The Secret to Marcus Aurelius's Greatness

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To Marcus Aurelius, his temperance, his courage, his justice, his wisdom: none of these were remarkable. They were his duty, his obligations as a person. He was too busy doing them to think about them, let alone want to be recognized or celebrated for them. “Concentrate on what you have to do,” he told himself. “Fix your eyes on it. Remind yourself that your task is to be a good human being; remind yourself what nature demands of people. Then do it, without hesitation.” Remind yourself of it too: if you want to be great, do your job. Focus on your task. Ignore everything else. Push ego away. Fight, as Marcus said, to be the person philosophy wants you to be. Fix your eyes. Be a good person. Do your duty. Be great.

Daily Stoic is a community built around the teachings of Stoicism. If you're wondering "What does Stoicism mean?", "Who was Marcus Aurelius?", "How to be a stoic?" or "How to practice stoicism in daily life?" check out Daily Stoic's FREE 7-Day Stoicism Starter Pack. This highly curated 7-Day Guide will expand your knowledge and provide actionable tools and ideas to make you stronger, more resilient and happier.

Stoicism is a practical philosophy. The main thinkers that the Daily Stoic focuses on in stoicism are Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca. The Daily Stoic is a guide to how to practice Stoicism in your daily life, the daily routines of Stoicism, and is a practical guide to Stoicism. This channel is Stoicism 101, it will tell you what Stoicism is and how to be a Stoic. Ryan Holiday has been practicing stoicism and writing about stoicism for more than a decade and his insights will give you guidance to practicing stoicism in your day to day life.


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Ryan Holiday has influenced the modern stoicism movement greatly. His books are read by modern stoicism's practitioners like Tim Ferriss, Robert Greene, and others.

#Stoicism #DailyStoic #RyanHoliday #MementoMori #AmorFati #MarcusAurelius #StoicDaily #DailyRoutine #Improvement #Happiness #philosophy #Seneca
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I'm no hero but I found mentors among Marcus, Ryan, Epictetus and Seneca. I stumbled upon Stoicism during one of my most trying times in my life. It's helped me to be a better man, Father, friend and partner. I am deeply grateful for the content put out by Daily Stoic. Thank you Ryan.


I read his book Meditations during the pandemic. Really an eye-opening book. Loved it!


"There will always be rocks in the road ahead of us. They will be stumbling blocks or stepping stones; it all depends on how you use them.”


Thank you! I was lost and now am found. Sitting in rehab crying watching this (and many more of your videos) and realizing that my life can improve and will now!


I think Marcus Aurelius is the most perfect example of the importance of family and love. When he starts Meditations, he thanks everyone and I find this so beautiful. I tried doing it myself and realized we all have many mentors in our lives. Everyone can teach you something. Btw im definitely buying this book. Looks amazing ❤️


I read meditations for about 5-15 minutes every night before bed...puts everything in perspective and i never stop learning something new


This looks like a fantastic book for kids. Speaking of, every kid in school who deals with bullying needs to know about Stoic Philosophy. Every kid getting bullied needs to know how to stay calm, strong, and resilient. Ryan, I really think you should talk to schools and students about how to stay stoic when dealing with bullying. As you probably know, there is what's known as an epidemic of school bullying going on. Sometimes it gets so bad that kids actually kill themselves because of it. They urgently need to know about this incredible system of thought and reason known as Stoicism. I really think you are the man for the mission, to help these kids. Look up Izzy Kalman and Brooks Gibbs and the work they're doing to help students. You might find it interesting. Keep up the incredible work. Take care.


One time, I picked up your book “The Obstacle is the Way” and the rest Ryan was history. Only then did I realize that all this time, I’m living the stoic way of life. The Stoic Principles gave me grounding and affirmations. In my mornings I listen to your podcast and that of Tim. I never knew that Robert Greene is a practicing Stoic. Read his books. Never knew in my practice of psychology that Albert Ellis and his CBT (which I used as a guide in my counseling practice) was strongly influenced by Stoicism. In Stoicism, mindfulness is at the center. My reading and fascination of Echart Tolle, my degree in psychology, my focus on living in the Now, my insistence on focusing on what you can control (stoic fork) to keep your peace, the serenity prayer which I always utter (which is a stoic prayer) all came together and is now making more sense when your book introduced me to what stoicism is all about. I’ve been living the life of a stoic but I’m a newbie to the literature of stoicism, and this excites me to read, listen and practice everyday. Thank you Ryan, thank you. At 47, I met you, Seneca, Marcus, Epictetus. What a blessing. I’m from the Philippines. I’m guided by your daily stoic articles. And I’m having a blast. The actual manifestation of my empowerment is my ability to wake up early now everyday and do my morning walk - of conquering 10, 000 steps which has now gravitated to 10km walk. And when I find it hard to get up in the early cold morning - I am reminded of Marcus. I feel healthier now. Empowered and more at peace with myself, my environment. More focused on what is essential in life. Again Ryan, THANK YOU.


My copy of the boy who would be king, came today I read it and love it. it is outstanding I am going to read it to my boys when they get a little older. the story is timeless wisdom of the highest order. you did an amazing job. thank you for writing it.


Hi Ryan. Perhaps, you read my comment. That's why, I want to say you thay I'm appreciative for every one of your videos. It's fascinating to watch you videos and learning something that I can apply in my daily life. Such as, waking up early. I started to wake up at 6.00 am, on holiday, too. It's acquired for me. It's really lucrative for my day. I do a lot of things in a day. Like, learning english, being grateful, act kindness for anyone, strenuous exercise. I stopped complaining about things that happened to me and looking for solution in any situation. I couldn't expression my self well but I know you will understand me. And I want you to know that I'm on my way to make progress and to be better every single day. I try to commit on my progress. Lastly, I am forward to days that I'm better personality. Take care!


Marcus Aurelius a true KING! Looking forward to checking out the book


Although I’m not in the financial position to purchase any of your books at this time in my life….! I thoroughly enjoy your daily stoic emails and your videos…!! My obstacles are my way…! Zeno


...of course.
Amazing. Every day.
Thank u


Robert Greene, my heart burns there too.❤️. Congratulations on the new book!


welp. Been putting on these videos while I work. Just ordered a bunch ofyour books and even the necklace. You the GOAT ryan.


Stillness is key is my favorite book by you so far. But I love all your works.


Superb vlog Ryan, could not agree more Marcus Aurelius is an inspirational person whom we can all learn alot from. Looking forward to reading the book. Hope you have a great week and Best wishes and stay safe and well to you and your family buddy


I wish you all the success that you desire with this book Ryan!


I work in healthcare and carry the 'momento mori' coin in my pocket, it's a great reminder, especially on challenging days


I wish there is a movie based on this book one day. This is inspiring.
