thought the 5y old ones wouldn’t be as good as the new ones.. how wrong was I


thanks Mike, you have helped change my life, God is good, thank you for helping keep me grounded in truth!


I found pastor Leighton Flowers just recently through an interview that he did on “Good fight ministries” YouTube channel and I subscribed to him right away and I’ve been watching a lot of his videos because I’m not a Calvinist nor do I believe in Calvinism, but I do follow Pastor John MacArthur and Pastor Voddie Baucham, and I know they’re both Calvinist, again I do not agree with Calvinism but I get a lot from both Pastor MacArthur and Pastor Voddie’s teachings, but I’m happy that the Lord led me to Pastor Leighton because I’m learning a lot

I also just watched the video earlier that you did with Pastor Leighton 3 years ago and I loved it and now I’m watching this because I see that you guys always bring up Romans Ch9, John Ch6 (which I need to check out) and also Ephesians Ch1

Blessings Pastor Mike


Mike, I love your teaching. It is so wonderful and precise; I am learning so much.


Mike, you are such a great communicator! Thank you for your channel! I've liked every one of your videos I've seen.


The whole gospel can be summarized by JUSTICE -> MERCY -> FAITH


Mike, would you please make a clip from this video? In minute 14 you talk about sharp contrasts, and how preachers shouldn't be afraid to teach without compromise. 14:00 to 15:25 It's very powerful and true.


...and now I have DC Talk stuck in my head... 😂🤣
(definitely showing my age)


Good preaching brother... My wife went to hebraic roots please pray for her, she is involved in Jewish mysticism, kabalah, Zohar, Talmud... Not inspired books and practices...


Such an amazing teaching! Thank you Mike!!!


this sounds like a letter needs to be sent to Seminaries making a suggestion on a better way to teach Christians the Bible....


Hello my friend. I just wanted to say thank you for your examinations of Scripture. They are quite helpful. However, I am curious as to why you seem to draw a line between Catholics and other sorts of Christians like Calvinists, Arminians, and so on. You cited the Council of Trent's soteriology as an example of a significant distinction between Christians and Catholics. That Council said "If anyone says that man can be justified before God by his own works, whether done by his own natural powers or by the teaching of the Law, without divine grace through Jesus Christ, let him be anathema". I write to you not as a Catholic, but as a non-denominational Christian (with Baptist and Charismatic roots) who happens to have many Catholic friends and family. I appreciate your intellectual approach to the Bible, and I am thankful to hear your perspective.


a zeal, for God....that is why it is important to have good teaching....not only on the Bible...but on how to study, and how to address the ones that have this zeal....sans, or without knowledge....


Question: you did a great job on this series and I think you are absolutely right about the way Paul is using Hosea in this context. However, so much of prophecy has multiple fulfillments (Hosea's statement "out of Egypt I called my son" for instance. He was talking about Israel, but we are told in the NT, that it also had further fulfillment in Jesus) This happens over and over again with the prophets. Peter also quotes Hosea in 1 Peter 2:9-10 and he is not discussing Jewish issues at all, merely writing encouragement to a persecuted church. It's possible this church was mostly Jewish, but unlikely that it was only Jewish because of where they were. If you read his letter, he seems to very clearly apply titles and prophecies first given to Israel to the entire church, implying that the ultimate fulfillment of those is in God's eternal people, the whole church, both faithful Jews and believing gentiles. Because of Peter's usage, I have to think that much like his Egypt prophecy, Hosea's "not my people" prophecy was fulfilled first in the nation of Israel, and ultimately in the saving of the whole world, jew and gentile alike. Is there a reason for me to think I'm wrong about this?


I know this teaching is old, however I love your enthusiasm. I would encourage you to reevaluate some of your teaching. 1 example is your comment on Paul’s quoting of Hosea. In essence you argue that Paul is quoting a prophecy about the Northern Kingdom of Israel (and not the Southern Kingdom of Judah which you incorrectly labeled the Northern Kingdom when you called them Jews) and the state that Paul is not using Hosea to apply the prophesy of the restoration of Israel but to show that God is going to use it for the Gentiles only. Actually Paul Is using Hozier to show them the fulfillment of the prophecy that is happening with you inclusion of the Gentiles yes. I would love to discuss that with you. But you probably will never see this comment.
I love you brother and I can keep doing a great job teaching and I love your enthusiasm. Keep up the great work!!!


Confession is not required to be saved, just faith. Dont confuse Confession with a step


What Mike, and so many today miss, is that Paul was a Jew => speaking many times directly to believing Jews who were saved by a different gospel in a different dispensation in The Kingdom age. Our current time DOESN’T have this kind of overlap. Doesn’t have the diminishing of one program while the new program was growing/increasing. Not a single believing church today has a Jewish leader with members who became saved under two gospels.
