JavaScript Programming All-in-One Tutorial Series (9 HOURS!)

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00:00 - Introduction
1:10 - Intro to JavaScript
5:01 - Our First JavaScript Program
12:56 - Manipulating HTML with JavaScript
19:40 - Basic, Input, Output, Comments
26:27 - Application Architecture
31:26 - Variables and Expressions
38:13 - IIFE, Scope, and Window Object
44:33 - Engines and Runtime Environments
53:36 - Global vs Local Variables
59:21 - Block Scoping
1:04:53 - Primitives and Objects
1:15:36 - Difference Between Primitives and Objects
1:20:02 - Number Data Type
1:25:08 - Arithmetic Operators, Precedence, Associativity
1:29:52 - Increment, Decrement, and Assignment Operators
1:35:36 - parseInt and parseFloat Methods
1:39:11 - Converting Decimal Numbers to Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal
1:44:18 - Number Instance Methods and Math Object
1:51:19 - String Data Type
1:57:08 - String Methods
2:02:47 - More String Methods
2:09:56 - Functions and Objects
2:17:47 - If, Else, Else If
2:21:28 - Benefit of Control Flow
2:25:21 - Comparison Operators
2:28:08 - Logical Operators
2:32:03 - Switch Statement
2:37:11 - Single Line if Statement
2:40:26 - Ternary Operator
2:45:11 - Intro to Loops
2:51:13 - Creating Loops
2:58:08 - Loop Examples
3:07:11 - Break and Continue
3:13:18 - Nested Loops
3:19:55 - Intro to Arrays
3:26:15 - Intro to Multidimensional Arrays
3:33:07 - Using Arrays
3:39:02 - Iterate Through Array Examples Search an Array
3:46:01 - Average of Array Values
3:50:03 - Fill Array from User Input Indefinite Loop and Sentinel Value
3:54:19 - Array Methods Part 1
4:02:07 - Array Methods Part 2
4:07:13 - Array Methods Part 3
4:15:00 - forEach Method Arrays
4:21:41 - Iterate Multidimensional Array with for and forEach
4:29:00 - Label with Break and Continue
4:37:37 - Dates
4:44:09 - Using Dates and Unix Timestamp in JavaScript
4:53:25 - Date Methods
5:01:19 - Intro to Functions - Functions Part 1
5:09:42 - Passing Arguments by Value - Functions Part 2
5:17:04 - Callback Functions - Functions Part 3
5:25:55 - Function Declarations and Expressions
5:29:06 - Hoisting
5:33:43 - Hoisting in Practice
5:39:56 - Functions as First Class Citizens (Objects)
5:46:44 - Memoization and Algorithms Optimization
5:55:08 - Default Parameters, Rest Parameters, Implicit Parameters
6:03:22 - Introduction to this
6:08:40 - this
6:15:02 - Call and Apply
6:18:02 - bind
6:20:29 - Arrow Function
6:25:05 - Creating Arrow Functions
6:28:56 - this with Arrow Functions
6:32:59 - this with Arrow Methods and Object Literals
6:36:42 - bind with Arrow Functions
6:39:20 - Intro to Debugging
6:43:58 - Event Listener Breakpoints
6:47:18 - Exemptions (Throw, Catch, Finally)
6:54:00 - Object Oriented JavaScript
6:58:09 - Creating a Constructor Function
7:03:26 - Creating a Factory Function
7:06:03 - Creating Prototype Methods for Constructor Functions
7:09:37 - Prototype Inheritance
7:12:08 - Prototypes and Constructors
7:17:05 - Override in Prototypal Inheritance
7:20:26 - Instance Properties vs Prototype Properties
7:25:51 - Polymorphism
7:29:28 - Polymorphism Example
7:32:59 - Polymorphism Example
7:38:42 - Check an Object for a Property Using in
7:40:35 - hasOwnProperty Method
7:42:16 - How to Get an Array of Property Names from an Object
7:44:28 - Converting Object Literals to Constructors
7:49:09 - Setting Prototypes with Constructors
7:51:22 - instance Operator
7:55:44 - HTML Essentials
8:03:51 - CSS Essentials
8:14:43 - Intro to the DOM
8:16:51 - Working with DOM Children
8:20:43 - getElementsByTagName and getElementsByClassName
8:23:23 - Node Types and Node Names
8:28:31 - Text Node ChildNodes Explained
8:32:36 - Modifying nodeValue
8:35:55 - Practice with Event Listeners
8:41:49 - Working with Attributes in the DOM
8:46:14 - Dynamically Adding Nodes
8:50:32 - Conclusion and What’s Next
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