Find a + b + c = ?, IF ab = 2, bc = 6 & ca = 3 | Learn How to Solve

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Can you solve If ab = 2, bc = 6 & ca = 3 Then a + b + c = ?

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a + b + c


IF ab = 2, bc = 6 & ca = 3 Then a+b+c=?
IF ab = 2, bc = 6 & ca = 3 Then find the value of a+b+c
Find the value of a+b+c when ab = 2, bc = 6 & ca = 3
Find a+b+c=? when ab = 2, bc = 6 & ca = 3
Рекомендации по теме

If ab=2, bc=6, and ca=3, then ab*ca=2*3=6
Or a*b*a*c=6 or (a^2)*b*c=6 or (a^2)*6=6, here (a^2)=1, imply that a=1 or a=-1

Using subtitution,
For a=1, then b=2 and c=3 -> (1, 2, 3) and a+b+c=6
For a=-1, then b=-2 and c=-3 -> (-1, -2, -3) and a+b+c=-6
The anawers fir a+b+c are 6 and -6
