Bezout's Identity to solve ax+by=1 (a,b) are coprime
Bezout’s Identity for Integrs
4.4 Bezout's Identity
Bezout's Identity Part 1: An Example
Bezout's Identity
Abstract Algebra | Writing the gcd of polynomials as a combination.
Bézout’s Identity Part 0: A Brief History & Tangents
Number Theory | The GCD as a linear combination.
MATH 235-Abstract Algebra 1-Lecture6-Bezout's Identity -Euclidean Algorithm
Bezout's Theorem
12.07 Bézout's Identity
Euclidean Algorithm and Bezout's Identity (CNCM Lecture)
Proof that GCD(a ,b) is minimum element is set S={ ax + by } ( Bezout's Identity Proof ).
lec57 Properties of GCD and Bézout’s Theorem
Bezout's Identity: Unveiling the Practical Magic of the Beyond Equations #history #philosphy#tr...
Thanks you kind sir, took you 8 minutes to do what my teacher could not in 2 class sessions, explain the backwards substitution effectively.
Thank you. After about 2 hours of trying to figure this out through a textbook, it only took 7 minutes of your video. Now, understood and done.
This video helped SO MUCH! With all classes being online, my prof is no longer doing lectures how he used to and this topic was poorly executed. I'm glad a classmate found this video!
6 years later and this man is still a math god
After many videos, this video clarified everything for me. Thank you!
i rarely like a video, but you sir deserved it ! Thank you very much
Thank you sir. Was struggling on a online math class where the textbook insufficiently describes this process.
Thank you so much, this is so much clearer than what i'm learning in university!
I think the general solutions to the problem are u = 7 + 31k and v = -16 - 71k. There are infinitely many solutions to this because after finding the lcm, there's no limit to the amount of factors that lead to a difference of 10.
This broke it down perfectly for me, thank you.
Thank you so much! This was so much easier than the other videos :)
This really helped me understand that method. Great video! Thank you!
Amazing! First time this was explained properly. Thank you!
Thank you very much :) even if i'm french and don't have a good english level, you really helped me. TY !
Try to implement it
My implementation is iterative with stack, but stack can be eliminated
Super 👍 helped me very much :) thank you
Sir, can you please tell me how to find more coefficients?
It seems a monstrously complicated way of doing it. There are so many operations necessary for even a fairly simple calculation, and of course the more separate operations you have to do the more likely you are (anyway, I am!) to make an error.