What the 1977 Wow! signal might've sounded like
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Due to the nature of the Big Ear radio telescope, no actual sound recording of the signal exists.
The receiver was merely printing out the intensity of a received signal, and it was limited to only a single sample each 10 seconds with 2 extra seconds of data processing, effectively making the telescope "write down the loudness" of the signal it was receiving every 12 seconds.
Because of this, many of the WOW signal's true characteristics are unknown, such as its form or real bandwidth.
I used Audacity and the original samples from the Big Ear radio telescope and attempted to recreate a signal that would produce those samples back.
Note that the true length of the signal is also unknown, instead the fading of the signal in and out is caused by the stationary telescope rotating with planet Earth, only pointing at the WOW signal's true source for only a few seconds.
The receiver was merely printing out the intensity of a received signal, and it was limited to only a single sample each 10 seconds with 2 extra seconds of data processing, effectively making the telescope "write down the loudness" of the signal it was receiving every 12 seconds.
Because of this, many of the WOW signal's true characteristics are unknown, such as its form or real bandwidth.
I used Audacity and the original samples from the Big Ear radio telescope and attempted to recreate a signal that would produce those samples back.
Note that the true length of the signal is also unknown, instead the fading of the signal in and out is caused by the stationary telescope rotating with planet Earth, only pointing at the WOW signal's true source for only a few seconds.
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