Why 80% of Men (Over 40) Seek Casual Relationships

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#jonathonaslay #datingadvice #whymenseekcasual

Get Him To Commit Before Sleeping Together (The Dating Vow)

Have you ever heard the saying: Women are the gatekeepers of sex, and men are the gatekeepers of commitment?

The "Dating VOW" Before Sleeping Together

I ___________________ agree to explore the process of getting to know you with the intent to declare something serious in the next 3 to 6 months.

I ___________________ agree to be monogamous sexual while we have regular sex together

I ___________________ agree to not actively seek to meet/date others while we are in this dating process (include taking down dating profile)

I ___________________ agree to speak up if this isn't working for me vs. pulling back, ghosting or disappearing

I ___________________ agree to invest regular time in this process of getting to know you which looks like this _______________

90% of men will bail on this because thousands of women will have sex without any commitment/agreement whatsoever. If all women are banned together (going forward), this will change how men treat/view sex, but in the meantime, if he does agree, you have a better chance of commitment than without it.
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Nah. After having dated several of those guys who want "a relationship" and some who only want "to date".... I have decided that I am gonna believe only want casual, no matter how they term it. Otherwise they would have said they wanted a real relationship. pretending they want a relationship someday (with someone else even) isn't helpful! Menwill not have to be asked to explain will let a woman know if they want a woman permanently. Run from any man who doesn't make his intentions clear early on. Take it from someone who has had the stupid idea that men have to be prodded to make a know what they want. If you think you have to think FOR them, you will get hurt.


As soon as I see "casual" or that they "don't know" what they're looking for, I'm immediately out! I'd rather stay single forever than deal with any foolishness. :)


Have to admit I’ve learned more about relationships and male and female communication over the last 7 months of reading these books and watching these videos than I did in my 20 years of marriage. I feel so much more equipped now for my next committed relationship.


The problem is they put on there with goal of committed on their dating profile to confuse you and start calling you babe and make you think that things are going somewhere and then after you finally trust them in our intimate they pull away so they’re sneaky. It’s very painful.


Ladies, if a man says he wants a casual relationship, please believe him. He is a grown man. Therefore, he should know what type of relationship he is interested in pursuing with you. If he wants a serious relationship with another woman then he needs to go find her and stop wasting your time.


Uh… NO. That’s lying! NEVER tell a woman that you want a committed relationship if you don’t want one with HER!! If you don’t know, say you are open to having one with the right person… But only if you are truly open to having one with her, that’s called integrity! If you know for a fact that you will never want a committed relationship with her in particular, do her a favor and leave her alone!


Love this. Women, you don't want to be nurse or purse, either. This is so true. This messaging is very strong. Dating is a shitshow. Love it.


Yes we are all dysfunctional and a lot more so than others because of their upbringings and I like the fact that you pointed it out in one of your sessions. Thank you for being on here and trying to put our minds straight because it helps a great deal and I like the fact that you do recommend books


After being told lies and deceived in one relationship in my 20s I’m one and done because until I get the marriage I would assume there are thousands of men like the 1st one I met. Not all women have childhood issues, it’s the disrespect that men give us that give us non trust issues.


Very true, Jonathon--with a few caveats. My experience: My divorced ex always dissed marriage, "I'll never marry again, " on and on. As we continued dating, guess who mentioned marriage 3x? Yup, him. Turns out, it was just a fantasy for him. He preferred to keep distance from me (he was scared, said he wasn't good at relationships). Why he's my ex. Second guy I dated said right out of the gate he was looking for a relationship. Come to find out, EVERYTHING had to be on his terms. He's still single. Men will say casual, but give them time and exposure to see how he really FEELS. Many do change their minds for the right woman.


THANKYOU....all of your videos have helped me so much. I had a breakup recently that was a friend's with benefits then a guy who SAID he wanted long term but once sex was introduced...BREADCRUMBS so I cut him off. I feel GREAT because now I know my boundaries and what I will put up with...thanks to you. And this "vagina " is staying closed for awhile until they step up. Thanks again.


I started dating 4 years after my divorce. I made it clear I was not interested in a 24/7 relationship. We both had to keep own residences, family/friends, hobbies. It took a few tries--surprised that 2 wanted marriage very soon. Finally I met a man in my hometown who told me we needed to go out. We have enjoyed our lives over almost 6 years. There was a point we got too close & it scared us after realizing someone could get thru the walls we had in place. We talked about it & decided we like what we have & know there is too much togetherness.


I just started talking to a man on Hinge. He asked me what I was looking for after he said "I'm here to have fun!" That was my cue to say NEXT! I'm 60 and have already had fun. I need a reliable life partner.


PRAYING for you Jonathon and your son Collin. I know it's a hard time of year for you right now. Connor seemed like a really sweet son!! My heart goes out to you. You have survived much more than I could so I congratulate you.


Jonathan, you’re the most authentic and genuine person I’ve ever met. I also appreciate that you get vulnerable with us and say it like it is.


Jonathan, PLEASE KEEP THIS UP! I love the fact that you are so passionate about this! Tough love and all that 🤷🏽‍♀️ some people need to hear the raw truth! I appreciate you and your passion on this subject 👏🏽


The dating world for those of us 40+ is a jungle.
Men our age do seem to only want casual..
Ive decided no intimacy because when he leaves, I get very hurt, men are all good, they can sleep with someone and leave the next day, no problem..
And men do play bait and switch, such as telling her "I want a relationship, " but then after a few times in bed,
he switches his intentions and only wants to spend little time with you. Wait until the relationship has been rock solid - strong- that is, marriage, before giving him sex, otherwise, he will leave after getting what he wants.
I just cut of ties with a man last month after two years of seeing each other long distance, he moved back to my city where he's from, and the first two months of him being back, he only saw me twice, i thought - and was full of hope - the relationship would be upgraded to commitment once he moved back to our city, it didn't happen that way... so, I cut him loose .


Honesty is the best policy. Why don't they just say I'm interested in getting to know you and if all goes well....


This is great !! I am going to ask more in depth questions when dating. I'm a work in progress when it comes to communicating lol


Some men jump thru hoops and act like they want a relationship to get in your pants. Asking questions and being intentional helps but it's a jungle out there no matter what🦁🐯🐻
