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Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sister. Wow, wow, wow. Hold onto your hats! This one is powerful and so incredibly exciting to follow and understand together. I'm so excited to share tonight's teaching with you all. I pray it blesses you and strengthens you and many, many more in the true understanding of the revelation of the "Is To Come" of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. We cover many areas tonight and tie them all together.
So take your time as needed and follow it through and study it out where needed. It's All In Order:) GOD bless you and yours always.

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I pray for us ALL and our families that We have our houses in Order and are ready to go! I truly love you all Brothers and Sisters and pray for you and all your families. I look forward to meeting you and yours in our Lord presence very soon:)

The 14 Year Tribulation Timeline Chart Overview. Link;

Opened Books the Chapters to Years. Link;

Israel is the time piece to the End Time Years! Link;

June 17, 2010 video telling of future events happening Now;

RECOMMENED PLAYLIST - for all who are new to the revelations of this ministry -
You can view on the Intro page of the Ministry Revealed website (recommended)
You can also view on the playlist page of our Ministry Revealed YouTube channel

Please continue to support us in getting out the truth, Operation 14 Years. We want to get as many of these USB teachings out there as we can before it all begins. To ship them around the world. AND we would like to know which churches you'd like to see receive one of these packages. If you have a church leader or others in mind please give us their name as well as church address/ shipping info. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD And please don't forget we ask for your prayers first and foremost. Thank you and GOD bless you and your families.

Watch and pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape All these things that shall come to pass upon the whole earth and to stand before the Son of man.
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Great video Alain and awesome teaching amen brother.


My soul longs for the Savior. Do your souls long for the Lord ?❤


IT'S 3:15 in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep, turned on my tablet hoping for a new video and here we go.😂


So awesome a teaching!!!
Amazing finding about horn/mountain in Daniel… at the 2:22 mark…. Fist Pumping Great!!!!


Hi Alain, another awesome video! it would be nice for people who don't know, if you'd explain what the "mountains" and the horns etc are. Thanks


So we have 14 more years 😢God help us if this is true 😢if not more 😢😢


I have a teaching that is mostly written that has to do with the 80 years from Psalm 90.
It differs a bit from yours. I had not listened to your channel for quite a while and was surprised to hear you speak on your perspective on Psalm 90.
Yes Modern Israel began on 5/14/1948 however,
Jesus had Spoken of Israel as "being" the Fig Tree.
Trees have been planted in Israel since early 1900's but Israel is the Fig Tree that was planted in 1948.
There are 4 New Years in Israel and The New Year of the Trees on Shevat 15 is one of them. In1949 Israel became 1 year old as any tree planted at any time in the previous year becomes 1 year old on the following Feast of Trees.
The beginning of the 4th year was FOTrees in 1951.
Any fruit that year belonged to the Lord. By my understanding the fruit harvest is considered complete at the Feast of Ingathering later in the year.
Feast of Tabernacles/ Ingathering in 1951 till Feast of T/I in 2031 is a complete 80.
We will have completed 7 years from the Revelation 12 sign on September 23rd 2017 (1 day after Feast of Trumpets), coming on FOT/I this fall.
Passover and Feast of Tabernacles are opposite one another. Feast of Trees and Tu B'AV are opposite also.
I can accept that the 8th of Av is 7 weeks plus 1 day after May 5th. Then another 50 days and this would be the Feast of Wine/ Summer Wheat Harvest.
Yes the Manchild could be born and caught away that day but I also believe that the Woman carried away on eagle's wings will happen a week later on the 15th, Tu B'Av. She is the bride. Brides are carried away. I have more I could say on that.
Leah and Rachel were a 2 part bride taken a week apart. The Manchild and the Woman from Revelation 12 are a 2 part bride.
One, the Leah bride, is expressed as those set apart as Kings and Priests that will rule and reign. The other, the Rachel bride, are as those who are spoken of in Exodus 19:1-6.
The woman carried away is as the wise virgins and the ones left behind are as the foolish virgins. They bear the testimony of Jesus and obey His commandments.
Virgo, the woman in the heavens is all Christians, all are as virgins, or maidens in the sense that they've been made pure by Jesus blood. They are "Stars in the Heavens, the Heavenly Kingdom.
My perspective is that the Woman and those left behind are the lesser and greater sheepfolds of Rachel, the greater joining the lesser after 3 1/2 years.
Don't forget that Rachel means Ewe, a female sheep. Rachel also means Pure, as a virgin, or young Maiden.
I too believe that the Manchild is gone before trouble begins but by the 9th of Av the Maiden's Travail could be upon her. On the 15th, Tu B'Av the Joseph portion of Rachel could be taken but the Ben Oni, or son of my sorrow remains.
Not many agree with the idea of a 2 part pretribulation escape. It seems real enough to me but too many can't accept the idea of 1 pretrib escape, say nothing about 2.
Think about Jacob's surprise on the morning after marrying Leah. He had no idea of a 2nd bride a week later until that day.
I still think Jesus will come back by Feast of Tabernacles in 2031 but if not, then by Feast of Trees in 2032.


"Revelation 12:14 and to the woman were given two wings of a great great Eagle that she might fly into the Wilderness unto a place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time what does that mean that's how long she just fled away for so if I just showed that 70 to 80 is 10 years then soon is about 6 months and then you've got time one year comma and that's a division and added together so that means one time two times that's 1 + 2 comma and plus a half time that is 3 and A2 years 1 + 2 plus a half that is 3 and 1/2 years so what did we see 70 to 80 soon about 6 months and then we fly away 3 and 1/2 years that's a total of 14 years" where can I find more info?
