How to Prepare for Basic Training (1 of 3)

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Preparing for an Army Basic Training Workout - #1 - Don't Go Out of Shape!
Basic Training Ultimate Guide -

0:00 - Intro
2:28 - Do NOT Go To Army Basic Training Out-Of-Shape!
3:44 - Start Preparing Now
5:13 - Don't Get Recycled or Injured in Basic
9:16 - 100x Better Basic Training Experience

Like it or NOT… You will be the healthiest and in the best shape of your entire life after basic training
You can enjoy the experience
You can absolutely hate the experience
You don’t want to be recycled
you won’t fail out of training
you will be recycled
no one wants to be recycled
You don’t want to get injured
basic & AIT suck
You have no freedom
You don’t want to be stuck there
Drill Sergeants will punish you with Physical Activity
Smoke Sessions are BACK!
You will do something wrong 600x a day.
If you are in shape who cares.
I could see it in my drills face that he or she knew it didn’t bother me… they will leave you alone
Your experience will be 100x better
You can come out with a medal
if you go into basic in-shape… imagine what you will be when you get out.
You won’t hate your life for 10 weeks (just a little)
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Follows these videos & you will be READY for Basic Training.


Man I'm going out of shape only got month left


I remember marine pt it’s was hell, but I still want to do


Wow I’m preparing for basic training I was a Rotc cadet I went to summer basic camp for 6 weeks which will help me prepare for the actual 10 weeks. How to get the medal 🏅
