9 Unexpected Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

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I’m going to reveal amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar that I’ve never shared before.


0:00 Introduction: Researching apple cider vinegar
0:30 Understanding apple cider vinegar
1:55 Unexpected benefits of apple cider vinegar
4:45 Check out my other video on apple cider vinegar (it has 14 million views)!

I recently did a deep dive on apple cider vinegar to see if there are any benefits I haven’t mentioned in other videos. Here is what I found.

The main acid in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid. Your microbes make acetic acid, and it’s the most abundant short-chain fatty acid in your body.

Acetic acid is like fuel for your colon cells. I’ve mentioned the popular benefits of apple cider vinegar in other videos, from boosting your energy to decreasing belly fat and much more. But let’s talk about some of the lesser-known apple cider vinegar benefits.

Unexpected benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV):
1. Acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is a potent anti-inflammatory, especially for your gut—but be sure to dilute the ACV with water.

2. Apple cider vinegar helps support mucin, which can help decrease the risk of a leaky gut.

3. Apple cider vinegar has additional phenolic compounds, which have the potential to inhibit the formation of plaquing in the brain. These compounds also support cognitive function.

4. Certain medical procedures use acetic acid to help shrink tumors. This means the acetic acid in ACV has potential anticancer effects.

5. Acetic acid in ACV can help prevent the overgrowth of candida in someone with dentures.

6. Apple cider vinegar can be used for fungus in the ear.

7. Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for atopic dermatitis. A diluted ACV solution can help reduce inflammation on your skin.

8. Apple cider vinegar can help inhibit plaque formation in your arteries.

9. Apple cider vinegar is hepatoprotective. It helps protect the liver against certain heavy metals and certain harmful microbes.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar.
Рекомендации по теме

My mother, born in 1927, told me her grandfather kept a barrel of ACV in the garage at all times. They used it for everything, drank it, cooked with it, cleaned with it, put it on sunburn, drizzled it on food. Their large family was never sick.


1.Anti-inflammatory properties
2.supports mucin
3.additional phenolic compounds
4.used to stop tumors
5. Flights candida growth in dentures
6.fights fungus in the ear
7.helps with atopic dermatitis
8. Helps stop plaquing in the arteries
9. Hepatoprotective


My grandmother, born in 1902, used Apple cider vinegar for everything. Her main go to was to remove pain from the body as well as toxins. She would take a cloth and soak it in Apple cider vinegar and place it on the muscle that was affected. Then she would wrap that with brown paper bags from the grocery store and leave it on for a while. It would take the pain out of the arm or leg. She also used it to soak in a bathtub when she was stressed. She kept it by the gallons.


ACV literally has changed my life. I suffered from really bad GERD for over 20 years. After a week of consistently doing ACV in the morning, I was able to get off my meds totally with no rebound acid reflux. I wish I would have tried this a long time ago.


I love that you update your recommendations with even more current studies and information. Thank you so much Dr. Berg!


My father in law just died at 96. Weirdly, we never knew why, but he had apple cider vinegar every morning w a tiny bit of honey and hot water. I heard he did this all his life as an odd habit. He died from prostate issues and old age, nothing in particular. He was a butcher and ate meat, fat, bacon, every day of his life but also rode a bicycle most of his life even into his 80s in the street!


My mom auntie was cancer when she was 50’s she always drinking apple cider vinegar she still in life 97 years old.


And a 10th benefit, I have been using it instead of conditioner when washing my hair, massaging, leaving for a couple of minutes and then rinsing. My hair has never been so soft and sleek. Amazing! 🙂🇬🇧


Every single one of your videos is a goldmine of helpful information, and the fact that you make it available for free truly shows how well applied the internet is as a tool for humanity when in the right hands. Dr. Berg, you are a true philanthropist.


ACV has been proven to be life changing for me, being a GERD patient for almost a decade, lately it started to hurt so much that I felt hopeless and thought PPI is the only thing I will have to take once daily but deep inside I always wanted a natural remedy. I have known ACV for quite a long time just couldn't practice it but the way Dr. Berg explained it, I was compelled to try it and now there is only one regret that why I didn't try it before, could've saved myself from a decade of excruciating pain, but I guess better late than never. So thank you Dr. Berg, 1 teaspone diluted in water almost 3 times a week works like magic.


I am addicted to apple cider vinegar in my water drink it the whole day.I don't have arthritis any more and lost weight.


Dr. Berg, please don’t ever feel like because you made a video on this or any topic that you shouldn’t make more. I am true believer of “more over”!! The more I hear it, the more it is present with me. I listen each time because I always need reminding. Plus, no one video can give you all the information you need.


After I found out last year that am insulin resistance type 2 diabetes I started watching your program following your advice and I was able to lose 61lb I feel better in my self my belly literally getting flatter am 2 size down I feel more confident am doing omad now to achieve more


Every evening we have this drink: Dr. Berg's Original Keto Electrolytes Powder Raspberry Lemon - 2 tablespoons of organic ACV - 16 oz. water with 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed. Tastes great. Dr. Berg can you do a video on flax seed and mouth wash? Thanks for all you do.


I often drank apple cider vinegar when I had gallstones. I heard it stopped the pain that you can get, so I simply sipped half a glass before I slept & the pain stopped within a few mins. Since then I still drink it even after my gallbladder removal not only do I feel better but it has so many benefits as you mentioned Dr Berg thank you for sharing your knowledge 😊🙏💯


My grandma gave me a book about the uses of vinegar when I was 16. I didn't read it! I should've, I'm taking it every day now thanks to you and I have less inflammation and my gut feels great. No more heartburn, yay!


I am 38 years old and I drink Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water twice a day and my belly fat and swelling in my feet is completely gone. I can see veins in my feet again and my puffy eyes and dark circles underneath them are gone. My eyes use to become watery when looking at the computer screen for too long and now my eyes stay clear all day. I have lots of energy and I wake up almost bouncing and I love going to the gym now. I used ACV for 6 months and the results are amazing.


It’s also great for stye. I put a hot wash cloth to dilate the pores and open them. then a cloth with acv. The stye immediately started draining.


ACV is a MUST 🙌🏼 I have it everyday and I’m down 70lbs!!


For the First Time in my life I'm making ACV without adding sugar or anything unhealthy. Just apples. I hope I do it successfully. Thank you Dr. Berg for awaring us.
