ESP8266-01 with multiple I2C devices?! || Exploring ESP8266:Part 2

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Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by my video!
This is a very exciting video about the almost forgotten ESP8266 01 Wi-Fi modules. These modules are very much used to have a Wi-Fi feature in standalone Arduino projects but with more powerful boards like the NodeMCU and ESP32 in the market, this board is now often ignored.
Join me in this mini video series where we explore the various powerful but rather unexplored features of this little board.
In this video I show you how an ESP8266-01 module can interface with multiple I2C devices. Here temperature and pressure data from BMP180 sensor are being displayed on the OLED screen
I have made previous videos which can be helpful for you:
#esp8266 #arduino #wifi
This is a very exciting video about the almost forgotten ESP8266 01 Wi-Fi modules. These modules are very much used to have a Wi-Fi feature in standalone Arduino projects but with more powerful boards like the NodeMCU and ESP32 in the market, this board is now often ignored.
Join me in this mini video series where we explore the various powerful but rather unexplored features of this little board.
In this video I show you how an ESP8266-01 module can interface with multiple I2C devices. Here temperature and pressure data from BMP180 sensor are being displayed on the OLED screen
I have made previous videos which can be helpful for you:
#esp8266 #arduino #wifi
ESP8266-01 with multiple I2C devices?! || Exploring ESP8266:Part 2
#20 Tutorial: Multiple Devices on One Arduino I2C Bus
ESP8266-01 board has I2C communication?! || Exploring ESP8266:Part 1
#21 Two Equal Displays on One Arduino I2C Bus (Tutorial)
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Multiple I2C devices of same address on Arduino
Multiple I2C Devices
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