Missing 411 David Paulides Presents A Physician Missing in Oregon & Hiker Missing in Tasmania

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Bruce Fairfax
Dr Graham Case
© 2024 David Paulides NABS LLC
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Good Morning, Friends and Villagers.
Thanks for being here for two important cases/.

I hope you are having a GREAT week.
Here is the link to order the new book, Missing 411 Washington.
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Dream Finds Body

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Missing Trail Runners:

Skinwalker Ranch

Tribute to Scott Carpenter:
John Desouza- Retired FBI Agent:
Interview with TN Congressman Tim Burchett:

Bigfoot 101 Class

Missing Truckers Series


Huck is so precious. Happy Father's Day, Dave. Thanks for all you do. ❤


Happy Father's Day, Dave. Prayers up today.


David, I am so sorry for your loss. This day is difficult for you but know that your son loved you. This message is also for my brother, AV. 🙏🕊


I'm in a dark place, felt the words you mentioned in your in-between monolog. It just seems to get harder and harder, not easier and easier. Don't know when that peace will come, I'll keep trying everyday. Thank you.


"Being resilient in the worst of times is something we're not trained to do." That is some deep wisdom Dave. Those are the times that you reach deep down into your soul and find out what you're made of.


So i care for my 90 year old grams and i just introduced her to the 411 series. I'm in trouble cause i only have 1 of them and she has read the 1st 1 in 3 days lol. Bless her heart. She had dementia and if this gives her some peace i will do it❤


I live in Southern Oregon, I have a fly shop up in the woods near the Rogue River. When I was starting out my Dad was shot and killed by my angry drug addicted brother, made it difficult to get through life as my Dad was my best friend. He was a hard working, handsome man that loved all three of us kids above all things. I was lucky to find his diary that gave me insight into his kind heart and that even though he worked long hours as a log truck driver he always knew when we had baseball and softball games, 4-h functions (I raided dairy goats), he even knew who we were hanging out with and what we were up to. He wanted to be there but his priorities were in order. I could write a book on the good character of my Dad, suffice it to say that I'm fortunate to have the best Dad for a short time rather than one who was around but didn't care. Your subject today was/is a good Dad and his children are fortunate for that. My friend, Mr, Paulides your son was also one of the fortunate ones.
I will be watching out for that car and promise to forward the information to everyone I can.


I'm surprised and happy to get a
notification from the five star channel
Canam Missing Project. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Mr. Paulides you're much appreciated.👍


I’m amazed that your views are not in the 100s of thousands…
You are the best story teller


So sorry for your loss Dave❤. I'm in Australia and have spoken to a Park Ranger from the Cradle Mountain area in Tasmania a few years back. I was at a gathering and he had had a few wines and quite chatty. I asked him about a young woman that had gone missing a few months beforehand. It was a big news item at the time. I wondered if they'd found any sign of her. He half laughed at the question and said to me that people go missing there all the time and they're never found. He wondered why this young woman was getting all the media attention and the others weren't. He wasn't interested in talking about it too much more. I've never forgotten that conversation. Something is going on down there


I lost my father when i was a teenager in 1992. He died young at only 52. I still think about him everyday, and especially on this day. I know you're missing your son on this Father's Day as well. I am so sorry for your loss.
In Graham's case, it could be possible that he and his car are under water. Either by accident, or on purpose. There are investigators that do those types of searches. It's hard to hide an entire car for this long, unless it's under water.


My husband asked what I was watching about a month ago, so I restarted one of your videos. While we watched it together, he turned to me and said you were "really laying down some Dad advice".

Since then, when my husband asks what I am watching, I'll tell him that I am getting my daily Dad talk.

Thank you.


My Father is a retired NC Wildlife Resources Commission Officer, and He is My True & Absolute Hero. The only other non-family Male whom I have ever thought to be a father figure for myself, if my paternal father was absent from my life, was and would have been Steve Irwin and You Dave. I would be soo proud to have You as a Father. I believe You are a Father Figure to More of Us than You Realize!!!


You have no idea how much I appreciate you and Huck.you are a great man ❤


We feel your pain Dave. We lost our beautiful 22 year old daughter 2 weeks ago. Father’s Day will always be hard. Mothers Day for me 💔


Thank you for the time with Huck. She's beautiful.


Dave, Happy Father’s Day. I know this day is hard for you and so I just wanted to let you know that we genuinely care for and appreciate you - this day and every day. Thank you for all you do!


Hi Dave, our Great Pyrenees named Buffy the Coyote Slayer; had the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes! She would look into your eyes and she never would forget you when she met you. She kept all of our farm animals safe, as well as our neighbors acreage; free of charge LOL.


Hauck is absolutely gorgeous and precious!! 🥰

Happy Father's Day!
